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物理化學(xué)實驗指導(dǎo)(雙語 第4版)

物理化學(xué)實驗指導(dǎo)(雙語 第4版)

定 價:¥56.00

作 者: 崔黎麗
出版社: 人民衛(wèi)生出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787117352000 出版時間: 2023-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 200 字數(shù):  


  全國高等學(xué)校藥學(xué)類專業(yè)規(guī)劃教材是我國歷史 悠久、影響力 廣、發(fā)行量 的藥學(xué)類專業(yè)高等教育教材,為我國藥學(xué)類專業(yè)的發(fā)展與人才培養(yǎng)做出了重要貢獻。為指導(dǎo)學(xué)生復(fù)習(xí)與應(yīng)試,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的實驗技能,本套教材配有《學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)與習(xí)題集》《實驗指導(dǎo)》等配套教材,以構(gòu)建立體化的教材體系,打造出老師好教、學(xué)生好學(xué),適應(yīng)當(dāng)前藥學(xué)教育新模式的 教材。配套教材與主干教材內(nèi)容一致、相互對應(yīng)?!秾W(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)與習(xí)題集》旨在歸納總結(jié)每章重點,配有相應(yīng)習(xí)題,以供學(xué)生檢查學(xué)習(xí)效果和復(fù)習(xí)備考?!秾嶒炛笇?dǎo)》不僅包含傳統(tǒng)的演示性、驗證性實驗,還應(yīng)囊括綜合性、設(shè)計性實驗,從而培養(yǎng)學(xué)生獨立思考的能力,提高核心競爭力。


  崔黎麗,中國人民解放軍海軍軍醫(yī)大學(xué),教授, 軍隊院?!坝弄劇便y獎,總后 教師,上海市育才獎,學(xué)校特級教師、A級教師, 受學(xué)員喜愛的教師,上海市高校 青年教師等。


部分 緒論
art One Introduction
Objective and requirement
Physical chemistry laboratory safety
Rules and methods for designing of the physical chemistry experiment
Error theory and significant figures
Data reporting
第二部分 實驗
art Two Experiments
實驗一 燃燒熱的測定
Experiment 1 Determination of Heats of Combustion
實驗二 溶解熱曲線的測定
Experiment 2 Determination of Heats of Solution Curve
實驗三 凝固點降低法測定摩爾質(zhì)量
Experiment 3 Determination of Molar Mass by Freezing Point Depression
實驗四 凝固點降低法測定氫化納注射液的滲透壓
Experiment 4 Determination of Osmotic Pressure of Sodium Chloride Injection by Freezing Point Depression
實驗五 靜態(tài)法測定液體飽和蒸氣壓
Experiment 5 Saturated Vapor Pressure of Pure Liquids by Static Method
實驗六 反應(yīng)平衡常數(shù)及分配系數(shù)的測定
Experiment 6 Determination of Equilibrium Constant of Reaction and Partition Coefficient
實驗七 二組分部分§溶雙液系統(tǒng)目國的繪制
Experiment 7 Drawing of Phase Diagram for a Partially Miscible Binary Liquid System
實驗八 §溶雙液系統(tǒng)平衡目國的繪制
Experiment 8 Drawing of Phase Diagram for a Miscible Binary Liquid System
實驗九 二組分簡單低共熔系統(tǒng)目國的繪制
Experiment 9 Drawing of Phase Diagram for a Binary utectic System 76
實驗十 三組分液-液系統(tǒng)目國的繪制 78
Experiment 10 Drawing of Phase Diagram for a Ternary Liquid System
實驗十一 電解質(zhì)水溶液電導(dǎo)的測定及應(yīng)用
Experiment 11 Measurement and Application of lectrolyte Solution Conductance
實驗十二 電動勢法測溶液 pH 相反應(yīng)熱力學(xué)函數(shù)
xperiment 12 Determination of pH of Solutions and Thermodynamic Functions by lectromotive Force Measurements
實驗十三 旋光法測定康糖轉(zhuǎn)化反應(yīng)的速率常數(shù)
Experiment 13 Determination of Rate Constant for the Conversion of Sucrose by Polarimetric Method
實驗十四 乙酸乙醋皂化反應(yīng)速率常數(shù)及活化能的測定
Experiment 14 Determination of Rate Constant and Activation nergy for the Saponification of thyl Acetate by Conductometric Method
實驗十五 腆化擁與過氧化氫反應(yīng)的速率常數(shù)及活化能的測定
Experiment 15 Determination of Rate Constant and Activation nergy for Reaction between Potassium Iodide and Hydrogen Peroxide
實驗十六 丙酣漠化反應(yīng)速率常數(shù)的測定
Experiment 16 Determination of Rate Constant for the Bromination of Acetone
實驗十七 氣泡壓力法測定液體表面張力
Experiment 17 Determination of the Solution Surface Tension by Bubble Pressure Method
實驗十八 固體在溶液中的眼附
Experiment 18 Adsorption of Solids in Solution
實驗十九 溶膠的制備及性質(zhì)
Experiment 19 Preparation and Properties of Sols
實驗二十 黠度法測定大分子的平均目對分子質(zhì)量
Experiment 20 Determination of Average Relative Molar Mass of the Macromolecule by Viscosity Method
實驗二十一 藥物多晶型的差熱分析(設(shè)計性實驗)
Experiment 21 Thermal Analysis of Polymorphism Pharmaceuticals(Designing xperiment)
實驗二十二 藥物穩(wěn)定性及有效期測定(設(shè)計性實驗)
Experiment 22 Determination of Drug Stability and Shelf Life(Designing experiment)
實驗二十三 載藥納米粒子的制備及表征(綜合設(shè)計性實驗)
Experiment 23 Preparation and Characterization of Drug-loaded Nanoparticles(Comprehensive Designing xperiment)
實驗二十四 固體藥物常規(guī)理化常數(shù)的測定(綜合設(shè)計性實驗)
Sxperiment 24 Determination of Physical and Chemical Constants of Solid Drugs(Comprehensive Designing xperiment)
實驗二十五 表面活性劑臨界膠束濃度的測定(綜合設(shè)計性試驗)
Experiment 25 Determination of Critical Micelle Concentration for Surfactants(Comprehensive Designing xperiment)
實驗二十六 乳狀液的制備和性質(zhì)(綜合設(shè)計性實驗)
Experiment 26 Preparation and Properties of mulsion(Comprehensive Designing xperiment)
第三部分 實驗測試題
art Three Experiment Test Questions
Section One Multiple Choice
Section Two Short Questions
Section Three Answers
第四部分 附錄
Part Four Appendices
一、 常用物理化學(xué)實驗數(shù)據(jù)表(Common Data of xperimental Physical Chemistry)
二、 參考文獻(References)


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