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定 價:¥867.39

作 者: Chris Harris 著
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9780470011584 出版時間: 2006-12-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  Understand the electricity market, its policies and how they drive prices, emissions, and security, with this comprehensive cross-disciplinary book. Author Chris Harris includes technical and quantitative arguments so you can confidently construct pricing models based on the various fluctuations that occur. Whether you re a trader or an analyst, this book will enable you to make informed decisions about this volatile industry.


  CHRIS HARRIS is head of industry, networks and agreements in the retail division of RWE npower in the UK and has held senior positions in the generation and trading sectors of the Electricity Supply Industry. Previously he was a quantitative analyst, mana


1. The Basics
1.1 How electricity works
1.2 Early development of the Electricity Supply Industry (ESI)
1.3 The lifecycle of electric power
1.4 Development, structure, coordination, legislation of the ESI
1.5 New ownership structure
1.6 Selected country examples
2. Structure, Operation and Management of the Electricity Supply Chain
2.1 Energy source
2.2 Power generation
2.3 High voltage transmission, network operation, system operation
2.4 Distribution
2.5 Metering
2.6 Supply
3. Policy – Issues, Priorities. Stakeholders, Influencers
3.1 Agendas and policy formation
3.2 Policy issues and drivers
3.3 Policy outcomes and instruments
3.4 Energy policies
3.5 Framework
3.6 Domestic institutional players
3.7 The role and influence of international players
4. Liberalisation, Deregulation and Regulation
4.1 The liberalisation paradigm
4.2 Steps
4.3 Conditions for reform
4.4 The role of the state
4.5 Measures of liberalisation and deregulation
4.6 Regulation
4.7 Regulator
4.8 Industry key performance indicators
5. Market Structures for Electricity
5.1 The basics of plant dispatch
5.2 The centrally managed model
5.3 The single buyer
5.4 The pool model
5.5 The bilateral model
5.6 Imbalance and balancing
5.7 Reserve contracts
5.8 Wholesale markets
5.9 Power exchanges
5.10 Advanced pool markets
6. Power Capacity
6.1 The definition of capacity
6.2 Requirements for capacity
6.3 The basic economics of provision of capacity and reserve by generators
6.4 Modelling the capability of generation capacity
6.5 Modelling capacity capability from the consumer side
6.6 Commercial mechanisms – the generator perspective
6.7 Capacity provision – the supplier perspective
6.8 Capacity provision – the network operator’s perspective
6.9 The system operator’s perspective
6.10 Capacity facilitation – contractual instruments
6.11 Use of options to convey probability information
6.12 Effect of price caps on capacity and prices
7. Location
8. Environment, Amenity, Corporate Responsibility
9. Price and Derivatives Modelling
10. Economic Principles in Relation to the ESI
11. Financial Modelling of Power Plant
12. Security of Supply


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