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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔教輔學習方法/報考酒店英語



定 價:¥49.80

作 者: 霍妍如
出版社: 華中科技大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787577200453 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 268 字數(shù):  


  世賽是根據(jù)酒店對客服務的實際崗位需求而設定的比賽,世賽賽項的具體內容代表著該行業(yè)領域 進的水平。根據(jù)世賽技術文件所涉及的范圍,本教材內容制定為6大板塊共29節(jié), 板塊為前廳部;第二板塊為客房部;第三板塊為餐飲部;第四板塊為康樂部;第五板塊為其他主要職能部門,包含人力資源部、銷售部、財務部和工程部;第六板塊為酒店文本寫作,包括備忘錄、各種商務信函、傳真等。其中,每一章節(jié)都設計了多個教學欄目,方便操作,包含短文閱讀、思考討論、情景對話、知識點補充、重點回顧,實操練習等,涉及酒店前臺與后臺各個運作部門和崗位的操作流程和服務技巧,以及民族、宗教、旅游文化等。文書的寫作在酒店內部日常管理工作中不可低估。其基本格式、技巧和方法都有一定的要求。在提高酒店英語語言能力的同時,實現(xiàn)高質量酒店服務水平,全方面呈現(xiàn)為高素質的文化傳播者。


  霍妍如,海南師范大學旅游學院講師,主研酒店英語、旅游英語、企業(yè)溝通方向,擔任海南省酒店行業(yè)職業(yè)技能競賽前廳服務(英語)競賽裁判員、世界技能大賽海南省選拔賽酒店接待(英語)項目裁判員、 屆職業(yè)技能大賽酒店接待項目(英語)第三方評價裁判員等,榮獲海南師范大學“教學 ”“課堂教學效果 獎”等稱號,多次指導學生在全國性的競賽中斬獲佳績并獲 指導教師稱號,公開發(fā)表核心期刊論文10余篇。


