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漢學(xué)研究 總第三十三集 2022年秋冬卷

漢學(xué)研究 總第三十三集 2022年秋冬卷

定 價(jià):¥80.00

作 者: 閻純德
出版社: 學(xué)苑出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787507765915 出版時(shí)間: 2022-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






目 錄卷前絮語 閻純德( 1 )·國學(xué)特稿·哲學(xué)與社會推展——走進(jìn)《孫子兵法》的世界孫中原( 1 )佛教在中國傳播的觀念基礎(chǔ)——基于佛學(xué)與先秦儒家因果觀念的比較梅 寒 [俄]漢伊理(Ilya Kanaev)( 15 )論思想典籍文本分析中的義層概念魏建國 朱 源( 27 )·窗外風(fēng)景·延安文藝在世界的傳播與研究宋紹香 梁 喆( 39 )流淌在夜鶯歌聲里的東方音符——濟(jì)慈的“中國印象”倪正芳( 55 )·張西平專欄·20 世紀(jì)中國古代文化外譯的典范——許淵沖張西平( 69 )·法國漢學(xué)研究·19 世紀(jì)法國漢學(xué)的發(fā)展簡述錢林森( 83 )雷慕沙的《漢文啟蒙》——承前啟后的專業(yè)漢學(xué)著作李 慧(103)法國漢學(xué)巨擘儒蓮與《道德經(jīng)》張 粲(117)論中國學(xué)人在沙畹漢學(xué)研究中的參與及影響賀夢瑩(128)高第《中國書目》索引問題考(下)張明明(141)·俄羅斯?jié)h學(xué)研究·俄國藏傳佛教研究先行者施密特的藏傳佛教研究何冰琦(149)《大中華文庫》漢俄對照版《老子》介評 林娜娜(165)《鶯鶯傳》文化詞匯的俄譯研究 成文艷 趙建常(176)中國現(xiàn)代小說在俄譯介緣起與早期影響 佘曉玲(186)悠遠(yuǎn)的回聲——俄羅斯?jié)h學(xué)家楚紫氣的漢籍收藏 張 云(201)·美國漢學(xué)研究·“盡個(gè)性而求整體”——包弼德論蘇軾之“道” 萬 燚(210)價(jià)值的復(fù)現(xiàn):漢學(xué)家韓南對《平妖傳》的英譯 朱 斌(218)儒學(xué)何以成為中國女性解放的理論依據(jù)——羅莎莉《儒學(xué)與女性》讀后 伏 煦(229)·德國漢學(xué)研究·德國漢學(xué)期刊的創(chuàng)辦與漢學(xué)史的演進(jìn) 李 松 韓彩瓊(238)闡釋之闡釋 學(xué)問之學(xué)問——讀《德國漢學(xué)研究史稿》有感 包漢毅(253)·英國漢學(xué)研究·論修中誠《中庸》譯本中的形而上闡譯 宋曉春(256)霍克斯的《離騷》研究 甄 楨(269)英文本《中國現(xiàn)代小說》選集研究 高 莎(277)·加拿大漢學(xué)研究·杜百勝《早期上古漢語描寫語法》人稱代詞研究述評朱學(xué)斌 朱其智(288)“革命的起源”:加拿大漢學(xué)家穆思禮的中國文學(xué)選集編譯選題 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)考察 王 林(302)·西班牙漢學(xué)研究·中國與西班牙建交以來西班牙的 中國學(xué)研究歷程與面臨的挑戰(zhàn) 李興華 馬亞瓊(315)漢學(xué)的誕生和西班牙的貢獻(xiàn) 閻純德(326)東西方接觸與對話:中華文化與世界文明的交流互動 ——第三屆西班牙當(dāng)代中國學(xué)研究國際研討會 會議綜述 李秋楊(335)·葡萄牙漢學(xué)研究·19 世紀(jì)葡萄牙漢學(xué)的復(fù)興和轉(zhuǎn)向 張敏芬(340)西方漢學(xué)視閾下的《葡漢辭典》研究芻議 韓曉燕(353)·拉丁美洲漢學(xué)研究·拉嫡娜對中國文化的研究歷程及其在拉美的傳播影響 雷 妍(363)·塞爾維亞漢學(xué)研究·塞爾維亞漢學(xué)的研究現(xiàn)狀述略龍 蕓 程 婷(374)·日本漢學(xué)(中國學(xué))研究·《群書治要》東傳日本及其歷史影響劉余莉 聶菲璘(383)日本學(xué)者的中國典籍古寫本研究王曉平(398)江戶時(shí)代的中國繪畫收藏與流通——通向近代中國學(xué)的橋梁[日]塚本麿充 著 宋 剛 譯(419)《文選》李善注引《子虛賦》《上林賦》所見文學(xué)語言的創(chuàng)作[日]富永一登 著 楊曉斌 張靜宜 譯(445)·朝鮮半島漢學(xué)研究·代言文創(chuàng)作與朝鮮古代文人的中國文化情結(jié)王 成(459)朝鮮文人聯(lián)句詩的諧趣精神與藝術(shù)書寫王園瑞(476)·南亞漢學(xué)研究·巴基斯坦作家伊本·?!ひ蛳加斡洝度ブ袊咦摺分械?中國形象袁雨航(487)·中國文化經(jīng)典域外傳播與研究·《易經(jīng)》宗教索隱詮釋譯介研究張鳳華(498)中國古典哲學(xué)的西譯——從《道德經(jīng)》和《論語》說開來王小忠 程弋洋(510)·古代琉球漢語研究·琉球官話課本《文例集》所存明代琉球漢語教學(xué)史料考范常喜(521)中古漢語陽聲韻、入聲韻字在沖繩方言中的韻尾標(biāo)記石 晨(538)·漢語教學(xué)國際傳播研究·赫寧茨《習(xí)漢英合話》與近代早期中美語言接觸潘瑞芳(552)·信息·“中華文化的跨文化闡釋與對外傳播研究”順利結(jié)項(xiàng)李 婷(564)ContentsChief Editor’s Remarks Yan Chunde( 1 )Special Manuscripts Resulted from Studies of Chinese National CulturePhilosophy and Social Promotion —Entering the World of The Art of War by Sun Tzu Sun Zhongyuan( 1 )On the Conceptual Basis of Buddhism’s Spread in ChinaMei Han,[Russia]Ilya Kanaev( 15 )A Study of the Concept