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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語大學英語四六級新時代大學英語讀寫譯(學生用書4)



定 價:¥59.00

作 者: 王會娟,鄭玉琪 編
出版社: 清華大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787302526131 出版時間: 2019-04-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 229 字數:  


  《新時代大學英語讀寫譯(學生用書4)》每個單元均包含Reading、Writing、Translation和Weaving It Together四個部分。Reading部分包含兩篇課文,配有Pre-Reading、Vocabulary、Reading Comprehension、Cloze、Paraphrase、Critical Thinking等練習,并提供了相關閱讀技巧的總結;Writing和TransIation部分概括了寫作和翻譯技巧,并配有相應的練習;Weaving It Together則是對本單元內容的總結和拓展,起到了畫龍點睛的作用。




Unit 1 Language
Reading 1: Spell It in English
Reading 2: Jumbo
Reading Skill: Identifying Reasons
Writing Skill: The Process Essay | Time Expressions
Translation Skill: 分譯法
Unit 2 Hygiene
Reading 1: How Clean Is Clean?
Reading 2: Bathing —— Japanese Style
Reading Skill: Taking and Organizing Your Notes for Future Review
Writing Skill: Definitions | The Definition Essay
Translation Skill: 現(xiàn)在分詞用作非限制性定語的翻譯
Unit 3 Humanitarians
Reading 1: John Bul Dau and the Lost Boys of Sudan
Reading 2: Patrick Meier, Crisis Mapper
Reading Skill: Summarizing the Main Information
Writing Skill: The Description Essay | Figures of Speech
Translation Skill: 意譯法
Unit 4 Psychology
Reading 1: What Our Bodies Say About Us
Reading 2: Why We Are What We Are
Reading Skill: Increasing Reading Speed by Spotting Examples
Writing Skill: The Principle of Classification | The Classification Essay
Translation Skill: 關鍵詞的翻譯
Unit 5 Gender
Reading 1: Males and Females: What's the Difference?
Reading 2: Life Chances
Reading Skill: Finding the Subjects in Complex Sentences
Writing Skill: Comparison and Contrast | The Comparison-and-Contrast Essay | Comparison-and-Contrast Indicators
Translation Skill: 省略句的翻譯
Unit 6 Nutrition
Reading 1: What's Real/yon Your Dinner Plate?
Reading 2: Hormones in Food: Should You Worry?
Reading Skill: Understanding the Author's Purpose
Writing Skill: The Cause-and-Effect Essay
Translation Skill: 介詞的翻譯
Unit 7 Issues for Debate
Reading 1: Do Animals Have Rights?
Reading 2: Tweet Touches off Heated Debate
Reading Skill: Recognizing the Author's Attitude
Writing Skill: The Argument Essay
Translation Skill: 強調句的翻譯
Unit 8 Readings from Literature
Reading 1: The Tell-Tale Heart
Reading 2: If
Reading Skill: Making Predictions About What Will Happen Next
Writing Skill: The Analysis of a Short Story
Translation Skill: 代詞的翻譯


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