Section Ⅰ Front Office
Chapter 1 Room Reservation
1.1 Warm?up Reading /2
1.2 Situational Dialogues /4
1.3 Knowledge Supplements /7
1.4 Review Questions /8
1.5 Practice /10
1.6 Research and Discussion /10
Chapter 2 Check?in
2.1 Warm?up Reading /11
2.2 Situational Dialogues /13
2.3 Knowledge Supplements /17
2.4 Review Questions /19
2.5 Practice /21
2.6 Research and Discussion /21
Chapter 3 Bell Service
3.1 Warm?up Reading /22
3.2 Situational Dialogues /24
3.3 Knowledge Supplements /28
3.4 Review Questions /28
3.5 Practice /30
Chapter 4 Concierge
4.1 Warm?up Reading /31
4.2 Situational Dialogues /33
4.3 Knowledge Supplements /36
4.4 Review Questions /38
4.5 Practice /40
Chapter 5 Telephone Service
5.1 Warm?up Reading /41
5.2 Situational Dialogues /43
5.3 Knowledge Supplements /46
5.4 Review Questions /47
5.5 Practice /48
Chapter 6  Other Guest Services
6.1 Warm?up Reading /50
6.2 Situational Dialogues /52
6.3 Knowledge Supplements /55
6.4 Review Questions /55
6.5 Practice /57
Chapter 7 Check?out
7.1 Warm?up Reading /58
7.2 Situational Dialogues /60
7.3 Knowledge Supplements /64
7.4 Review Questions /66
7.5 Practice /67
Section Ⅱ Housekeeping Department
Chapter 8 Chamber Service
8.1 Warm?up Reading /70
8.2 Situational Dialogues /72
8.3 Knowledge Supplements /74
8.4 Review Questions /75
8.5 Practice /77
8.6 Research and Discussion /77
Chapter 9 Laundry Service
9.1 Warm?up Reading /78
9.2 Situational Dialogues /80
9.3 Knowledge Supplements /83
9.4 Review Questions /83
9.5 Practice /85
Chapter 10 Handling Complaints
10.1 Warm?up Reading /86
10.2 Situational Dialogues /88
10.3 Knowledge Supplements /91
10.4 Review Questions /91
10.5 Practice /93
Chapter 11 Safety and Emergency
11.1 Warm?up Reading /94
11.2 Situational Dialogues /97
11.3 Knowledge Supplements /100
11.4 Review Questions /101
11.5 Practice /103
11.6 Research and Discussion /103
Chapter 12 Other Housekeeping Services
12.1 Warm?up Reading /105
12.2 Situational Dialogues /107
12.3 Knowledge Supplements /110
12.4 Review Questions /111
12.5 Practice /113
12.6 Research and Discussion /113
Section Ⅲ Food and Beverage Department
Chapter 13 Restaurant Reservation
13.1 Warm?up Reading /116
13.2 Situational Dialogues /118
13.3 Knowledge Supplements /120
13.4 Review Questions /121
13.5 Practice /122
Chapter 14 Taking an Order
14.1 Warm?up Reading /124
14.2 Situational Dialogues /126
14.3 Knowledge Supplements /128
14.4 Review Questions /134
14.5 Practice /136
Chapter 15 Room Service
15.1 Warm?up Reading /137
15.2 Situational Dialogues /139
15.3 Knowledge Supplements /141
15.4 Review Questions /143
15.5 Practice /144
Chapter 16 Bar
16.1 Warm?up Reading /145
16.2 Situational Dialogues /147
16.3 Knowledge Supplements /149
16.4 Review Questions /154
16.5 Practice /155
Chapter 17 Banquet and Meeting
17.1 Warm?up Reading /156
17.2 Situational Dialogues /158
17.3 Knowledge Supplements /160
17.4 Review Questions /162
17.5 Practice /163
Chapter 18 Paying the Bill
18.1 Warm?up Reading /164
18.2 Situational Dialogues /166
18.3 Knowledge Supplements /168
18.4 Review Questions /169
18.5 Practice /170
Section Ⅳ Recreation and Fitness Center
Chapter 19 Fitness Center
19.1 Warm?up Reading /172
19.2 Situational Dialogues /174
19.3 Knowledge Supplements /178
19.4 Review Questions /179
19.5 Practice /180
Chapter 20 Spa Center
20.1 Warm?up Reading /181
20.2 Situational Dialogues /184
20.3 Knowledge Supplements /187
20.4 Academic Reading /188
20.5 Review Questions /191
20.6 Practice /192
Chapter 21 Shopping and Entertainment
21.1 Warm?up Reading /193
21.2 Situational Dialogues /195
21.3 Knowledge Supplements /198
21.4 Review Questions /199
21.5 Practice /201
Section Ⅴ Other Major Departments
Chapter 22 Human Resource Department
22.1 Warm?up Reading /204
22.2 Situational Dialogues /206
22.3 Real World Case Study /209
22.4 Knowledge Supplements /210
22.5 Review Questions /211
22.6 Practice /213
Chapter 23 Sales and Marketing Department
23.1 Warm?up Reading /214
23.2 Situational Dialogues /216
23.3 Real World Case Study /218
23.4 Knowledge Supplements /220
23.5 Review Questions /220
23.6 Practice /222
Chapter 24 Accounting Department
24.1 Warm?up Reading /223
24.2 Real World Case Study /226
24.3 Knowledge Supplements /226
24.4 Review Questions /229
24.5 Practice /231
Chapter 25 Maintenance Department
25.1 Warm?up Reading /232
25.2 Situational Dialogues /234
25.3 Real World Case Study /236
25.4 Review Questions /238
25.5 Practice /239
Section Ⅵ Practical Writing
Chapter 26 Quick Messages
26.1 Preview /242
26.2 Types of Quick Messages /243
26.3 Models /245
26.4 Practice /248
Chapter 27 Business Correspondence
27.1 Preview /249
27.2 Parts of a Business Letter /250
27.3 Models /253
27.4 Practice /260
Chapter 28 Fax Messages
28.1 Preview /261
28.2 Format of Fax Messages /261
28.3 Model /263
28.4 Useful Expressions /264
28.5 Practice /264
Chapter 29 E?mails
29.1 Preview /265
29.2 Format of E?mails /266
29.3 Model /266
29.4 Practice /267
Appendix /269
Reference /270


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