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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)環(huán)境科學(xué)、安全科學(xué)Ecotoxicology of Typically Perfluorinated Compounds in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

Ecotoxicology of Typically Perfluorinated Compounds in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

Ecotoxicology of Typically Perfluorinated Compounds in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments

定 價(jià):¥96.00

作 者: 陳輝倫 著
出版社: 冶金工業(yè)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787502483210 出版時(shí)間: 2020-11-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  


  Perfluorinated compounds(PFCs) are of particular concern to environmental regulators and the public because of their global distribution, environmental persistence, and po-tential risk to humans and ecosystems. However, data on the ecotoxicity of PFCs are still limited. This monogragh systematically summames the occurrence and ecotoxicology of PFCs in aquatic and terrestrial environments. Then the typical PFCs are selected for ecotoxicity study. The carbon chain length and functional groups of PFCs, the typeof organism, and the properties of the environment have great impacts on the ecotoxic- ity of PFCs. In addition, the coexistence of other pollutants may also interact with PF-Cs. Finally, the gaps in knowledge are identified and possible future research per-spectives are proposed. These results are expected to provide more comprehensive in-formation on the ecotoxicity of PFCs in the environment.


暫缺《Ecotoxicology of Typically Perfluorinated Compounds in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments》作者簡(jiǎn)介


1Introduction1 References5 2Review on Ecotoxicology of PFCs12 2.1Occurrence of PFCs12 2.1.1Drinking water12 2.1.2Groundwater12 2.1.3Freshwater and seawater13 2.1.4Soil and vegetation20 2.2Toxicity of PFCs23 2.2.1Aquatic plants23 2.2.2Algae25 2.2.3Invertebrates species28 2.2.4Bacteria34 2.2.5Amphibians35 2.2.6Fish37 2.2.7Terrestrial microorganisms47 2.2.8Terrestrial plants53 2.2.9Terrestrial invertebrates57 2.3Factors affecting toxicity of PFCs63 2.3.1Sexual difference of aquatic animals63 2.3.2Developmental stage of an organism64 2.3.3Salt64 2.3.4Different routes of exposure65 2.4Summary65 References66 3Toxicity of PFOA to Pseudomonas putida in the Aquatic Environment81 3.1Materials and methods82 3.1.1Microorganisms and materials82 3.1.2Experimental procedure83 3.1.3Microcalorimetric determination83 3.1.4Determination the surface pressure of PFOA83 3.1.5Statistical analyses84 3.2Results and discussion84 3.2.1Powertime curves of P. putida growth84 3.2.2Thermokinetic parameters of P. putida growth85 3.2.3The surface pressure of PFOA89 3.3Summary91 References91 4Single and Joint Toxicity of PFCs and Copper to Metal Resistant Arthrobacter Strains95 4.1Materials and methods97 4.1.1Microorganisms and materials97 4.1.2Experimental procedure97 4.1.3GQ9 growth curve97 4.1.4Single and joint toxicity test97 4.1.5Statistical analyses98 4.2Results and discussion98 4.2.1The optical density of GQ9 growth98 4.2.2Individual toxicity of PFCAs to GQ999 4.2.3Joint toxicity of PFCAs and copper to GQ9103 4.3Summary106 References106 5The Interaction Mechanisms of PFCs with HSA: Effect of Carbon Chain Length110 5.1Materials and methods111 5.1.1Materials111 5.1.2Fluorescence spectrometry measurements112 5.1.3FTIR spectroscopic measurements112 5.1.4Molecular docking study112 5.2Results and discussion113 5.2.1The binding mechanism113 5.2.2The characterization of binding force117 5.2.3The conformational changes of HSA117 5.2.4Molecular modeling results120 5.3Summary122 References123 6The Interaction Mechanisms of PFCs with BSA:Effect of Functional Group127 6.1Materials and methods129 6.1.1Materials129 6.1.2Fluorescence quenching measurements129 6.1.3UVVis absorbance spectra129 6.1.4FTIR spectroscopic measurements130 6.1.5Molecular modeling methods130 6.2Results and discussion130 6.2.1Fluorescence quenching spectra of BSA130 6.2.2Mechanisms of fluorescence quenching132 6.2.3Thermodynamic parameters and binding modes136 6.2.4Identification of the specific binding sites138 6.2.5Conformation investigation of BSA140 6.2.6Molecular modeling study143 6.3Summary146 References146 7Toxicity of PFOA to Soil Microbial Activity: Effect of Fertilization Conditions149 7.1Materials and methods150 7.1.1Site description150 7.1.2Experimental design and treatments150 7.1.3Soil sampling and analysis151 7.1.4Microcalorimetric measurements152 7.1.5Molecular modeling methods152 7.1.6Statistical analysis153 7.2Results and discussion153 7.2.1Soil chemical analysis153 7.2.2Powertime curves of soil microorganisms153 7.2.3Differences in toxicity of PFOA to soil microorganisms156 7.2.4Soil enzyme activity158 7.2.5Molecular modeling study160 7.3Summary162 References163 8Toxicity of PFCs to Soil Microbial Activity:Effect of Carbon Chain Length,Functional Group and Soil Properties167 8.1Materials and methods169 8.1.1Chemicals169 8.1.2Soil characterization169 8.1.3Microcalorimetric measurements170 8.2Results and discussion170 8.2.1Powertime curves170 8.2.2Differences in toxicity response of soil microorganisms to PFCs178 8.3Summary183 References184 9Response of Soil Microbial Community to PFCs Stress189 9.1Materials and methods191 9.1.1Chemicals and materials191 9.1.2Experimental design191 9.1.3DNA extraction192 9.1.416S rRNA gene sequencing and analysis192 9.1.5Metagenome sequencing and annotation193 9.2Results and discussion194 9.2.1Effects of PFCs on soil bacterial community richness and diversity194 9.2.2Effects of PFCs on soil bacterial community structure196 9.2.3Effects of PFCs on soil bacterial community function200 9.3Summary213 References214 10Conclusions and Prospects219 References221


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