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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科法律法律法規(guī)中華人民共和國民法典(漢英雙語版)



定 價:¥158.00

作 者: 全國人大常委會法制工作委員會,審定 著
出版社: 法律出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787519756338 出版時間: 2021-06-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 464 字數(shù):  







Order of the President of the Peoples Republic of China (No.45)

 Chapter Ⅰ General Provisions  1—12  
 Chapter Ⅱ Natural Persons    
  Section 1 Capacity for Enjoying Civillaw Rights and
Capacity for Performing Civil Juristic Acts  13—25  
  Section 2 Guardianship  26—39  
  Section 3 Declaration of a Missing Person and
Declaration of Death  40—53  
  Section 4 Individualrun Industrial and Commercial
Households and Ruralland Contractual
Management Households  54—56  
 Chapter Ⅲ Legal Persons    
  Section 1 General Rules  57—75  
  Section 2 Forprofit Legal Persons  76—86  
  Section 3 Nonprofit Legal Persons  87—95  
  Section 4 Special Legal Persons  96—101  
 Chapter Ⅳ Unincorporated Organizations  102—108  
 Chapter Ⅴ Civillaw Rights  109—132  
 Chapter Ⅵ Civil Juristic Acts    
  Section 1 General Rules  133—136  
  Section 2 Expression of Intent  137—142  
  Section 3 Effect of a Civil Juristic Act  143—157  
  Section 4 A Civil Juristic Act Subject to a Condition
or a Term  158—160  
 Chapter Ⅶ Agency    
  Section 1 General Rules  161—164  
  Section 2 Agency by Agreement  165—172  
  Section 3 Termination of Agency  173—175  
 Chapter Ⅷ Civil Liability  176—187  
 Chapter Ⅸ Limitation of Action  188—199  
 Chapter Ⅹ Counting of Periods of Time  200—204  
Book Two Real Rights
Part One General Provisions    
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  205—208  
 Chapter Ⅱ Creation,Alteration,Transfer,and
Extinguishment of Real Rights    
  Section 1 Registration of Immovable Property  209—223  
  Section 2 Delivery of Movable Property  224—228  
  Section 3 Other Rules  229—232  
 Chapter Ⅲ Protection of Real Rights  233—239  
Part Two Ownership    
 Chapter Ⅳ General Rules  240—245  
 Chapter Ⅴ State Ownership,Collective Ownership,
and Private Ownership  246—270  
 Chapter Ⅵ Ownership of a Buildings Units  271—287  
 Chapter Ⅶ Adjacent Relationships  288—296  
 Chapter Ⅷ Coownership  297—310  
 Chapter Ⅸ Special Provisions on the Acquisition
of Ownership  311—322  
Part Three Rights to Usufruct    
 Chapter Ⅹ General Rules  323—329  
 Chapter Ⅺ Rights to Contractual Management of Land  330—343  
 Chapter Ⅻ Rights to Use Land for Construction Purposes  344—361  
 Chapter ⅩⅢ Rights to Use House Sites  362—365  
 Chapter ⅩⅣ Rights of Habitation  366—371  
 Chapter ⅩⅤ Easements  372—385  
Part Four Security Interests    
 Chapter ⅩⅥ General Rules  386—393  
 Chapter ⅩⅦ Mortgage    
  Section 1 General Mortgage  394—419  
  Section 2 Maximum Mortgage for Floating Claims  420—424  
 Chapter ⅩⅧ Pledge    
  Section 1 Pledge in Movable Property  425—439  
  Section 2 Pledge on a Right  440—446  
 Chapter ⅩⅨ Lien  447—457  
Part Five Possession    
 Chapter ⅩⅩ Possession  458—462  
Book Three Contracts
Part One General Provisions    
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  463—468  
 Chapter Ⅱ Conclusion of Contracts  469—501  
 Chapter Ⅲ Effect of Contracts  502—508  
 Chapter Ⅳ Performance of Contracts  509—534  
 Chapter Ⅴ Preservation of Contracts  535—542  
 Chapter Ⅵ Modification and Assignment of Contracts  543—556  
 Chapter Ⅶ Termination of Rights and Obligations
under a Contract  557—576  
 Chapter Ⅷ Default Liability  577—594  
Part Two Nominate Contracts    
 Chapter Ⅸ Sales Contracts  595—647  
 Chapter Ⅹ Contracts for the Supply and Consumption
of Electricity,Water,Gas,or Heat  648—656  
 Chapter Ⅺ Gift Contracts  657—666  
 Chapter Ⅻ Loan Contracts  667—680  
 Chapter ⅩⅢ Suretyship Contracts    
  Section 1 General Rules  681—690  
  Section 2 Suretyship Liability  691—702  
 Chapter ⅩⅣ Lease Contracts  703—734  
 Chapter ⅩⅤ Contracts for Financing Lease  735—760  
 Chapter ⅩⅥ Factoring Contracts  761—769  
 Chapter ⅩⅦ Work Contracts  770—787  
 Chapter ⅩⅧ Contracts for Construction Project  788—808  
 Chapter ⅩⅨ Transport Contracts    
  Section 1 General Rules  809—813  
  Section 2 Passenger Transport Contracts  814—824  
  Section 3 Freight Transport Contracts  825—837  
  Section 4 Multimodal Transport Contracts  838—842  
 Chapter ⅩⅩ Technology Contracts    
  Section 1 General Rules  843—850  
  Section 2 Technology Development Contracts  851—861  
  Section 3 Technology Transfer Contracts and
Technology Licensing Contracts  862—877  
  Section 4 Technology Consultation Contracts and
Technology Service Contracts  878—887  
 Chapter ⅩⅪ Contracts for Custody of Property  888—903  
 Chapter ⅩⅫ Warehousing Contracts  904—918  
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅢ Entrustment Contracts  919—936  
 Chapter ⅩⅪⅤ Contracts for Property Management Service  937—950  
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅤ Brokerage Contracts  951—960  
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅥ Intermediary Contracts  961—966  
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅦ Partnership Contracts  967—978  
Part Three Quasicontracts    
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅧ Negotiorum Gestio  979—984  
 Chapter ⅩⅩⅨ Unjust Enrichment  985—988  
Book Four Personality Rights
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  989—1001  
 Chapter Ⅱ Rights to Life,Rights to Corporeal Integrity,
and Rights to Health  1002—1011  
 Chapter Ⅲ Rights to Name and Rights to Entity Name  1012—1017  
 Chapter Ⅳ Rights to Likeness  1018—1023  
 Chapter Ⅴ Rights to Reputation and Rights to Honor  1024—1031  
 Chapter Ⅵ Rights to Privacy and Protection of Personal
Information  1032—1039  
Book Five Marriage and Family
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  1040—1045  
 Chapter Ⅱ Entering into Marriage  1046—1054  
 Chapter Ⅲ Domestic Relations    
  Section 1 Spousal Relationship  1055—1066  
  Section 2 Relationship Between Parents and Children,
and Relationship Among Other Close
Relatives  1067—1075  
 Chapter Ⅳ Divorce  1076—1092  
 Chapter Ⅴ Adoption    
  Section 1 Establishment of an Adoptive Relationship  1093—1110  
  Section 2 Effect of Adoption  1111—1113  
  Section 3 Dissolution of an Adoptive Relationship  1114—1118  
Book Six Succession
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  1119—1125  
 Chapter Ⅱ Intestate Succession  1126—1132  
 Chapter Ⅲ Testate Succession and Testamentary Gift  1133—1144  
 Chapter Ⅳ Disposition of Estates  1145—1163  
Book Seven Tort Liability
 Chapter Ⅰ General Rules  1164—1178  
 Chapter Ⅱ Damages  1179—1187  
 Chapter Ⅲ Special Provisions on Assumption of
Liability  1188—1201  
 Chapter Ⅳ Product Liability  1202—1207  
 Chapter Ⅴ Liability for Motor Vehicle Traffic
Accidents  1208—1217  
 Chapter Ⅵ Liability for Medical Malpractice  1218—1228  
 Chapter Ⅶ Liability for Environmental Pollution and
Ecological Damage  1229—1235  
 Chapter Ⅷ Liability for Ultrahazardous Activities  1236—1244  
 Chapter Ⅸ Liability for Damage Caused by
Domesticated Animals  1245—1251  
 Chapter Ⅹ Liability for Damage Caused by Buildings
and Objects  1252—1258  
Supplementary Provisions  1259—1260  
目 錄

