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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書(shū)教育/教材/教輔考試外語(yǔ)類(lèi)考試批判性思維(第6版 英語(yǔ)版)

批判性思維(第6版 英語(yǔ)版)

批判性思維(第6版 英語(yǔ)版)

定 價(jià):¥98.00

作 者: Gregory Bassham William Irwin etc.
出版社: 外語(yǔ)教學(xué)與研究出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787521327793 出版時(shí)間: 2021-09-01 包裝:
開(kāi)本: 16開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 552 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  人身攻擊?自相矛盾?轉(zhuǎn)移話題?偷梁換柱? “對(duì)我有利的一定是對(duì)的?!薄澳憔褪轻槍?duì)我?!薄按蠹叶歼@么說(shuō)?!薄?我們被不良的思維習(xí)慣束縛而不自知,從而落入學(xué)習(xí)、工作與生活中的思維陷阱。本書(shū)涵蓋批判性思維的所有基礎(chǔ)概念,從基本邏輯知識(shí)出發(fā),剖析常見(jiàn)的邏輯謬誤,通過(guò)實(shí)例分析與趣味練習(xí),助力讀者擊破思維障礙,走出思維困境,成為邏輯更強(qiáng)、思維更全面、不盲從的獨(dú)立思考者與表達(dá)者。


  格雷戈里·巴沙姆(Gregory Bassham)是賓夕法尼亞州國(guó)王學(xué)院的哲學(xué)榮譽(yù)退休教授,著述頗豐,已編輯多部書(shū)稿,新近出版的作品是《睡前讀物之哲學(xué):從西方哲學(xué)的誕生到〈善地〉》(2021)。 威廉·歐文(William Irwin)是國(guó)王學(xué)院的哲學(xué)教授,已出版多部學(xué)術(shù)著作、小說(shuō)、教材,并發(fā)表多篇學(xué)術(shù)文章,主要研究方向?yàn)槊缹W(xué)、存在主義、釋經(jīng)學(xué)。 亨利·納爾多內(nèi)(Henry Nardone)是國(guó)王學(xué)院的哲學(xué)榮譽(yù)退休教授,已發(fā)表多篇關(guān)于批判性思維和美學(xué)的學(xué)術(shù)文章。 詹姆斯·M. 華萊士(James M. Wallace)是國(guó)王學(xué)院的英語(yǔ)教授,多次出席關(guān)于寫(xiě)作教學(xué)、文學(xué)研究、批判性思維等主題的會(huì)議,已在同行評(píng)審期刊上發(fā)表文章。


A Personal Word to Students vii
Preface ix

Chapter 1 Introduction to Critical Thinking 1
What Is Critical Thinking? 1
Critical Thinking Standards 2
The Benefits of Critical Thinking 7
Barriers to Critical Thinking 9
Qualities of a Critical Thinker 26

Chapter 2 Recognizing Arguments 31
What Is an Argument? 31
Identifying Premises and Conclusions 36
What Is Not an Argument? 41

Chapter 3 Basic Logical Concepts 55
Deduction and Induction 55
How Can We Tell Whether an Argument Is Deductive or Inductive? 58
Common Patterns of Deductive Reasoning 64
Common Patterns of Inductive Reasoning 69
Deductive Validity 74
Inductive Strength 79

Chapter 4 Language 88
Finding the Right Words: The Need for Precision 88
The Importance of Precise Definitions 95
Emotive Language: Slanting the Truth 107
Euphemisms and Political Correctness 117

Chapter 5 Logical Fallacies—I 122
The Concept of Relevance 122
Fallacies of Relevance 125

Chapter 6 Logical Fallacies—II 143
Fallacies of Insufficient Evidence 143

Chapter 7 Analyzing Arguments 169
Diagramming Short Arguments 169
Summarizing Longer Arguments 180

Chapter 8 Evaluating Arguments and Truth Claims 197
When Is an Argument a Good One? 197
When Is It Reasonable to Accept a Premise? 200
Refuting Arguments 205

Chapter 9 A Little Categorical Logic 234
Categorical Statements 235
Translating into Standard Categorical Form 239
Categorical Syllogisms 247

Chapter 10 A Little Propositional Logic 263
Conjunction 264
Conjunction and Validity 267
Negation 272
Deeper Analysis of Negation and Conjunction 277
Disjunction 283
Conditional Statements 287

Chapter 11 Inductive Reasoning 298
Introduction to Induction 298
Inductive Generalizations 299
Statistical Arguments 309
Induction and Analogy 315
Induction and Causal Arguments 324
A Few Words about Probability 330

Chapter 12 Finding, Evaluating, and Using Sources 338
Finding Sources 340
Evaluating Informational Sources 349
Taking Notes 364
Using Sources 373

Chapter 13 Writing Argumentative Essays 382
Writing a Successful Argument 383
Before You Write 384
Writing the First Draft 402
After the First Draft 407

Chapter 14 Thinking Critically about the Media 417
Mass Media and Social Media 417
The News 422
News Media Bias 433
Media Literacy 445
Advertising 446

Chapter 15 Science and Pseudoscience 460
The Basic Pattern of Scientific Reasoning 460
The Limitations of Science 467
How to Distinguish Science from Pseudoscience 470
A Case Study in Pseudoscientific Thinking: Astrology 480

Appendix: The Six Habits of Effective Problem Solvers A-1
Answers to Selected Exercises ANS-1
Index I-1


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