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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務(wù)英語就這900句玩轉(zhuǎn)口語:全新修訂升級版(標(biāo)準(zhǔn)美音+雙速音頻+可點(diǎn)讀=三效合一)



定 價(jià):¥49.80

作 者: 方振宇
出版社: 北京時(shí)代華文書局
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787569920550 出版時(shí)間: 2018-08-01 包裝:
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 600 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Chapter 1 紐約來客 New Yorker   1

Section 1 預(yù)訂機(jī)票 Flight Ticket Reservation   2

Section 2 檢票登機(jī) Check in and Board   8

Section 3 在飛機(jī)上 On the Plane   11

Section 4 行李提取 Retrieve the Luggage   15

Section 5 通關(guān)檢查 Security Check   18

Section 6 問路指路 Directions Inquiry   21

Section 7 坐公交車 Take a Bus   25

Section 8 坐地鐵 Take a Subway   29

Section 9 坐出租車 Take a Taxi   33

Section 10 自駕車 Drive a Car   37

Section 11 騎自行車 Ride a Bicycle   41

Chapter 2 你好,buddy Basic Communication 45

Section 1 見面問候 Greeting   46

Section 2 介紹與回應(yīng)介紹 Introduction and Reply   51

Section 3 感謝與回謝 Gratitude and Reply   55

Section 4 道歉與回應(yīng) Apology and Reply   59

Section 5 邀請與回應(yīng) Invitation and Reply   63

Section 6 接打電話 Answering the Phone   68

Section 7 天氣 Weather     73

Section 8 時(shí)間與日期 Time and Date  78

Section 9 告別 Farewell     83

Chapter 3 想念溫暖的家 Family   87

Section 1 家人團(tuán)聚 Reunion   88

Section 2 家的模樣 Home     92

Section 3 睡覺起床 Sleeping and Waking up   97

Section 4 一日三餐 Meals   101

Section 5 花銷儲(chǔ)蓄 Spending and Saving Money   106

Section 6 看望親朋 Visiting Friends  112

Chapter 4 唐人街美食 Eating Out   116

Section 1 商定餐館 Where to Eat   117

Section 2 點(diǎn)餐 Ordering Food   121

Section 3 上菜用餐 Eating   126

Section 4 討論飯菜 Discussing Your Food   131

Section 5 買單 Paying     135

Section 6 喝咖啡 Getting Coffee   139

Section 7 去酒吧 Going to the Bar   144

Chapter 5 購物在99美分店 Shopping   148

Section 1 百貨商店 Department Stores   149

Section 2 商品式樣和品牌 Different Styles and Brands   154

Section 3 討價(jià)還價(jià) Bargaining at the Market   159

Section 4 尋找減價(jià)商品 Searching for Sales   163

Section 5 售后服務(wù) Customer Service   167

Chapter 6 Kevin的態(tài)度觀點(diǎn) Attitude and Mind  171

Section 1 喜歡與討厭 Like and Dislike   172

Section 2 同意與分歧 Agreement and Disagreement  176

Section 3 信任與懷疑 Trust and Doubt   180

Section 4 接受與拒絕 Accept and Refuse   185

Section 5 猶豫與后悔 Hesitate and Regret   189

Section 6 建議與忠告 Suggestion and Persuasion   194

Section 7 關(guān)心與冷漠 Care and Indifference   199

Section 8 責(zé)備與提醒 Scold and Remind   203

Section 9 催促與安撫 Urge and Conciliate   207

Section 10 支持與鼓勵(lì) Support and Encourage   211

Section 11 討論與決定 Discussion and Decision   216

Chapter 7 今天心情不錯(cuò) Under a Good Mood 221

Section 1 高興與難過 Happy and Sad   222

Section 2 驚訝與欣喜 Surprise and Pleasant   226

Section 3 激動(dòng)與憤怒 Excited and Angry   230

Section 4 樂觀與悲觀 Optimistic and Pessimistic   235

Section 5 抑郁與沮喪 Depressed and Desperate   239

Section 6 耐心與不耐煩 Patient and Impatient   244

Section 7 擔(dān)心與憂慮 Worried and Stressed   248

Section 8 期望與失望 Promise and Disappointment  252

Chapter 8 愛上哈佛 Study   257

Section 1 熟悉校園和同學(xué) Getting Familiar   258

Section 2 學(xué)校課程 Curriculum   263

Section 3 聽講座 Lecture     268

Section 4 在圖書館 At the Library   272

Section 5 考試測驗(yàn) Tests     276

Section 6 獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金 Scholarship   280

