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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書文學藝術文學文學史中國禪宗導論(英文版)



定 價:¥120.00

作 者: 朱越峰
出版社: 宗教文化出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787518806805 出版時間: 2018-12-01 包裝:
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 310 字數(shù):  


  This book of Zen tradition began as a humble project. I just wanted to assemble some stories and basics of Zen Buddhism during my daily retreat, but this simple initiative soon morphed into an unwieldy time-devouring practice. I don't know how it happened. Ifl had known early on how long it would take, I probably would have steered toward a more modest endeavor, but the work had its own momentum,-and here we are.


  Zhu Yuefeng,Associate Professor,is an academic staffin Department of Translation and Interpreting,School of Foreign Languages,Hangzhou Normal University. He graduated with Bachelor and Master Degree in English Education and Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in Hangzhou Teachers College and Zhejiang University in 1994 and 2003 respectively. His research interests focus on Buddhist Studies and Translation Theory and Practice,He is now Executive Director of Hangzhou Translation Association and member of Translators Association of Zhejiang. Over the past years,he has in total published a dozen of papers covering Zen Buddhist studies,translation teaching and practice,lexicology,etc…as well as 5 books on these topics. In addition,he has chaired or participated in 5 national,provincial,and municipallevelled academic projects. In 2010,he participated MA Interpreting Program in the School of Arts in Middlesex University,UK as a visiting scholar.


Chapter One Why Did Bodhidharma Come to the East?
1.1 What Is Zen?
1.2 The Origin of Zen-a Flower and a Smile
1.3 Brief Biography of Bodhidharma
1.4 Meeting Emperor Wu
1.5 Set My Mind at Peace (Second Patriarch Huike)
1.6 One Flower with Five Petals
Chapter Two The Illiterate Prodigy: the Sixth Patriarch Huineng
2.1 A Brieflntroduction to the Third, Fourth and Fifih Paffiarchs
2.2 Sixth Patriarch Huineng (638-713)
2.3 Four Recorded Texts of The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch
Chapter Three The Seventh and Eighth Generation Zen Masters
3.1 The Seventh Generation Masters
3.2 The Eighth Generation Masters
Chapter Four Zen's Five Schools and Seven Sects(Ⅰ)
-Linji School
4.1 Master Baizhang Huaihai(百丈懷海,720-814)
4.2 Master Huangbo Xiyun(黃檗希運,?-855)
4.3 Master Linji Yixuan(臨濟義玄,?-867)
4.4 The Way of Linji School
Chapter Five Zen's Five Schools and Seven Sects(Ⅱ)
-Caodong School
5.1 Master Yaoshan Weiyan(藥山惟儼,737-834)
5.2 Master Yunyan Tansheng(云巖曇晟,782-841)
5.3 Master Dongshan Liangjie(洞山良價,807-869)
5.4 Master Caoshan Benji(曹山本寂,840-901)
5.5 The Way of Caodong School
Chapter Six Zen's Five Schools and Seven Sects(Ⅲ)
-Weiyang School
6.1 Master Wbishan Lingyou(溈山靈祜,771_853)
6.2 Master Yangshan Huiji(仰山慧寂,807-883)
6.3 The Way of Weiyang School
Chapter Seven Zen's Five Schools and Seven Sects (Ⅳ)
-Yunmen School and Fayan School
Chapter Eight Zen's Five Schools and Seven Sects (Ⅴ)
-Huanglong Sect and Yangqi Sect
Chapter Nine The History of Zen Buddhism
Chapter Ten The Legacy of Zen
Chapter Eleven Zen Koans and Scriptures
Chapter Twelve Zen and Chinese Culture
Chapter Thirteen Zen and Healthcare


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