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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術交通運輸鐵道工程專業(yè)英語(第2版)



定 價:¥49.00

作 者: 井國慶 著
出版社: 北京交通大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787512143685 出版時間: 2021-02-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 224 字數(shù):  


  內(nèi) 容 簡 介 鐵道工程專業(yè)英語通過英文闡述鐵道工程結構組成、設計原理和方法、軌道維修等相關知識?!”緯x材專業(yè)性、適用性、先進性較好。教材包括課文、圖解、詞匯等部分。其中圖解鐵道工程部分,基于國內(nèi)外相關資料,幫助讀者理解和掌握軌道組成?!”緯m用于鐵道工程、土木工程、交通工程等專業(yè)本科生、研究生以及從事“一帶一路”建設的工程技術人員,涵蓋鐵道工程設計、施工、管理等方面?!∮捎谧髡咚接邢蓿緯y免存在不足之處,希望讀者在使用過程中多提意見,使本書日臻完善。




  目    錄 第1部分  專業(yè)閱讀 1 LESSON 1  Introduction 3 1.1 Early Beginning 3 1.2 Development and Diversification 4 1.3 The Customer 4 1.4 The Operator 4 1.5 Overall Planning 5 1.6 Choice of Route and Level 5 1.7 Resources Required 6 LESSON 2  Station Layout 8 2.1 The Customer and the Design Process 8 2.2 The Need for Standards 9 2.3 The Objectives in Station Planning 9 2.4 The Concept of Speed and Flow 10 2.5 The Consideration of Time 10 2.6 Planning for Normal Operation 11 2.7 Capacity Requirements 12 2.8 Ticket Halls 12 2.9 Access and Interchange 13 LESSON 3  Rail profile 15 3.1 Function of Rails 15 3.2 Types of Rails 15 3.3 Requirements for an Ideal Rail Section 16 3.4 Rail Wear 17 3.5 Rail Manufacture 18 LESSON 4  Wheel-Rail Interaction 21 4.1 Introduction 21 4.2 Wheel-Rail Guidance 21 4.3 Wheelset and Track Dimensions 22 4.4 Conicity 22 4.5 Worn Wheel Profiles 23 4.6 Wheel-Rail Contact Stresses 25 LESSON 5  Rolling Stock 28 5.1 The Range of Railway Rolling Stock 28 5.2 Steam Motive Power 28 5.3 Diesel Traction 29 5.4 Electric Traction 29 5.5 Evolution of Wheel Layout 30 5.6 Freight Rolling Stock 31 5.7 Specialized Engineering Rolling Stock 31 5.8 Manufacturing Methods 32 LESSON 6  Depots and Workshops 34 6.1 Proper Maintenance of Rolling Stock 34 6.2 Rolling Stock Maintenance Considerations 35 6.3 Establishing a Maintenance Regime 35 6.4 Maintenance Management 36 6.5 Balance between Workshops and Depots 36 6.6 Depot Sitting 37 6.7 The Needs of the Maintainer 38 6.8 Basic Requirements for Depots 38 LESSON 7  Curves and Gradients 41 7.1 General Considerations 41 7.2 Curvature and Superelevation in Horizontal Curves 42 7.3 Superelevation 43 7.4 Transition Curves 44 LESSON 8  Track Components 47 8.1 Basic Components of Track 47 8.2 Track Ballast 47 8.3 Development of Ballastless Track 48 8.4 Sleeper Functions 50 8.5 Timber Sleepers 50 8.6 Rail Fastenings, Base Plates and Pads 51 8.7 Points, Switches and Crossings 51 8.8 Points or Turnouts 52 LESSON 9  Track Design 55 9.1 Track Loads 55 9.2 Static Track Designs 57 9.3 Dynamic Track Design 60   LESSON 10  Switch and Turnout 63 10.1 Introduction of Turnout 63 10.2 The Standard Turnout 65 10.3 Geometry of the Turnout 70 LESSON 11  Bridges and Structures 74 11.1 Reinforced Concrete Structures 74 11.2 Prestressed Concrete 75 11.3 Brick and Masonry Structures 76 11.4 Structural Maintenance 77 LESSON 12  Tunnels and Tunneling 79 12.1 The History of Tunneling 79 12.2 ‘Cut-and-Cover’ Tunnels 80 12.3 Modern Tunnel Shields 80 12.4 Differing Ground Conditions 81 12.5 Construction Methods 81 12.6 Tunnel Linings 82 12.7 Vertical and Sloping Shafts 83 12.8 Size and Shape of a Tunnel 83 12.9 Tunnel Inspection and Maintenance 84 12.10 Safety in Tunnel Construction 85 LESSON 13  LGV (HSR) Construction 88 13.1 Introduction 88 13.2 Preparing the Trackbed 88 13.3 Laying the Track 89 13.4 Joining Track Sections 90 13.5 Adding Ballast 90 13.6 Finishing Construction 91 LESSON 14  Testing and Acceptance 94 14.1 Introduction 94 14.2 Component Testing and Acceptance 94 LESSON 15  Earthworks, Drainage and Fencing 101 15.1 Stability of Earthworks 101 15.2 Short Term Considerations 102 15.3 Long Term Considerations 102 15.4 Slips 102 15.5 Detection of Movement of Earthworks 103 15.6 Dealing with Embankment Slips 104 15.7 Dealing with Cutting Slips 105 LESSON 16  Noise and Vibration 108 16.1 Introduction 108 16.2 Some Definitions 109 16.3 Vibration Reduction 110   第2部分  圖解鐵道工程 113 1. Locomotive 115 2. Rail Profile 120 3. Rail Fastening System 121 4. Railway Sleeper 127 5. Ballast 130 6. Rail Joints 132 7. Ballastless/Nonballasted Track 138 8. Track Geometry 143 9. Turnout and Crossings 147 10. Railway Damage 153 11. Rail Machine 155 12. Station Layout 158 13. Railway Yard 160 14. Railway Platform 161 15. Railway Bridge 163 16. Railway Tunnel 173 17.??Vibration 175 18. Track Monitoring Systems 175   第3部分  專業(yè)詞匯 177 附錄A  常用鐵道工程網(wǎng)站 208   參考文獻 209


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