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綜合教程增強版 教師用書 2(第3版)

綜合教程增強版 教師用書 2(第3版)

定 價:¥92.00

作 者: 暫缺
出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
叢編項: 新世紀英語專業(yè)本科生教材
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787544671491 出版時間: 2022-03-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 293 字數(shù):  




暫缺《綜合教程增強版 教師用書 2(第3版)》作者簡介


Unit 1
Text Ⅰ My Stroke of Luck
Text Ⅱ A New Attitude to Gratitude
Unit 2
Text Ⅰ Fourteen Steps
Text Ⅱ The Power ofBelief
Unit 3
Text Ⅰ The Virtues of Growing Older
Text Ⅱ Closing the Gap
Unit 4
Text Ⅰ Letter to a B Student
Text Ⅱ CollegePressures
Unit 5
TextⅠ Focus on Global Warming
Text Ⅱ The Villain in the Atmosphere
Unit 6
Text Ⅰ WhatlsHappiness?
Text Ⅱ Human Happinessls Sensuous
Unit 7
Text Ⅰ The Jeaning ofAmerica
Text Ⅱ Happy Birthday to You
Unit 8
Text Ⅰ Cultural Encounters
Text Ⅱ Does Your Body Betray You?
Unit 9
Text Ⅰ Open the Door to Forgiveness
Text Ⅱ Forgiveness
Unit 10
Text Ⅰ Globalization Rocked the Ancient World Too
Text Ⅱ Globalization
Unit 11
Text Ⅰ What Is Literature?
Text Ⅱ An Essay on Poetry
Unit 12
Text Ⅰ The Importance ofMorallntelligence in Children
Text Ⅱ Across America, Griefand Horror
Glossary of Text Ⅰ's
Glossary of Text Ⅱ's


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