

川端康成在中國的接受與傳播 作者:丁曉敏


As a well-known writer who has won the Nobel Prize for literature,Kawabata Yasunari’s works have been widely disseminated and accepted in China. This dissertation aims at sorting out the regular pattern of Kawabata Yasunari’s dissemination and influence in China,and analyzing the significance of Kawabata Yasunari and his works in China’s varied historical period since the 20th century.

Investigating the adoption and dissemination of Kawabata Yasunari in China can date back to the literature movement of Chinese New Sensation School in late 1920s,when Chinese Neo-sensation School represented by Liu Naou and She Zhecun seek reference in Kawabata Yasunari’s works. As one of the most important writer of Japanese Neo-sensation School,Chinese writers take him as a model while learning Japanese New Sensation School and taking in the Zeitgeist and techniques of Western Modernism Literature. However,after the ephemeral Chinese Neo-sensation School,China’s adoption for Kawabata Yasunari turned into silence for several decades. Things changed in 1980s when Chinese modern writers including root-seeking writers as well as andavant-garde writers embarked on an explosive learning alacrity for Kawabata Yasunari. Root-seeking literature drew experience from Kawabata Yasunari’s “successful constructing of a cultural bridge between the east and the west” through absorbing the philosophy of “returning to traditions”,the root of one’s nation. Avant-garde writers found more functions of literature beyond conveying truth and educating people by referring to Kawabata Yasunari’s deviation from realism,which further guided them to construct a vanguard literature free from traditions. By the turn of the century and the start of a new century,when Chinese society has been shocked by cyberspace and diversity,Kawabata Yasunari helps alienated crowds to find their true nature and a tranquil dwelling place for their emotions. Therefore,Kawabata Yasunari manages to both offer his modern Chinese readers an emotional experience of beauty with more diversified forms and render a fragmented aesthetic inspiration to modern writers,who have been discovering and conveying beauty through varied resources from Kawabata Yasunari’s works.

The dissertation contains two parts. The first part talks about the observation and classification of the fact about Kawabata Yasunari’s transmission in China which includes three chapters. The first chapter sorts out the translation of Kawabata Yasunari’s works in China;Chapter Two gives a general study situation on Kawabata Yasunari;Chapter Three classifies Kawabata Yasunari’s transmission in Chinese mass media.

The second part is the observation and study about the adoption of Chinese literary world toward Kawabata Yasunari,which consists of last three chapters.

Chapter Four expounds the adoption and reference about Kawabata Yasunari of literary genres in 20th century of China,which includes the school of New sensation literature,Root-seeking literature and Avant-garde literature. Through analyzing the elements of Chinese Neo-sensationalism referred from Kawabata Yasunari,this dissertation carefully distinguishes not only the relationship between the theory and creation of Chinese Neo-sensationalism and the Japanese Neo-sensation literature;for the former whose representatives are Liu Naou and She Zhecun,while the latter are Kawabata Yasunari and Riichi Yokomitsu,but also the relationship between western modernism and Kawabata Yasunari himself,meanwhile this dissertation clarifies their boundaries and composition and discusses the significance of Kawabata Yasunari toward Chinese Neo-sensationalism literature. Since the 1980s many writers,such as Han Shaogong,Li Hangyu,ACheng,MoYan and Jia Pingwa and so on,instinctively raise a movement of root-seeking literature,they get an impact of western superior culture from Kawabata Yasunari’s works while absorbing the creation approaches and thoughts from their own national tradition. They use the relatively fixed space as the carrier for their national root in their writings,but due to some unsurpassable reasons this literary genre soon went silent. After the Neo-sensation school,the Avant-garde literature soon became the most influential one in Chinese literary world. Its typical writers include Yu Hua,Su Tong,Ge Fei and so on,they acquire some enlightenment which is suitable to their literary writing from Kawabata Yasunari’s literature,and in the adoption and thought of Kawabata Yasunari’s literature they found the Avant-garde element in Chinese literature world at that time.

Chapter Five mainly discusses the Chinese writers’ adoption of Kawabata Yasunari. Greatly influenced by his Nobel Prize in Literature and the neighborhood with similar Asian culture and especially attracted by his unique literary charming,enormous Chinese writers absorb what they need from Kawabata Yasunari’s creation and positively use it in their own writings,which make present Chinese literary world break many traditional creating philosophy and approaches of Chinese literature. After systemizing the fragmented elements of Kawabata Yasunari accepted by Chinese writers,we find that it is indeed a complete system of traditional Japanese aesthetics. It breaks the enlightened function of literature and the barrier of ethics as well as makes readers reap the experience of beauty by searching and transmitting the beauty of literature,which brings great significance of Kawabata Yasunari to present literary world in China through the influence of Chinese writers.

Chapter Six mainly focuses on the comparative study. This chapter goes on the comparative study between the professor Cao Wenxuan in Peking University and Kawabata Yasunari;the former is also a writer,a literary theorist and an educator in China. The study aims to think about the inner rule of the development for present literature in China through exploring the writers from different nationalities with literary theories,the meaning of their national culture and personal identity which projects in their writings,meanwhile exploring the distribution of Cao Wenxuan’s inclusive and exclusive elements toward Kawabata Yasunari. Form the cross-cultural perspective to observe and compare the literary creation between Kawabata Yasunari and Chinese writer Su Tong,we are clear that both of their works illustrate the rule of “the structure of detachment” in marriage contract;From the viewpoint of female in marriage,we consider the theory of “the structure of detachment” as a universal one that is introduced by Japanese scholar Kuki Shuzo. From the various differences in the tradition of China and Japan,we are aware the situation of adoption and exclusion in Chinese literature of aesthetic law in Kawabata Yasunari’s works which is originated from Japanese nationality.

The transmission and adoption of Kawabata Yasunari in China is a dialogue between Sino-Japanese traditional culture and aesthetic ideal in modern context. From this point of view,this dissertation can grasp the evolution and development law of modern Chinese culture and literature.

KEYWORDS:Kawabata Yasunari;China;Transmission;Adoption


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