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定 價:¥507.94

作 者: Olivier Gascuel 著
出版社: 湖南文藝出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9783540422426 出版時間: 2001-12-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  This book presents a selection of revised full papers accepted for presentation at the First International Conference on Biology, Informatics, and Mathematics, JOBIM 2000, held in Montpellier, France, in May 2000.The 13 papers included in the book were selected after two rounds of reviewing and revision from a total of 67 submissions. Among the topics addressed are algorithms, comparative genomics, evolution, phylogeny, databases, knowledge processing, genome anotation, graph theory, combinatorial mathematics, macromolecular structures, RNA and proteins, metabolic pathways and regulatory networks, and statistics and classification




Speeding Up the DIALIGN Multiple Alignment Program by Using the 'Greedy Alignment of BIOlogical Sequences LIBrary' (GABIOS-LIB)
GeMCore, a Knowledge Base Dedicated to Mapping Mammalian Genomes
Optimal Agreement Supertrees
Segmentation by Maximal Predictive Partitioning According to Composition Biases
Can We Have Confidence in a Tree Representation?
Bayesian Approach to DNA Segmentation into Regions with Different Average Nucleotide Composition
Exact and Asymptotic Distribution of the Local Score of One i.i.d. Random Sequence
Phylogenetic Reconstruction Algorithms Based on Weighted 4-Trees
Computational Complexity of Word Counting
EUGENE: An Eukaryotic Gene Finder That Combines Several Sources of Evidence
Tree Reconstruction via a Closure Operation on Partial Splits
InterDB, a Prediction-Oriented for C. elegans
Protein Interaction Database
Application of Regulatory Sequence Analysis and Metabolic Network Analysis to the Interpretation of Gene Exprtession Data
Author Index


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