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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)農(nóng)業(yè)科學(xué)園藝獼猴桃研究進(jìn)展IX



定 價(jià):¥150.00

作 者: 鐘彩虹 著
出版社: 科學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787030627216 出版時(shí)間: 2019-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 289 字?jǐn)?shù):  






歐洲獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)及育種(The European Kiwifruit Industry and Breeding)Raffaele Testolin 3
2018年新西蘭獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)(Kiwifruit in New Zealand, 2018)A.R. Ferguson 12
‘貴長(zhǎng)’獼猴桃商業(yè)氣調(diào)貯藏保鮮技術(shù)研究(Study on Commercial Atmosphere Storage and Preservation Technology of ‘Guichang’ Kiwifruit)翟舒嘉等 21
湖南獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展回顧與中醫(yī)農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)在獼猴桃上的初步應(yīng)用(Review of Hunan Kiwifruit Industry Development and Preliminary Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine Agriculture Technology on Kiwifruit)王仁才等 27
‘金艷’和‘海沃德’在低溫貯藏條件下綜合品質(zhì)比較(Comprehensive Quality Comparison of ‘Jinyan’ and ‘Hayward’ under Low- temperature Storage Conditions)韓飛等 37
獼猴桃采后貯藏保鮮技術(shù)研究進(jìn)展(Research Advances on Storage and Preservation Technology of Kiwifruit)廖光聯(lián)等 46
獼猴桃品質(zhì)管理中不同環(huán)節(jié)的重要性(The Importance of Different Management Aspects to the Fruit Quality Control in Kiwifruit Industry Development)姜正旺等 53
獼猴桃優(yōu)質(zhì)生產(chǎn)肥水高效利用研究(Research Report on High-efficiency Utilization of Kiwifruit High-quality Production Fertilizer and Water)雷玉山等 60
獼猴桃籽油護(hù)膚品的開發(fā)利用(Development and Utilization of Kiwifruit Seed Oil Products)李偉等 63
水城紅心獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)回顧與發(fā)展對(duì)策(Review and Development Strategy of Red-flesh Kiwifruit Industry in Shuicheng)張榮全等 70
水城紅心獼猴桃砧木定植建園技術(shù)(Planting and Gardening Technology of Red-flesh Kiwifruit Rootstocks in Shuicheng)張榮全 77
四川獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與建議(Status and Suggestions of Kiwifruit Industry in Sichuan Province)杜奎等 82
湘西獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展回顧(A Review of Kiwifruit Industry Development in Xiangxi)劉世彪等 88
永順縣獼猴桃產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀與思考(Development Status and Consideration of Kiwifruit Industry in Yongshun County)彭俊彩 94
周至縣獼猴桃貯藏保鮮產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展歷程與展望(Development Process and Prospect of Storage and Preservation of Kiwifruit in Zhouzhi County)段眉會(huì)等 98
8個(gè)軟棗獼猴桃在四川雅安的引種表現(xiàn)與標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化栽培技術(shù)(The Performance and Cultivation Techniques of Eight Kiwiberry Cultivars in Ya’an Area)張勇等 105
大果優(yōu)質(zhì)中華獼猴桃新品系‘金麗’的選育初報(bào)(Breeding of a New Large-Sized and Excellent Quality Strain ‘Jinli’ from Actinidia chinensis)張慧琴等 111
黃肉獼猴桃新品種‘璞玉’的選育(Breeding of a New Yellow Cultivar of ‘Puyu’ Kiwifruit)雷玉山等 116
‘翠玉’獼猴桃在浙江泰順縣的生物學(xué)特性研究(The Performance of Kiwifruit Cultivar ‘Cuiyu’ in Taishun County)張慶朝等 121
