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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科大分流視域下的清代經濟發(fā)展模式(英文版)



定 價:¥98.00

作 者: 倪玉平
出版社: 清華大學出版社
叢編項: 清華史學文庫
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787302619376 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 233 字數:  


  本書試圖探討18世紀末和19世紀初的清朝中國與西方 相比較,其經濟發(fā)展道路是獨特的還是相似的問題。主要分析“馬爾薩斯奇跡”發(fā)生之前的清代人口膨脹及其對策;根據主要商品的市場流通量和關稅記錄,估算19世紀上半葉的商業(yè)總產值;探討以咸同時期為轉折點的清朝財政制度的變遷;分析咸同年間的政府借貸活動以及1823年大水災時的清政府救災情況。對現有的歷史GDP研究和“大分流”研究進行反思,強調利用第一手史料進行研究的重要性。晚清時期的中國是相當特殊的 ,有著很強的傳統(tǒng)和獨特的文化傳承,但這種“獨特”并沒有強烈到讓中國可以違背普適的政治經濟規(guī)律。清代中國仍然遵循著“普遍農業(yè) ”的發(fā)展道路。這種發(fā)展道路,一些西方 早已完成,一些 則直到現在還在完成過程之中。




Chapter 1 Population Expansion and Demographic Pressure in Qing China (1644-1911)
1. "The Chinese Thomas Malthus".
2. Population Expansion in the Early Qing
3. Solutions for the Demographic Pressure
4. Conclusion
Chapter 2 Total Trade Value in the First Haft of the 19th-Century Qing China
1. Estimating the Market Circulation of Commodities
2. Verifying the Value of Commodities with Customs Duties
3. Conclusion
Chapter 3 The Fiscal Transformation of the Qing State in the Middle of the 19th Century
1. The Fiscal Structure of the Jiaqing and Daoguang Times
2. War: An Almost Collapse of the Fiscal System
3. Structural Change
4. Conclusion
Chapter 4 To Borrow Money (1851-1874)
1. Failure of Domestic Borrowing
2. Success of Foreign Loans
3. Conclusion
Chapter 5 China's flood in 1823
1. The Organization of the Qing State
2. The 1823 Flood and Government Response
3. Structure and Amount of Disaster Relief
4. Relationship to Debates in the Literature
5. Conclusion
Archival, printed and online sources
Appendix A Customs Revenues Collected at selected Changguan in 1796-1850 (in taels of silver)
Table A-1 Shanhai Guan, Zhangjiakou, Shahukou, Guihuacheng, Dajianlu, Chen Guan, Zhongjiang
Table A-2 Fengtian Niuma Shui, Wuchang and Xunchang, Pantaokou, Wuyuancheng, Gubeiko, Chongwenmen, Zuoyi
Table A-3 Youyi, Zuoliangting, Huai'an Guan, Xushu Guan, Yangzhou Guan, Wuhu Huguan, Wuhu Gongguan
Table A-4 Fengyang Guan, Longjiang Guan, Xixin Guan, Jiujiang Guan, Gan Guan, Beixin Guan, Nanxin Guan
Table A-5 Linqing Huguan, Linqing Gongguan, Taiping Guan, Wuchang Guan, Jingzhou Guan, Hubei Xinguan, Kui Guan
Table A-6 Yu Guan, Tianjin Guan, Tianjin Haiguan, Donghai Guan, Jianghai Guan, Zhehai Guan
Table A-7 Minhai Guan, Total, Subtotal Huguan, Subtotal Gongguan
Appendix B Land Tax in 1821-1850 (in taels of silver)
Table B-1 Zhili, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan
Table B-2 Jiangning, Suzhou, Anhui, Jiangxi
Table B-3 Fujian, Zhejiang, Hunan, Hubei
Table B-4 Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan
Table B-5 Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi, Total
Appendix C Explaining China's 1823 Flood Regression Model
Table C-1 Price behaviour during and after 1823 flood
Table C-2 Land Tax And Land Tax Reductions in 1823 (in tael of silver)
Table C-3 Total Relief Payments In China (1823, in tael of silver)
Table C-4 Disaster Spending in Britain (1845-1849, annual average), China (1823), and Prussia's Rhine Province (1816-1817)
Appendix D Calculating China's Historical Economic Aggregate: A GDP-centered Measurement


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