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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務英語機電專業(yè)英語



定 價:¥39.80

作 者: 王素艷
出版社: 電子工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787121343124 出版時間: 2019-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 168 字數:  




  王素艷 ,女,研究生。 2006年7月畢業(yè)于華中科技大學,獲理學學士學位;2008年11月-2010年3月擔任北大青鳥,清華萬博培訓機構講師; 2011年5月-2014年3月擔任廣州松田職業(yè)學院計算機應用教研室主任、同時兼任計算機網絡技術專業(yè)建設負責人;2016年9月-至今,擔任廣州華夏職業(yè)學院信息安全與計算機基礎教研室主任。


Part Ⅰ  Foundation of Mechatronics 1
Lesson 1  What is “Mechatronics”? 1
Expand Knowledge  The Essence of “Mechatronics” 3
Lesson 2  Couplings, Keys, Shafts and Springs 4
Expand Knowledge  Stress and Strain 7
Lesson 3  Annealing and Normalizing of Plain Carbon Steels 8
Expand Knowledge  Hardening and Tempering of Plain Carbon Steels 10
Lesson 4  Soldering and Brazing 11
Expand Knowledge  Adhesives 13
Lesson 5  Sand Casting 14
Expand Knowledge  Forging 17
Part Ⅱ  Speciality 19
Lesson 6  Lathe 19
Expand Knowledge  Cutting Tools 24
Lesson 7  Hydraulic Systems of Machine Tools 25
Expand Knowledge  Pressure and Flow Control 28
Lesson 8  Types of Control Devices 31
Expand Knowledge  PLC 34
Lesson 9  Numerical Control Programme 36
Expand Knowledge  Coordinate System for NC Machines 39
Lesson 10  Jig Types 41
Expand Knowledge  Bushing Types and Applications 44
Lesson 11  Electronic Components and System 45
Expand Knowledge  Basic Circuit Concept 48
Lesson 12  Machining Center 49
Expand Knowledge  Maintenance and Fault Diagnosis of CNC Machine 52
Lesson 13  Computer Aided Manufacturing 54
Expand Knowledge  Useful Menu and Parameters For CAM 58
Lesson 14  Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 60
Expand Knowledge  Flexible Manufacturing Systems 64
Lesson 15  Introduction to Electromechanical Products and Negotiation 66
Expand Knowledge  Operation Panel of the CNC System 71
Lesson 16  Adjustment and Training of Installation of CNC Machines 74
Expand Knowledge  Installation 78
Lesson 17  Method of Replacing Battery for CNC Machine Tool(Ⅰ) 80
Expand Knowledge  Method of Replacing Battery(Ⅱ) 84
Lesson 18  Automation Operation 86
Expand Knowledge  Ultraprecision Machining 90
Lesson 19  Test Operations(Ⅰ) 91
Expand Knowledge  Test Operations(Ⅱ) 95
Lesson 20  Agency Agreement 98
Expand Knowledge  Sales Contracts 103
Part Ⅲ  Appendix 105
Appendix Ⅰ  The Characteristics of Scientific English 105
Appendix Ⅱ  The Characteristics of English Practical Writing 117
Appendix Ⅲ  The Basic Knowledge of English―Chinese Translation 122
Appendix IV  The Mechanical Drawing in English 137
Appendix V  Glossary 140


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