獼猴桃的性別進(jìn)化歷程(The Evolutionary History of the Sexuality of Kiwifruit) 王明忠 127
獼猴桃屬種質(zhì)資源的收集、創(chuàng)制及鑒定研究(Collection, Identification and Creation of Germplasm Resources of Actinidia)鐘彩虹等 131
軟棗獼猴桃新品種‘LD133’(A New Cultivar of Actinidia arguta ‘LD133’)張明瀚等 139
軟棗獼猴桃新品種‘小紫晶’(A New Cultivar of Actinidia arguta ‘Xiao Zijing’) 王彥昌等 142
‘紅實(shí)2 號(hào)’和‘金實(shí)1 號(hào)’獼猴桃果實(shí)發(fā)育過程轉(zhuǎn)錄組分析及其成色機(jī)理研究(Transcriptome Analysis and Coloring Mechanism Study on Fruit Development Process of ‘Hongshi 2’ and ‘Jinshi 1’ Kiwifruit)孫淑霞等 147
‘金艷’獼猴桃組織培養(yǎng)技術(shù)研究(In Vitro Culture of Kiwifruit(Actinidia chinensis ‘Jinyan’))呂海燕等 157
不同采收期對(duì)軟棗獼猴桃果實(shí)品質(zhì)的影響(Effects of Different Harvest Date on Actinidia arguta Fruit Quality)張勇等 162
不同環(huán)割處理對(duì)‘Hort16A ’獼猴桃枝葉營(yíng)養(yǎng)和果實(shí)品質(zhì)的影響(Effect of Different Girdling Treatment on the Nutrition of Branches and Leaves and the Fruit Quality of ‘Hort16A’ Kiwifruit)陳棟等 168
‘東紅’‘金艷’‘華特’獼猴桃果實(shí)采后生理和品質(zhì)變化研究(The Changes of Postharvest Physiology and Fruit Quality of ‘Donghong’, ‘Jinyan’ and ‘Huate’ Kiwifruits)黃文俊等 177
環(huán)割對(duì)‘徐香’獼猴桃果實(shí)產(chǎn)量及品質(zhì)的影響(Effect of Girdling Technology on Yield and Quality of ‘Xuxiang’ Kiwifruit)郭慧慧等 185
基于全基因組重測(cè)序的‘金艷’獼猴桃種間雜交特征分析(Analysis of Inter-specific Characteristics of ‘Jinyan’ Based on Whole-genome Re-sequencing)張蕾等 190
零葉修剪對(duì)‘翠玉’獼猴桃植株生長(zhǎng)及果實(shí)品質(zhì)的影響(Effect of Zero-Leaf Pruning on Growth and Fruit Quality of ‘Cuiyu’ Kiwifruit Plants)宋海巖等 197
獼猴桃幼齡樹最適土壤持水量研究(Study on Optimum Soil Water Holding Capacity of Young Kiwifruit Tree)邴昊陽等 203
淺談西南地區(qū)軟棗獼猴桃栽培現(xiàn)狀(A Brief Discussion on the Current Situation of Chinese Gooseberry Cultivation in Southwest China)曾文靜等 213
提高‘紅陽’獼猴桃萌芽率的初探(Research of the Promotion of Bud Germination Rate of ‘Hongyang’ Kiwifruit)李天勇等 217
夏季遮陰對(duì)獼猴桃果園溫濕度與土壤溫度及開花的影響(Effect of Overhead Shading on Air Temperature and Humidity, Soil Temperature and Flowering of Kiwifruit Orchard in Summer)高磊等 219
野生獼猴桃雜交種果實(shí)品質(zhì)分析(Analysis on Fruit Quality of Wild Kiwifruit Hybrids)張孟麗等 225
6個(gè)獼猴桃品種抗?jié)儾〔町惣吧頇C(jī)制研究(Study on the Difference of Canker-resistance and Physiological Mechanism among 6 Kiwifruit Varieties)涂美艷等 233
不同田間措施對(duì)獼猴桃潰瘍病的防控效果比較研究(Comparative Study on Prevention and Control Effect of Different Field Measures on Psa)李靖等 242
獼猴桃采后病害植物源殺菌劑的篩選及其抑菌效果分析(Screening and Antibacterial Effect Analysis of Botanical Fungicide for Kiwifruit Postharvest Diseases)石浩等 250
獼猴桃軟腐病菌的侵染時(shí)間研究(Studies on Infection Time of Kiwifruit Postharvest Rot Disease)李黎等 260
獼猴桃細(xì)菌性潰瘍病生物防治的研究進(jìn)展(Research Progress on Biological Control of Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker)劉湘林等 265
獼猴桃細(xì)菌性潰瘍病研究進(jìn)展(Research Progress of Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker) 王濤等 274
云南屏邊苗族自治縣獼猴桃真菌病害調(diào)查及病原鑒定(Kiwifruit Disease Investigation and Pathogen Identification in Pingbian County, Yunnan Province)潘慧等 281


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