Section 7 社團(tuán)協(xié)會(huì) School Association   284

Section 8 宿舍花絮 Dorm   288

Section 9 校園兼職 Part-time Job   292

Section 10 畢業(yè)舞會(huì) Graduation and Prom   296

Section 11 出國留學(xué) Studying Abroad   300

Section 12 簽證與護(hù)照 Visa and Passport   304

Chapter 9 Kevin的愛情 Love   308

Section 1 約會(huì) Dating     309

Section 2 戀愛 Falling in Love   313

Section 3 求婚 Marriage Proposal   317

Section 4 婚禮 Wedding     321

Section 5 爭吵分手 Break-up   329

Chapter 10 Kevin侃大山 Free Talk   333

Section 1 買房還是租房 To Buy or to Rent   334

Section 2 買車 Buying a Car   339

Section 3 股票基金 Trading Stocks   342

Section 4 報(bào)紙雜志 Newspapers and Magazines  346

Section 5 閃婚 Flash Marriage   351

Section 6 享受單身 Enjoying Single   356

Section 7 中性美女 Tomboy   360

Section 8 月光族 Paycheck to Paycheck   364

Section 9 節(jié)假日 Holidays   368

Section 10 網(wǎng)上購物 Online Shopping   373

Section 11 博客 Blog     378

Section 12 秘密 Secret     383

Section 13 友誼 Friendship   387

Section 14 環(huán)境 Environment   391

Section 15 智商與情商 IQ and EQ   396

Section 16 創(chuàng)業(yè) Starting a Business   400

Section 17 激情 NBA National Sports   404

Section 18 運(yùn)動(dòng)健身 Exercise and Fitness   408

Section 19 減肥 Lose Weight   413

Chapter 11 好萊塢的夢想 Entertainment   418

Section 1 音樂的狂想 Music    419

Section 2 電影的魅力 Movies    425

Section 3 沙發(fā)土豆 TV     429

Section 4 散步星光大道 Hollywood Walk of Fame  433

Chapter 12 打拼在華爾街 The Job Market  436

Section 1 求職應(yīng)聘 Job Hunting   437

Section 2 面試進(jìn)行時(shí) Interview   442

Section 3 上班第一天 First Day   446

Section 4 職場培訓(xùn) Training  450

Section 5 出勤與遲到 Arriving at Work Late   455

Section 6 請假 Taking a Leave   458

Section 7 調(diào)班加班 Shifts and Overwork   463

Section 8 升職加薪 Promotion and Getting a Raise   468

Section 9 工作壓力 Work Pressure   472

Section 10 解聘與辭職 Quitting/Resignation   477

Chapter 13 Kevin出游 Travel   481

Section 1 旅游計(jì)劃 Travel Planning   482

Section 2 選擇旅行社 Choose the Travel Agency   486

Section 3 參觀游覽 Sightseeing Tour   490

Section 4 旅途遇到麻煩 Trouble   494

Section 5 拍照留念 Photo Taking   499

Section 6 購買紀(jì)念品 Buying Souvenirs   504

Section 7 入住賓館 Hotel   508

Section 8 旅行歸來 Back From the Trip   514

Chapter 14 生病怎么辦 Sickness   518

Section 1 感冒發(fā)燒 Suffering From a Fever   519

Section 2 預(yù)約醫(yī)生 Doctor Appointment   524

Section 3 去醫(yī)院 Going to the Hospital   529

Section 4 手術(shù)及護(hù)理 Operation and Care   533

Section 5 住院出院 Living in the Hospital   539

Section 6 醫(yī)療保險(xiǎn) Medical Insurance  544

Chapter 15 享受公共服務(wù) Public Service   548

Section 1 郵局 Post Office   549

Section 2 銀行 Bank    553

Section 3 博物館 Museum   558

Section 4 電話亭 Telephone Booth/Collect Calling  562

Section 5 社區(qū)居委會(huì) Neighborhood Community   566

Section 6 警察局 Police Station    571

Section 7 理發(fā)店 Hair Salon    575

Section 8 洗衣房 Laundromat    579


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