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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁(yè)出版圖書文學(xué)藝術(shù)藝術(shù)收藏鑒賞Liuba畫北京(英)



定 價(jià):¥198.00

作 者: 弗拉基米羅娃-柳芭 著
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787508547565 出版時(shí)間: 2022-11-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁(yè)數(shù): 180 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  來(lái)自俄羅斯伊爾庫(kù)茨克市的自由插畫師Liuba Vladimirova,熱愛中國(guó)文化,熱愛北京,迄今在北京生活已超過(guò)10年。她十分鐘情胡同里的老北京風(fēng)情,也喜歡感受發(fā)展中的北京日新月異的一面,并把它們和諧而有創(chuàng)意地融入她的作品,形成了自己的獨(dú)特風(fēng)格,擁有自己的藝術(shù)品牌“Liuba Draws”。在本畫冊(cè)中,Liuba以北京為主題,用水彩勾勒出都市天際下的日常煙火,將自己的對(duì)這座城市的好奇和愛融入每一幅畫作,為讀者呈現(xiàn)出一個(gè)多彩、溫暖、充滿活力的北京城;創(chuàng)作中她不時(shí)將自已(還有她最心愛的龍貓Totoro)巧妙地融入插畫,不經(jīng)意間引領(lǐng)讀者沉浸于她的藝術(shù)世界。不同于普通的北京旅游指南,《Liuba畫北京》是作者對(duì)北京極具個(gè)性的文化體驗(yàn)和觀察,讀者從中可以發(fā)現(xiàn)許多被傳統(tǒng)旅游指南遺漏的“珍寶”;腦洞大開的創(chuàng)意、充滿細(xì)節(jié)和幽默的表達(dá),更讓一些原本司空見慣的場(chǎng)景變成了別具一格的風(fēng)景,而有的畫面已定格為永久的記憶。一本用心制作、足夠“獨(dú)一無(wú)二”的關(guān)于北京的精裝紀(jì)念畫冊(cè),英文版,180頁(yè),附贈(zèng)A2大小北京胡同插畫一幅,相信會(huì)帶給讀者難得的溫馨快樂(lè)的閱讀體驗(yàn),適合所有感興趣的中外讀者賞讀。 Liuba Draws Beijing reveals glimpses of Beijing you don't see described in the classic travel guides. This illustrated memoir from Liuba, a foreign illustrator, is a collection of informative and humorous anecdotes representing the artist's personal perspective on life in China's capital. Experience the Asian metropolis through full-page watercolor paintings with delightful scenes of the old maze-like streets contrasting with the modern city skyline, early bird street food vendors servicing commuters, a winter snowfall panorama of the Forbidden City and the Great Wall under the star filled skies. Witty comments and detailed watercolor illustrated stories take the reader on a journey with the author.


  來(lái)自俄羅斯伊爾庫(kù)茨克市的自由插畫師Liuba Vladimirova,熱愛中國(guó)文化,熱愛北京,迄今在北京生活已超過(guò)10年。她十分鐘情胡同里的老北京風(fēng)情,也喜歡感受發(fā)展中的北京日新月異的一面,并把它們和諧而有創(chuàng)意地融入她的作品,形成了自己的獨(dú)特風(fēng)格,擁有自己的藝術(shù)品牌“Liuba Draws”。 Liuba Vladimirova is a freelance illustrator from Irkutsk, Russia. She loves Chinese culture and the city of Beijing. Liuba has been living in Beijing for more than 10 years. She is particularly fond of the old Beijing style in the hutongs, but at the same time, also loves to experience the ever changing modern side of Beijing and integrates these harmoniously and creatively into her works to form a unique style with her art brand Liuba Draws.




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