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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科政治中國政治The Hongqiao Story

The Hongqiao Story

The Hongqiao Story

定 價:¥88.00

作 者: The Study and Practice Base for Whole-Process Peop 著,中譯語通信息科技(上海)有限公司 譯
出版社: 學林出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787548618690 出版時間: 2023-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 336 字數(shù):  




  上海人大全過程人民民主研習實踐基地,是社會主義民主政治和人民代表大會制度基本理論、基本知識的學習教育基地,具有研習功能、實踐功能、展示功能和輻射功能。 上海市長寧區(qū)虹橋街道全過程人民民主基層實踐基地,以黨建引領實踐基地、理論研究基地、宣傳展示基地為主要功能,以立法意見征詢、規(guī)劃決策意見征詢、人民意見征集、社區(qū)公共事務協(xié)商等為主要內容,是探索黨建引領下的全過程的民主決策、民主協(xié)商和民主實踐的實踐基地。



Down-to-Earth Legislation

Keep in Mind the Instructions, Live Up to the Expectations, and Strive to Build the Best Practice Base for Primary-Level Whole-Process People’s Democracy / 3
//Dai Tao
A Small Community With a Big Mission on Its Shoulders / 14
//Zhu Guoping
Small Community, Big Mission—Whole-Process People’s Democracy in Practice at Hongqiao Sub-district / 20
//Hu Yu’ang
General Secretary Xi Jinping Visits Our Legislative Contact Point / 28
//Ma Chao
I Made Suggestions for Amending the Law on Administrative Penalty / 48
//Hou Xiaoyan
My Six Years as an Advisor of Hongqiao Sub-district Primary-Level Legislative Contact Point / 54
//Liu Zhengdong
People Participate in Legislative Amendments from Their “Doorsteps” / 60
//Wu Xinhui

Public Consultation for Legislation

Ordinary People Participate in Legislation / 69
//Tan Yu
Experiencing the “Last Mile” in the Implementation of Policies and Laws at Close Range / 80
//Huang Haihua
The Most Lovable Person at Hongqiao Sub-district Primary-Level Legislative Contact Point / 87
//Zhao Guang
Public Opinion Reaches Top Legislature through “Legislative Opinion Express Train” / 94
//Zhao Shanshan
The Story about the Civil Code and Hongqiao Sub-district Primary-Level Legislative Contact Point / 101
//Gong Li
“It Turns Out That the Law Is Not Something That One Should Learn When Engaged in a Lawsuit” / 109
//You Yuanchao
Make the Concept of Whole-Process People’s Democracy Take Root and Blossom in Hongqiao / 115
//Xu Jiajie
Stories of Work at Hongqiao Sub-district Primary-Level Legislative Contact Point / 121
//Chen Yubo
Stories Told and Stories to Tell / 127
//Yuan Quan
I Designed and Made the “Pass for Legislative Opinion Express Train” / 136
//Zhong Lijunren

Engaging with Public Opinion

My Suggestions for the Modification of the National Anthem Law Were Adopted / 147
//Xia Yunlong
I’m a “Foreign Woodpecker” / 152
//Noyan Rona
I’m a Foreign Councilor at Gubei Civic Center / 158
//Michelle Wang
Our Honor Is Inseparable from the Whole-Process People’s Democracy / 164
//Zhou Ling
Primary-Level Legislative Contact Point: The Bridge for Public Opinion and the Classroom for Judges / 171
//Li Xing


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