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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術交通運輸綜合運輸Transportation Systems Engineering Models and Applications(交通運輸系統(tǒng)工程模型與應用)

Transportation Systems Engineering Models and Applications(交通運輸系統(tǒng)工程模型與應用)

Transportation Systems Engineering Models and Applications(交通運輸系統(tǒng)工程模型與應用)

定 價:¥36.00

作 者: 蔣朝哲
出版社: 西南交通大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787564346263 出版時間: 2016-11-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  




  蔣朝哲: 西南交通大學交通運輸工程博士后,副教授;加拿大滑鐵盧大學土木與環(huán)境工程系博士后,副研究員。主要研究方向包括系統(tǒng)決策理論與方法,交通運輸系統(tǒng)工程,大數(shù)據(jù)在交通中的應用,城市交通排放(PM2.5)等領域。出版專著教材10余部,發(fā)表學術論文60余篇,其中被SCI,EI,ISTP收錄近20余篇,主持主研國家自然科學基金、國家社科基金等國家省部級以及加拿大國家和省部級課題20余項。


Chapter 1  Introduction to Transportation Systems Engineering    1
1.1  Introduction to Systems Engineering    1
1.1.1  A Few Definitions    1
1.1.2  Systems Engineering Principles    2
1.1.3  The ¡°V¡± Systems Engineering Model    4
1.1.4  Value of Systems Engineering    6
1.2  Applying Systems Engineering    7
1.2.1  The Traditional Project Life Cycle and Systems Engineering    7
1.2.2  Applying Systems Engineering in Project    10
1.2.3  Applying Systems Engineering in Organization    11
1.3  Model Applications and Transportation Systems Engineering    15
1.3.1  Transportation Systems Design and the Decision-Making Process    15
1.3.2  Some Areas of Models Application    20
Chapter 2  Transportation Supply Design Models and Solving Algorithm    24
2.1  General Formulations of the Supply Design Problem    24
2.2  Applications of Supply Design Models    27
2.2.1  Models for Road Network Layout Design    28
2.2.2  Models for Road Network Capacity Design    30
2.2.3  Models for Transit Network Design    32
2.2.4  Models for Pricing Design    34
2.2.5  Models for Mixed Design    37
2.3  Algorithms for Supply Design Models    37
2.3.1  Algorithms for the Discrete SDP    37
2.3.2  Algorithms for the Continuous SDP    40
Chapter 3  Transportation Supply Design Projects¢ñ    42
3.1  Traffic Intersections    42
3.1.1  Conflicts at an Intersection    42
3.1.2  Control of Intersection    43
3.2  Traffic Rotaries Engineering    48
3.2.1  Advantages and Disadvantages of Rotary    48
3.2.2  Guidelines for the Selection of Rotaries    49
3.2.3  Traffic Operations in a Rotary    50
3.2.4  Intersection Design    50
3.2.5  Capacity of Intersection    52
3.3  Parking Systems Design    54
3.3.1  Parking Studies    54
3.3.2  Parking Statistics    54
3.3.3  Parking Surveys    56
3.3.4  Ill Effects of Parking    56
3.3.5  Parking Requirements    57
3.3.6  On and off Street Parking    57
Chapter 4  Transportation Supply Design Projects¢ò    61
4.1  Road Marking projects    61
4.1.1  Longitudinal Markings    61
4.1.2  Transverse Markings    65
4.1.3  Object Marking    67
4.1.4  Special Marking    68
4.2  Traffic Signs Projects    70
4.2.1  Requirements of Traffic Control Devices    70
4.2.2  Communication Tools    71
4.2.3  Regulatory Signs    72
4.2.4  Warning Signs    74
4.2.5  Informative Signs    75
Chapter 5  Transportation Supply Design Projects ¢ó    76
5.1  Traffic Signal Design-I    76
5.1.1  Phase Design    77
5.1.2  Interval Design    80
5.1.3  Cycle Time    81
5.1.4  Effective Green Time    83
5.2  Traffic Signal Design-II    85
5.2.1  Green Splitting    85
5.2.2  Pedestrian Crossing Requirements    86
5.2.3  Performance Measures    86
5.3  Coordinated Signal Design    89
5.3.1  Factors Affecting Coordination    89
5.3.2  The Time-Space Diagram and Ideal Offsets    91
5.3.3  The Bandwidth Concept and Maximum Bandwidth    96
5.3.4  Forward and Reverse Progressions    99
Chapter 6  Systems Engineering for Intelligent Transportation Systems    103
6.1  ITS Project Implementation    103
6.1.1  Definition to ITS Project    103
6.1.2  ITS Technical Process    103
6.2  ITS Project Management Process    118
6.2.1  Project Planning    119
6.2.2  Project Monitoring and Control    122
6.2.3  Risk Management    126
6.2.4  Configuration Management    130
Chapter 7  Transportation Systems Engineering for Planning and Evaluation    132
7.1  Evaluation of Transportation System Projects    133
7.1.1  Identification of Relevant Impacts    134
7.1.2  Identification and Estimation of Impact Indicators    137
7.2  Methods for the Comparison of Alternative Projects    138
7.2.1  Benefit-Cost Analysis    139
7.2.2  Revenue-Cost Analysis    145
7.2.3  Multi-Criteria Analysis    146
References    157


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