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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書文學(xué)藝術(shù)藝術(shù)藝術(shù)理論凝固的史詩:繪畫造型的敘事性重建



定 價:¥108.00

作 者: 尚輝
出版社: 廣西師范大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787559854261 出版時間: 2023-03-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






緒論 .................001
一、重識主題性繪畫的敘事特征與審美價值 .................012
Reunderstanding Narrative Characteristics and
Aesthetic Values of Thematic Painting 經(jīng)典造型是油畫敘事的藝術(shù)生命 Classic Modeling: Artistic Life of Oil Painting Narrative 繪畫藝術(shù)的戲劇性 The Dramatic Properties of Painting Art 繪畫敘事的若干方式 Several Modes of Painting Narrative 宏大敘事的場景與人物 Scenes and Characters from Grand Narratives 再現(xiàn)的美學(xué)品格 Aesthetic Characters of Representation 現(xiàn)實主題的另一種表達 Another Expression of Realistic Themes 日常與超驗 Ordinary and Transcendental 從錯覺到隱喻 From Illusion to Metaphor 歷史畫的人文價值與美學(xué)品格 Humanistic Values and Aesthetic Characters of Historical Painting 像詩人甚至瘋子那樣自由詮釋 To Interpret Freely like a Poet or a Madman 歷史畫的時代審美之變 Changes in Aesthetic Principles of Different Eras in Historical Painting
二、重建圖像時代的造型藝術(shù)形象 .................122
Reconstructing Images of Plastic Arts in the Image Era 有意味的造型 Meaningful Modeling 繪畫造型形象的藝術(shù)完美性 Artistic Perfection of Images in Painting Modeling 手是創(chuàng)造繪畫審美的必要支撐 Hand: Indispensable Foundation for Creating Painting Aesthetics 表情的造型 Modeling of Facial Expressions 圖像景觀與繪畫群組 Image Landscape and Painting Series Group 瞬間對古典的介入 Instantaneity’s Intervention in the Classical Paradigm 轉(zhuǎn)用照片的繪畫 Pictorial Image as an Object Converted from Photograph 作為照片附庸的繪畫 Painting’s Subservience to Photography 游走于形象塑造之中的自由表現(xiàn) Free Expression Wandering in Image-building 作為當(dāng)代繪畫表征的表現(xiàn)性繪畫 Expressive Painting as the Representative of Contemporary Paintings 庫爾貝的視覺真實 Courbet's Visual Fidelty 博特羅的繪畫趣味 Interestingness of Batero’s Paintings 誤讀巴巴 Misunderstanding about Corneliu Baba
三、主題性美術(shù)創(chuàng)作的當(dāng)代重建 .................250
Contemporary Reconstruction of Thematic Artistic Creation 詩性與寓意的古典主義 Poetic and Allegorical Classicism 國家歷史記憶中的史詩圖像 Historical Images in the Memery of Nation 中華文明歷史題材美術(shù)創(chuàng)作的宏大敘事與史詩轉(zhuǎn)換 Grand Narrative and Epic Transformation in Artistic Creation on Chinese
Civilization and History 信仰力量的形象詮釋 Visual Interpretation of the Strength of Faith 歷史畫是人們歷史記憶的組成部分 Historical Painting as the Composition of People's Historical Memories


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