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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書文學(xué)藝術(shù)文學(xué)民間文學(xué)白族神話傳說故事精選



定 價:¥55.00

作 者: 施紅梅
出版社: 云南大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787548243694 出版時間: 2022-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 163 字數(shù):  


  本書主要采集了居住于滇西北高原的白族的民間故事。這些故事是白族歷史發(fā)展的沉淀,直接體現(xiàn)了白族的文化內(nèi)涵,其中包括歷史典故、神話傳說、愛情故事、民間寓言等,內(nèi)容包羅萬象,囊括世間百態(tài)。包含諸多人們耳熟能詳?shù)墓适?,諸如:神祇與英雄、借地收羅剎、鶴拓、牟伽陀開辟鶴慶、開辟甸索壩、東瓜佬與西瓜佬、光璧殺妖、島枝除魔鳥、獵人殺妖、龍肝、綠桃村龍母的傳說等。閱讀這些故事,能領(lǐng)略白族的文化和風(fēng)土人情。本書對傳承白族的 文化有較大幫助,對豐富中華 文化也是一種補充。




Part I The Most Popular Myths and Legends
The Wangfu Cloud (the Husband-Yearning Cloud)
The Legend of the March Fair
The Legend of the Butterfly Spring
The Origin of Tie-dye
The Marble and the Jade-Belt Clouds
The Old Woman Resisting Enemies with a Stone
Mrs. Bai Jie
The Great Black Heavenly God
Duan Chicheng
Duan Siping Founding the Dali Kingdom
Part II Myths and Legends of Creating the World
The Origin of Human Beings and Everything
The Legend of Creating the World
The Origin of the Sun and the Moon
Legends of Brother and Sister Getting Married and One Hundred Surnames
Legends of the Origin of Clans
The Origin of the Tiger Clan
Part III Myths and Legends of the Village Gods
The White Rock King
The Red Sandstone King
The Stone King
The Desert King
The Prince Sanxing
The Sun God Being a Village God
The Cattle Becoming a Village God
The Medicine God Meng You
The Hunting God Du Chaoxuan
The Village Gods of Four Directions of Dali City
The Medicine King and the Coloured Glaze Beast
The Village God of Chaicun Village
The Beauty God Zhang Xun
The Amorous Village God of Dongshan
Why was the ear of the Village God screwed off?
The Daughter of the Village God
Part IV Myths and Legends of the Bai People's King
The Legend of the Bai People's King
The Caobaiwang Herding Sheep
The Bai People's King Surrendering the World
Bai Niangniang
Bai Jie A-mei
The Bai People's King Marrying off His Daughter
The Death of the Bai People's King
Part V Myths and Legends of Dragons
The Myth of Jiulong
The Golden Pig in Three Lakes
The Myth of the Jade Cabbage
The Myth of the Dragon Mother
The Golden Rooster and the Black Dragon
The Gray Dragon and the Golden Rooster Surrendering the Black Dragon


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