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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務英語水產英語



定 價:¥59.00

作 者: 王吉橋,孫繼紅,時秀梅 等
出版社: 遼寧師范大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787811036855 出版時間: 2008-01-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數: 463 字數:  






Chapter 1 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Unit 1 Fisheries Resources: Trends in Production, Utilization and Trade (1)
Unit 2 Fisheries Resources: Trends in Production, Utilization and Trade (2)
Unit 3 Fisheries Resources: Trends in Production, Utilization and Trade (3)
Chapter 2 The Aquatic Environment
Unit 4 Hydrology and the Water Cycle
Unit 5 Various Waters
Unit 6 Physical Property of Water
Unit 7 Dissolved Materials
Unit 8 Photosynthesis and Circulation (1)
Unit 9 Photosynthesis and Circulation (2)
Chapter 3 Food Chain and Resource Organisms
Unit 10 Classification
Unit 11 Phytoplankton and Zooplankton
Unit 12 Seaweeds and Decapoda
Unit 13 Lamellibranchiata and Cephalopoda
Unit 14 Pisces and Cetacea (1)
Unit 15 Pisces and Cetacea (2)
Unit 16 Pisces and Cetacea (3)
Unit 17 Pisces and Cetacea (4)
Chapter 4 Biology of Aquatic Resource Organisms
Unit 18 Senses
Unit 19 Respiration, Osmoregulation and Schooling
Unit 20 Food and Feeding
Unit 21 Reproduction and Early Development
Unit 22 Age and Growth
Unit 23 Food Webs and Material Cycles
Unit 24 Pathology and Medicine
Unit 25 Abalone Aquaculture
Unit 26 Sea cucumber and sea urchin culture
Chapter 5 The Capture Fisheries
Unit 27 Fishing Gear
Unit 28 Seine Net Gear
Unit 29 Current Regulation Objectives
Chapter 6 Food Fishery Products
Unit 30 Characteristics of Fish Flesh
Unit 31 Methods of Preservation
Unit 32 Quality
Unit 33 Marine Biotoxins of Algal Origin and Seafood Safety (1)
Unit 34 Marine Biotoxins of Algal Origin and Seafood Safety (2)
附錄A 課文參考譯文
附錄B 練習參考答案
附錄C 單詞表


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