of Semantic Section in the Text Analyses of Ideological Classics Wei Jianguo,Zhu Yuan( 27 )Views outside the Windows: Special ManuscriptsThe Spread and Researches of Yan’an Literature and Art in the World Song Shaoxiang,Liang Zhe( 39 )John Keats’s“Impressions of China”Ni Zhengfang( 55 )Special Column Dedicated to Zhang XipingXu Yuanchong: A Model of Chinese Ancient Culture Translations in the 20th Century Zhang Xiping( 69 )Sinology in FranceA Brief Introduction to the Development of French Sinology in the 19th Century Qian Linsen( 83 )élémens de la Grammaire Chinoise of Abel-Rémusat Li Hui(103)Stanislas Julien,a Giant French Sinologist,and Tao Te Ching Zhang Can(117)On the Participation and In.uence of Chinese Scholars in édouard Chavannes’s Studies of Sinology He Mengying( 128)A Study of the Index of Henri Cordier’s Bibliotheca sinica (II) Zhang Mingming( 141)Sinology in RussiaA Study of the Tibetan Buddhism by J. I. Schmidt,the Forerunner of Tibetan Buddhism Studies in Russia He Bingqi(149)A Review on the Chinese-Russian Version of Laozi from the Library of Chinese Classics Lin Nana(165)A Study of the Russian Translations of the Culture-loaded Words in The Biography of Yingying Cheng Wenyan(176)On the Origins of the Translations of Modern Chinese Fiction and Their Early In.uence in Russia She Xiaoling(186)On the Collections of Chinese Books by the Russian Sinologist Julian K. Shchutsky Zhang Yun(201)Sinology in AmericaOn Peter K. Bol’s Interpretations of Su Shi’s“Tao” Wan Yi(210)About Patrick Hanan’s English Translation of Quelling the Demon’s Revolt: A Novel from Ming China Zhu Bin(218)Reading Rosenlee Li-Hsiang Lisa’s Confucianism and Women: A Philosophical Interpretation Fu Xu(229)Sinology in GermanyOn the Establishment of the German Journals of Sinology and the Evolution of the History of Sinology Li Song,Han Caiqiong(238)Reading The Historical Manuscript of German Sinology Written by Li Xuetao Bao Hanyi(253)Sinology in BritainA Study of the Metaphysical Interpretations in E. R. Hughes’s English Translation of The Doctrine of the Mean Song Xiaochun(256)On David Hawkes’s Studies of On Encountering Trouble Zhen Zhen(269)An Anthology Study of Modern Chinese Novels in English Gao Sha(277)Sinology in CanadaA Review of the Studies of the Personal Pronouns in W. A. C. H. Dobson’s Early Archaic Chinese,a Descriptive Grammar Zhu Xuebin,Zhu Qizhi(288)A Study of Canadian Sinologist Stanley Munro’s Criteria for Work Selections in His Translation and Compilation of An Anthology of Modern Chinese Short Stories Wang Lin(302)Sinology in SpainOn the History and Challenges of China Studies in Spain since the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Spain Li Xinghua,Ma Yaqiong(315)A