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化學(xué)(第4版 Chemistry)

化學(xué)(第4版 Chemistry)

定 價:¥1400.75

作 者: John A. Olmsted 著
出版社: 吉林長白山
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9780471478119 出版時間: 2006-12-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Every morning many of us are energized by a cup of coffee. Imagine if you were as energized by understanding the chemistry in your morning cup:from the coffee trees, which fill red coffee berries with caffeine and a variety of other chemical substances, to the feathery crystals formed by the caffeine molecules, to the decaffeinating machines, which use liquid solvents to remove this stimulant from some of the beans. Now, that's real chemical understanding!Olmsted and Williams' Fourth Edition of Chemistry focuses on helping you see and think about the world (and even your coffee) as a chemist. This text helps you understand how chemical phenomena are governed by what happens at the molecular level, apply critical thinking skills to chemical concepts and problems, and master the basic mathematical techniques needed for quantitative reasoning. You'll see the world as chemists do, and learn to appreciate the chemical processes all around us.A Fourth Edition with a lot of new perks!* Revisions include a new, early energy chapter; revised coverage of bonding; expanded coverage of intermolecular forces; and increased coverage of multiple equilibria, including polyprotic acids.* New pedagogy strengthens students' critical thinking and problem-solving skills.* Visual Summaries at the end of each chapter use molecular and diagrammatic visual elements to summarize essential skills, concepts, equations, and terms.* eGrade Plus provides an integrated suite of teaching and learning resources, including a complete online version of the text, links between problems and relevant sections in the online text, practice quizzes, the Visual Tutor, Interactive LearningWare problems, and lab demos, as well as homework management and presentation features for instructors.


暫缺《化學(xué)(第4版 Chemistry)》作者簡介


Chapter 1The Science of Chemistry
Introduction: Matter Is Molecular
 1.1 What Is Chemistry?
  How Chemistry Advances
  Methods of Science
  Box 1-1 Chemistry and Life: Is There Life on Other Planets?
 1.2 Atoms, Molecules, and Compounds
  The Elements
  Chemical Formulas
 1.3 The Periodic Table of the Elements
  Metals, Nonmetals, and Metalloids
  Periodic Properties
 1.4 Characteristics of Matter
  Phases of Matter
  Transformations of Matter
  Box 1-2 Tools for Discovery: Atomic-Level Microscopy
 1.5 Measurements in Chemistry
  Physical Properties
  Unit Conversions
  Precision and Accuracy
  Significant Figures
 1.6 Calculations in Chemistry
  Precision of Calculations
 1.7 Chemical Problem Solving
Chapter 2The Atomic Nature of Matter
 Introduction: Nuclear Medicine
 2.1 Atomic Theory
  Conservation of Atoms and Mass
  Atoms Combine to Make Molecules
  Box 2-1 Chemistry and Technology: Molecular Machines
  Atoms and Molecules Are Continually in Motion
  Dynamic Molecular Equilibrium
 2.2 Atomic Architecture: Electrons and Nuclei
  The Nucleus
 2.3 Atomic Diversity: The Elements
  Mass Spectrometry
  Nuclear Stability
  Unstable Nuclei
  Isotopes in Medicine
  Box 2-2 Chemistry and Life: Medical Applications of Technetium
 2.4 Counting Atoms: The Mole
  The Moles and Avogadro’s Number
  Molar Mass
  Mole-Mass-Atom Conversions
 2.5 Charged Atoms: Ions
  Ionic Compounds 57
Chapter 3The Composition of Molecules
  Introduction: Our World Is Molecular
 3.1 Representing Molecules
  Chemical Formulas
  Structural Formulas
  Three-Dimensional Models
  Line Structures
  Box 3-1 Chemical Milestones: Forms of Elemental Carbon
 3.2 Naming Chemical Compounds
  Naming Nonmetallic Binary Compounds
  Binary Compounds of Hydrogen
  Compounds That Contain Carbon
 3.3 Formulas and Names of Ionic Compounds
  Atomic Cations and Anons
  Polyatomic Ions
  Recognizing Ionic Compounds
  Ionic Formulas
  Cations of Variable Charge
 3.4 Amounts of Compounds
  Molar Masses of Chemical Compounds
  Mass-Molar-Number Conversions for Compounds
 3.5 Determining Chemical Formulas
  Mass Percent Composition
  Empirical Formula
  Analysis by Decomposition
  Box 3-2 Tools for Discovery: Applications of Mass Spectrometry
  Combustion Analysis
 3.6 Aqueous Solutions
Chapter 4Chemical Reactions and Stoichiometry
Chapter 5 The Behavior of Gases
Chapter 6Energy and Its Conservation
Chapter 7Atoms and Light
Chapter 8Atomic Energies and Periodicity
Chapter 9 Fundamentals of Chemical Bonding
Chapter 10Theories of Chemical Bonding
Chapter 11Effects of Intermolecular Forces
Chapter 12Properties of Solutions
Chapter 13Macromolecules
Chapter 14Spontaneity of Chemical Processes
Chapter 15Kinetics: Mechanisms and Rates of Reactions
Chapter 16Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
Chapter 17Aqueous Acid–Base Equilibria
Chapter 18Applications of Aqueous Equilibria
Chapter 19Electron Transfer Reactions
Chapter 20The Transition Metals
Chapter 21The Main Group Elements
Chapter 22Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Appendix A: Scientific Notation
Appendix B: Quantitative Observations
Appendix C: Ionization Energies and Electron Affinities
Appendix D: Standard Thermodynamic Functions
Appendix E: Equilibrium Constants
Appendix F: Standard Reduction Potentials
Solutions to Odd-Numbered Problems
Photo Credits
Index of Equations


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