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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書文學(xué)藝術(shù)文學(xué)紀(jì)實文學(xué)人間正是艷陽天:湖南湘西十八洞的故事(英)



定 價:¥119.00

作 者: 彭學(xué)明 著,劉浚 譯
出版社: 五洲傳播出版社
叢編項: 新時代的中國人(二)
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787508546056 出版時間: 2022-01-01 包裝: 軟精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 220 字數(shù):  


  “新時代的中國人”叢書聚焦新時代社會生活各方面的代表性、典型性人物,講述在改革開放歷程中中國人真實、生動的個體故事,展現(xiàn)新時代中國人積極向上的價值理念和精神追求,為國際社會多維度了解中國人、理解中國的發(fā)展進步,提供一個窗口、一個視角。 2013年11月3日,習(xí)近平總書記來到湖南湘西十八洞村,作出了“實事求是、因地制宜、分類指導(dǎo)、精準(zhǔn)扶貧”的重要指示。自此,十八洞村成為精準(zhǔn)扶貧方略的首倡地。 本書生動展現(xiàn)了十八洞村曲折感人的時代變遷。作者五年八次實地走訪,從身邊一個個鮮活的人物入手,全面記述了十八洞村黨支部帶領(lǐng)群眾,積極響應(yīng)黨中央的號召,將大山深處積貧落后的邊遠村寨,逐步建設(shè)成因地制宜、合理規(guī)劃、精準(zhǔn)扶貧、精準(zhǔn)脫貧的模范村的故事。 Heroes of China’s New Era, a 8-volume book series published by China Intercontinental Press, extols a selection of role models embodying the zeitgeist of today’s Chinese society. The narratives of common individuals as heir to China’s fine traditions present the highlights of a picture showing people’s shared commitment to the Chinese Dream. Shibadong, or Eighteen Caves, is the place where the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee first raised the important thought of precision poverty alleviation in Hunan Province. In five years, the author visited the village eight times, gathering typical examples on the ground to tell the story of how local villagers joined hands with officials to turn a poverty-stricken village locked behind mountains into a model of precision poverty alleviation through strategic planning that makes the best of local resources.


  彭學(xué)明,土家族,作家和文學(xué)評論家,現(xiàn)供職中國作家協(xié)會。其多篇作品入選中國教育部中學(xué)、大學(xué)語文課本,并被譯成英、法、俄、日等多種語言。主要著作有《娘》《我的湘西》《祖先歌舞》等。 Peng Xueming, a writer and literary critic of Tujia ethnicity, is a member of the China Writers Association. Many of his works are selected by the Ministry of Education for the textbooks of Chinese language in middle schools and universities. And his works have been translated into English, French, Russian, Japanese and other languages. His main works include Mother (Niang), My Xiangxi (Wo De Xiangxi), and Ancestral Songs and Dances (Zuxian Gewu).


Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen


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