注冊 | 登錄讀書好,好讀書,讀好書!
當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科歷史世界史上海圖書館藏宋本圖錄(修訂本)



定 價:¥680.00

作 者: 上海圖書館 編
出版社: 上海古籍出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787573200891 出版時間: 2022-07-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 8開 頁數(shù): 156 字數(shù):  


  本書精選上海圖書館藏宋刻善本60種,每種善本均選取具有代表性的圖版,撰寫詳細敘錄以判定版本時代、考訂版本源流、區(qū)別版本異同、揭示遞藏經(jīng)過等等。 本次出版,是在2010年版基礎(chǔ)上的修訂,吸收了**的版本鑒定成果,完善細節(jié)敘述,并對每一部宋版補注其收藏來源。




Zhejiang Area
1. 長短經(jīng)九卷 北宋刻本
 Political Stratagem of Warring States Period, 9 juan, North Song block-printed edition ·····························3
2. 諸儒鳴道七十二卷 宋刻端平二年閩川黃壯猷修補本
 Confucian Scholars’ Collection, 72 juan, Song block-printed edition,
restored by Huang Zhuangyou in 1235 ·········································································································10
3. 武經(jīng)龜鑑二十卷 宋刻本
 Arts of War Annotated, 20 juan, Song block-printed edition ······································································15
4. 漢丞相諸葛忠武侯傳一卷 宋刻本
 Biography of Zhuge Liang, 1 juan, Song block-printed edition ···································································20
5. 廣韻五卷 宋刻本
 Revision of Rhyme Dictionary, 5 juan, Song block-printed edition ·····························································27
6. 增修互註禮部韻略五卷 宋刻元公文紙印本
 Abridged Rhymes of the Ministry of Rites with Additions and Annotations, 5 juan,
Song block edition, printed on Yuan paper ····································································································31
7. 王建詩集十卷 宋臨安府陳解元宅刻本
 Poem Collection of Wang Jian, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition produced
by Chen Jieyuan’s Publishing House in Lin’an City ······················································································36
8. 才調(diào)集十卷 宋臨安府陳宅書籍鋪刻本
 Caidiao Anthology of Tang Poems, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition produced
by Chen’s Publishing House in Lin’an City ···································································································41
9. 丁卯集二卷 宋刻本
 Dingmao Collection, 2 juan, Song block-printed edition ···········································································44
10. 西疇居士春秋本例二十卷 宋刻本
 Annotations of Spring and Autumn Annals by Recluse Xichou, 20 juan,
Song block-printed edition ···························································································································47
11. 集韻十卷 宋明州刻修補本
 Jiyun Dictionary, 10 juan, block produced in Mingzhou, a revised edition ··················································51
12. 唐鑑十二卷 宋刻本
 Tang Warnings, 12 juan, Song block-printed edition ··················································································56
13. 三蘇先生文粹七十卷 宋婺州刻本
 Selected Works of the Three Master Sus, 70 juan,
Song block-printed edition produced in Wuzhou ·······················································································59
14. 春秋經(jīng)傳集解三十卷附春秋二十國年表一卷 宋刻本
 Collected Commentaries on Spring and Autumn Annals, 30 juan, with the chronicles
of the twenty states in the Chun Qiu period in l juan, Song block-printed edition ···································63
15. 呂氏家塾讀詩記三十二卷 宋刻本
 Notes on Book of Songs By Lu’s Family School, 32 juan, Song block-printed edition ·····························66
16. 重彫足本鑑誡録十卷 宋刻本
 Reprinted Full-length Records of Warnings, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition ···································70
17. 藝文類聚一百卷 宋紹興嚴州刻本
 Collection of Literature Arranged by Categories, 100 juan, 
Song block-printed edition in 1131—1162 in Yanzhou ················································································82
18. 會昌一品制集二十卷 宋刻本
 Collected Edicts Drafted by Prime Minister Li Deyu, 20 juan, Song block-printed edition ····················85
19. 東觀餘論二卷 宋嘉定三年莊夏刻四年訂補印本
 Dongguan Observations, 2 juan,
Song block-printed edition produced by Zhuang Xia in 1210 and revised in 1211 ···································91
