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大學英語快速閱讀教程(第三版 4 智慧版)

大學英語快速閱讀教程(第三版 4 智慧版)

定 價:¥57.90

作 者: 賀春英
出版社: 外語教學與研究出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787521345407 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 169 字數(shù):  


  《大學英語快速閱讀教程(第三版)4》根據(jù)《大學英語教學指南(2020 版)》編寫,從英語課程獨特的文化涵養(yǎng)和育人功能角度出發(fā),在內(nèi)容選擇和編排上涵蓋了社會生活、文化、教育、歷史、地理、風土人情等方面,以反映現(xiàn)實生活為主,兼顧閱讀對象的專業(yè)知識。選篇體裁多樣,按照語篇的長度和難度進行分級,遵循大學英語教學的分類指導和因材施教原則,符合《指南》提出的“基礎(chǔ)目標”和“提高目標”要求。通過對教材的學習,學生能基本讀懂題材熟悉、語言難度中等的英文報刊文章和其他英文材料,理解主旨大意,分析語言特點,領(lǐng)會文化內(nèi)涵;能讀懂語言較復雜的文學作品等材料,把握重要信息,推斷作者的情感態(tài)度和言外之意;能較好地運用快速閱讀技巧閱讀篇幅較長、難度中等的材料。教材共8 個單元,每單元圍繞主題,選取5 篇內(nèi)容、題材各異的閱讀文章。本次改版結(jié)合高校外語教學改革方向、“中國英語能力等級量表”研究成果、一線教師的教學建議和學生的反饋,對每個單元的文章都進行了再次考量,對內(nèi)容做出 加合理的調(diào)整。練習題目依照大學英語四級考試閱讀理解題型編寫,包括匹配題、選詞填空題和單項選擇題。教材另補充2 套期中、期末測試題。在教育數(shù)字化背景下,教材充分考慮學生個性化需求,搭載U 校園智慧教學云平臺,為學生提供U 卡通數(shù)字課程,通過混合式教學模式,實現(xiàn) 與線下、課堂教學與自主學習對接,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習習慣。


暫缺《大學英語快速閱讀教程(第三版 4 智慧版)》作者簡介


Unit 1 Psychology
Passage 1 Six Basic Psychology Facts You Need to Know
Passage 2 Teen Depression: A Guide for Teenagers
Passage 3 Young Mental Health Advocates Hope to Educate College Students
Passage 4 Improving Emotional Health
Passage 5 Strategies for Controlling Your Anger
Unit 2 Movies
Passage 1 The Future of Movies
Passage 2 Walt Disney: It All Started With a Mouse
Passage 3 How Movies Influence and Motivate Viewers
Passage 4 Why Animated Movies Often Become Hits
Passage 5 Bruce Lee: The Kung Fu Legend
Unit 3 Culture
Passage 1 Chinese Dragons: Why They're So Important in Chinese Culture
Passage 2 Why Do So Few U.S. Women Hold Top Jobs?
Passage 3 Studying Abroad and Culture Shock
Passage 4 Tipping
Passage 5 Cultural Mistakes to Avoid
Unit 4 Environment
Passage l Seeing Biodiversity From a Chinese Perspective
Passage 2 Eight Simple Ways You Can Help the Environment
Passage 3 U.S. Study Links Air Pollution to Autism
Passage 4 Experts, Industry Leaders, Decision-Makers Meet to Discuss World's Water Problems
Passage 5 Trees Planted to Form a Barricade to Pollution
Unit 5 Cuisine
Passage 1 Some Types of Cuisine From Around the World
Passage 2 How Spanish Food Differs From Mexican Food
Passage 3 Sichuan Cuisine
Passage 4 Chopsticks for My Steak, Please
Passage 5 Curbside Cuisine Takes Street Food to a New Level
Unit 6 Transportation
Passage 1 China's High-Speed Railway: Boosting Connectivity and Cooperation
Passage 2 Strong Growth in China's Civil Aviation Market Despite Challenges
Passage 3 Modern Transportation in China
Passage 4 Call for "Green Badges" and Free Parking for Electric Cars
Passage 5 Bristol Has a Bus Powered by Human Poo
Unit 7 Entertainment
Passage 1 Peking Opera
Passage 2 Ballet
Passage 3 Music Would Not Be the Same Without the Guitar
Passage 4 Cat Cafes Offer Cats and Coffee
Passage 5 Voices on the Radio
Unit 8 Celebrities
Passage 1 Why This Chinese Artist Is Outselling Van Gogh
Passage 2 A Heroic Astronaut
Passage 3 A Basketball Legend
Passage 4 Secrets of a Saddle-Maker
Passage 5 Eartha I(itt: Singer, Actress and "Catwoman"


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