中華人民共和國民法典第一編 總  則
 第一章 基 本 規(guī) 定  1—12  
 第二章 自 然 人    
  第一節(jié) 民事權(quán)利能力和民事行為能力  13—25  
  第二節(jié) 監(jiān)  護  26—39  
  第三節(jié) 宣告失蹤和宣告死亡  40—53  
  第四節(jié) 個體工商戶和農(nóng)村承包經(jīng)營戶  54—56  
 第三章 法  人    
  第一節(jié) 一 般 規(guī) 定  57—75  
  第二節(jié) 營 利 法 人  76—86  
  第三節(jié) 非營利法人  87—95  
  第四節(jié) 特 別 法 人  96—101  
 第四章 非法人組織  102—108  
 第五章 民 事 權(quán) 利  109—132  
 第六章 民事法律行為    
  第一節(jié) 一 般 規(guī) 定  133—136  
  第二節(jié) 意 思 表 示  137—142  
  第三節(jié) 民事法律行為的效力  143—157  
  第四節(jié) 民事法律行為的附條件和附期限  158—160  
 第七章 代  理    
  第一節(jié) 一 般 規(guī) 定  161—164  
  第二節(jié) 委 托 代 理  165—172  
  第三節(jié) 代 理 終 止  173—175  
 第八章 民 事 責 任  176—187  
 第九章 訴 訟 時 效  188—199  
 第十章 期 間 計 算  200—204  


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