20. 劉子十卷 宋刻本
 Liu Zi, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition ································································································96
21. 大佛頂如來密因修證了義諸菩薩萬行首楞嚴經(jīng)十卷 宋刻本
 The Surangama Sutra, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition ·····································································100
Jiangsu Area
22. 史記一百三十卷 宋紹興淮南西路轉(zhuǎn)運司刻本
 Records of the Historian, 130 juan, Song block-printed edition produced
by Shaoxing Huainan Xilu Government Office ························································································107
23. 杜工部集二十卷補遺一卷 宋刻本
 Collected Works of Du Fu, 20 juan, with Supplement in 1 juan, 
Song block-printed edition ·························································································································116
24. 註東坡先生詩四十二卷 宋嘉定六年刻景定三年修補本
 Annotated Poem Collection of Su Dongpo, 42 juan, Song block-printed edition
(block produced in 1213 and restored in 1262) ··························································································122
Anhui Area
25. 宛陵先生文集六十卷 宋紹興十年汪伯彥刻嘉定元年補版十六年至十七年重修本
 Master Wanling’s Collected Works, 60 juan, block produced by Wang Boyan in 1140,
restored in 1208 and revised in 1224 — 1225 ·······························································································131
26. 文選雙字類要三卷 宋淳熙八年池陽郡齋刻紹熙三年重修本
 Quotations from Wen Xuan, 3 juan, block produced 
by Chiyang Prefecture Studio in 1181 and revised in 1192 ·······································································136
27. 金石録三十卷 宋淳熙間龍舒郡齋刻修版印本
 Collected Inscriptions on Antiquity, 30 juan, block produced
by Longshu Prefecture Studio in 1174 — 1189, a revised edition ·······························································139
28. 漢雋十卷 宋淳熙五年滁陽郡齋刻本
 Quotations from The Book of Han, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition produced
by Chuyang Prefecture Studio in 1187 ·······································································································146
Jiangxi Area
29. 王荊公唐百家詩選二十卷 宋紹興乾道間刻淳熙間修補本
 Wang Anshi Edited Anthology of 100 Tang Poets, 20 juan, 
Song block-printed edition produced in 1131—1173 and revised in 1174—1189 ······································153
30. 侍郎葛公歸愚集二十卷 宋建刻本
 Minister Ge’s Guiyu Collection, 20 juan, Song block-printed edition ·····················································159
31. 韻語陽秋二十卷 宋刻本
 Poetic Criticism, 20 juan, Song block-printed edition ···············································································164
32. 資治通鑑綱目五十九卷 宋嘉定十四年廬陵刻本
 General Outline of Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government, 59 juan,
Song block-printed edition produced in Luling in 1221 ···········································································169
33. 曹子建文集十卷 宋刻本
 Collected Works of Cao Zijian, 10 juan, Song block-printed edition ·······················································172
34. 古靈先生文集二十五卷附録一卷 宋紹興三十一年陳輝刻本
 Collected Works of Master Guling, 25 juan, with Appendix in 1 juan, 
Song block-printed edition produced by Chen Hui in 1161 ····································································175
35. 補注蒙求八卷 宋刻本
 Supplementary Notes on the Primer, 8 juan, Song block-printed edition ················································180
Fujian Area
36. 新編方輿勝覽七十卷 宋咸淳三年吳堅、劉震孫刻重修本
 Newly-Edited Geography, 70 juan, Song block-printed edition produced 
by Wu Jian and Liu Zhensun in 1267, a revised edition ···········································································187
37. 皇朝編年備要三十卷 宋刻本
 Essential Digest of the Annals of the Imperial Court, 30 juan, Song block-printed edition ···················190
重版後記 ··························································································································································293


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