Study of the Birth of Sinology and the Contributions of Spain Yan Chunde(326)Summary of the 3rd International Symposium on Contemporary Chinese Studies in Spain Li Qiuyang(335)Sinology in PortugalOn the Revival and Turn of Portuguese Sinology in the 19th Century Zhang Minfen(340)About the Studies of Portuguese-Chinese Dictionary from the Perspective of the Western Sinology Han Xiaoyan(353)Sinology in Latin AmericaOn Radina Plamenova Dimitrova’s Studies of Chinese Culture and Its In.uence in Latin America Lei Yan(363)Sinology in SerbiaA Brief Account of the Status Quo of the Sinology Studies in Serbia Long Yun,Cheng Ting(374)Sinology in JapanOn the Spread of Qunshu Zhiyao to Japan and Its Historical In.uence Liu Yuli,Nie Feilin(383)About Japanese Scholars’ Researches on Chinese Ancient Classics Wang Xiaoping(398)On the Collections of Chinese Painting in the Edo Era[Japan]Tsukamoto Maromitsu,translated by Song Gang(419)A Study of the Creation of Literary Language in Zixu Fu and Shanglin Fu quoted by Li Shan in Wen Xuan [Japan]Kazuto Tominaga,translated by Yang Xiaobin and Zhang Jingyi(445)Sinology on the Korean PeninsulaOn the Literary Creation of the Spokesman Style and the Complex of Chinese Culture of the Ancient Korean Literati Wang Cheng(459)On the Funny Spirit and Artistic Writings of Korean Literati’s Coupled Poetry Wang Yuanrui(476)Sinology in South AsianOn the Images of China in Ibn-e-Insha,a Pakistani Writer’s Travel Work Chalte Ho To Cheen Ko Chaliye (1967) Yuan Yuhang(487)Overseas Dissemination and Research of Chinese ClassicsA Study of the Religious Interpretations and Translations of The Book of Changes Zhang Fenghua(498)On the Western Translations of Chinese Classical Philosophy —A Case Study of Tao Te Ching and The Analects of Confucius Wang Xiaozhong,Cheng Yiyang(510)Chinese Studies in Ancient RyukyuA Textual Research on the Historical Materials for Chinese Teaching Stored in Ryukyu Mandarin Textbook The Collection of Chinese Conversations in the Ming DynastyFan Changxi(521)On the Ending Marks of the Characters Ending with a Nasal Rhythm and Voiceless-stop Rhythm in Middle Ancient Chinese in Okinawa Dialect Shi Chen(538)International Spread and Research of ChineseOn the Contacts between Stanislas Hernisz’s A Guide to Conversation in the English and Chinese Languages: For the Use of Americans and Chinese in California and Elsewhere and the Chinese and American Languages in the Early Modern Times Pan Ruifang(552)MessagesThe Project of“Researches of the Cross-Cultural Interpretations and External Communications of Chinese Culture”Was Successfully Completed Li Ting(564)Translated by Yang Yuying Revised by Xiong Wenhua


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