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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術自然科學天文學/地球科學鈾礦地質(zhì)學概論(英文版)



定 價:¥198.00

作 者: 李增華等 著
出版社: 科學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787030670250 出版時間: 2021-06-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 114 字數(shù):  






Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Uranium resources in the world 1
1.2 Classification of uranium deposits.1
References .2
Chapter 2
Intrusive-type uranium deposits 4
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Uranium deposits related to magmatic differentiation.5
2.2.1 Geological setting 5
2.2.2 The host rocks5
2.2.3 Alteration .5
2.2.4 Mineralization5
2.3 Uranium deposits related to partial melting 6
2.3.1 Uranium geochemical behavior in germination6
2.3.2 Geological characteristics of pegmatite-type uranium deposits7
2.4 Example: the Rssing deposit in Namibia .8
2.4.1 Regional geology .8
2.4.2 Local geology 8
2.4.3 Metamorphism10
2.4.4 Structure.11
2.4.5 Pegmatitic granite .11
2.4.6 Uranium Mineralization.13
2.4.7 Ore genesis14
2.5 Example: the Hongshiquan deposit in China.14
2.5.1 (Meta)sediments 14
2.5.2 Magmatic rocks .15
2.5.3 Structures 15
2.5.4 Pegmatoidal alaskite 15
2.5.5 Mineralization.16References 16
Chapter 3 Granite-type uranium deposits18
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2.1 Geological background 18
3.2.2 Temporal and spatial characteristics of uraniferous granites 19
3.2.3 Geochemical characteristics of uraniferous granites20
3.2.4 Abundances in uraniferous granites.21
3.2.5 Mineralization styles of granite-type uranium deposits.21
3.2.6 Structural control over uranium mineralization.22
3.2.7 Ore compositions and ore vein evolution characteristics 22
3.2.8 Genetic model of granite-type uranium deposits 24
3.3 Example: Uranium deposits in the Guidong granite complex 25
3.3.1 Characteristics of intrusions.25
3.3.2 Structural characteristics25
3.3.3 Mineralization.25
3.3.4 The No. 337 deposit.26
3.4 Example: Uranium deposits in mid-European Variscan U province .27
3.4.1 Characteristics of intrusions.27
3.4.2 Mineralization features 28
3.4.3 Limousin deposit 29References 30
Chapter 4 Polymetallic iron oxide breccia complex deposits33
4.1 Introduction 33
4.2 Example: Olympic Dam deposit (Australia) 34
4.2.1 Geological setting .34
4.2.2 Local geology .34
4.2.3 Ore geology .35
4.2.4 Genetic model.35References 36
Chapter 5 Volcanic-related uranium deposit .38
5.1 Introduction 38
5.2 Geological conditions of volcanic-related uranium deposits.39
5.2.1 Lithologic and lithofacies conditions of uranium-producing volcanic rocks.39
5.2.2 Structural controls on volcanic-related uranium deposits.39
5.2.3 Types of volcanic basins related to uranium mineralization40
5.3 Characteristics of volcanic-related uranium deposits 41
5.4 Examples: the Xiangshan volcanic-related ore field in China 41
5.4.1 Introduction 41
5.4.2 Geological setting .42
5.4.3 Mineralization.44
5.4.4 Ore genesis45
5.5 Examples: the Strel’tsovka ore field in Russia .47
5.5.1 Introduction 47
5.5.2 Geologic setting .48
5.5.3 Mineralization.48
5.5.4 Ore genesis50References 50
Chapter 6 Metasomatite-type uranium deposits 53
6.1 Uranium deposits related to Na-metasomatism53
6.1.1 Introduction 53
6.1.2 Na-metasomatite uranium deposits of the Kirovograd district (Ukraine) .54
6.2 Uranium deposits related to K-metasomatism 58
6.2.1 Geological setting .58
6.2.2 Local geology .59
6.2.3 Ore Geology.59
6.2.4 Genetic Model 61
6.3 Example: the Mary Kathleen U-REE skarn deposits.61
6.3.1 Geological setting .62
6.3.2 Local geology .62
6.3.3 Ore geology .63
6.3.4 Genetic model.64References 64
Chapter 7 Metamorphite-type uranium deposits 68
7.1 Overview .68
7.2 Uranium geochemistry in metamorphism68
7.2.1 Geochemical characteristics of uranium in regional metamorphism 69
7.2.2 Geochemical factors affecting the activation and transfer of uraniumduring regional and contact metamorphism.69
7.2.3 Uranium geochemistry in ultrametamorphism 70
7.3 Geological conditions and deposit characteristics of migmatization typeuranium deposits .71
7.4 Example: the Schwartzwalder deposit 72
7.4.1 Introduction 72
7.4.2 Local geology .72
7.4.3 Structural geology.72Introduction to Uranium Deposits74
7.4.4 Alteration 74
7.4.5 Mineralization.74
7.4.6 Metallogenetic aspects76References 77
Chapter 8 Unconformity-related uranium deposits 78
8.1 Introduction 78
8.2 Geological conditions and mineralization characteristics of unconformityrelateduranium deposits .78
8.2.1 Geological setting .78
8.2.2 Ore-bearing layer and metallogenic age 79
8.2.3 Lithologic conditions 79
8.2.4 Structural conditions 80
8.2.5 Regional unconformity and paleoregoliths conditions 80
8.2.6 Mineralization.818.3 Example: McArthur River uranium deposit (Saskatchewan, Canada) .82
8.3.1 Introduction 82
8.3.2 Geological setting .82
8.3.3 Genesis83References 84
Chapter 9 Sandstone-type uranium deposits .85
9.1 Introduction 85
9.2 Classification of sandstone-typ


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