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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔教輔大學(xué)教輔小學(xué)英語晨讀經(jīng)典365 下(第4版)

小學(xué)英語晨讀經(jīng)典365 下(第4版)

小學(xué)英語晨讀經(jīng)典365 下(第4版)

定 價(jià):¥19.00

作 者: 江濤,王麗麗,魯秘 編
出版社: 石油工業(yè)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 小學(xué)通用 英語 中小學(xué)教輔

ISBN: 9787518315864 出版時(shí)間: 2017-01-01 包裝: 平裝-膠訂
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  


暫缺《小學(xué)英語晨讀經(jīng)典365 下(第4版)》簡介


暫缺《小學(xué)英語晨讀經(jīng)典365 下(第4版)》作者簡介


Unit 1 Seasons in the Sun
Day 245 Holidays假日
Day 246 Spring Song春之歌
Day 247 Christmas圣誕節(jié)
Day 248 Winter Cheer冬天的快樂
Day 249 World Weather世界各國的天氣
Day 250 Edelweiss雪絨花
Day 251 Seasons in the Sun(1)陽光下的季節(jié)(1)
Day 252 Seasons in the Sun(2)陽光下的季節(jié)(2)
Day 253 Seasons in the Sun(3)陽光下的季節(jié)(3)
Day 254 Holidays in Winter冬天里的節(jié)日
Day 255 Celebrating Christmas歡慶圣誕
Day 256 When the Wind Is in the East風(fēng)從東邊起
Day 257 Silent Night,Holy Night平安夜,圣誕夜
Day 258 Autumn Leaves Are A-Falling秋葉紛紛落下
Day 259 Summer Holiday暑假
Day 260 Let It Snow讓雪下吧
Day 261 Warm Winter(1)溫暖的冬天(1)
Day 262 Warm Winter(2)溫暖的冬天(2)
Unit 2 Dinner with Squirrel
Day 263 Big Black Bug and Big Black Bear大黑蟲和大黑熊
Day 264 Mary Had a Little Lamb瑪麗有只小羊羔
Day 265 Old Mother Goose老鵝媽媽
Day 266 Glow Little Glow—Worm發(fā)光吧小螢火蟲
Day 267 Old Blue(1)老布魯(1)
Day 268 Old Blue(2)老布魯(2)
Day 269 Pop!Goes Weasel砰!黃鼠狼跑掉
Day 270 The Sick Rose生病的玫瑰
Day 271 Three Little Kittens三只小貓
Day 272 The Rabbit’S Race兔子賽跑
Day 273 The Circus Parade馬戲團(tuán)游行
Day 274 Stuck in the Mud陷在泥里
Day 275 Three Young Rats with Black Felt Hats三只戴著黑色呢帽的小老鼠
Day 276 A Sunny Funny Bunny Day小兔子快樂有趣的一天
Day 277 The Owl and the Pussycat貓頭鷹和小貓咪
Day 278 The Girl and the Birds女孩和鳥兒
Day 279 Dinner with Squirrel和松鼠一起吃晚餐
Day 280 There Was a Little Guinea—Pig從前有一只小豚鼠
Day 281 I Love Little Pussy我喜歡小貓
Day 282 Mickey Mouse March米老鼠大步走
Day 283 Where Does the Flower Come from花兒從哪里來
Day 284 The G reen G rass G rew All Around綠色的小草遍地生長
Unit 3 There Was an 0Id Woman
Day 285 Little Miss Muffet瑪菲特小姐
Day 286 Buffalo Gal水牛城的女孩
Day 287 Yankee Doodle洋基·嘟得兒
Day 288 Thumbelina(1)拇指姑娘(1)
Day 289 Thumbelina(2)拇指姑娘(2)
Day 290 My Aunt Came Back我的姑媽回來了
Day 291 Ned Nott and Sam Shott內(nèi)德·諾特和山姆·肖特
Day 292 Miss Polly Had a Dolly波莉小姐有個(gè)洋娃娃
Day 293 There Was an Old Woman從前有個(gè)老奶奶
Day 294 Betty Botter and the Bitter Butter貝蒂·波特和苦黃油
Day 295 Blue Bell Boy藍(lán)色鈴鐺男孩
Day 296 Oh,Susanna噢,蘇珊娜
Day 297 Good and Bad Children好孩子,壞孩子
Day 298 Skip to My Lou(1)蹦跳著跑向我的露易絲(1)
Day 299 Skip to My Lou(2)蹦跳著跑向我的露易絲(2)
Day 300 Old King Cole老國王科爾
Day 301 Hero英雄
Day 302 Old Dan Tucker老家伙丹·塔克
Unit 4 How I Love to Go Camping
Day 303 Meet Me in St.Louis相約在圣路易斯
Day 304 I Went Down Town我到城里去
Day 305 Bring Me Out to the Ball Game帶我去看球賽
Day 306 Over the River and Th rough the Woods(1)越過河流,穿過森林(1)
Day 307 Over the River and Through the Woods(2)越過河流,穿過森林(2)
Day 308 Animal Peom動物之詩
Day 309 ln the Park在公園里
Day 310 Tikkabilla Jive(1)啼比拉搖擺舞(1)
Day 311 Tikkabilla Jive(2)啼比拉搖擺舞(2)
Day 312 Can I Play with Tom我能和湯姆玩嗎
Day 313 The Mail Must G Th rough(1)郵件一定送到(1)
Day 314 The Mail Must Go Through(2)郵件一定送到(2)
Day 315 Bad Luck Bobby,Bad Luck Ball倒霉的波比,倒霉的球
Day 316 How l Love to Go Camping我真喜歡野營
Day 317 Be Careful當(dāng)心
Day 318 Go tO Babyland去寶貝樂園
Day 319 To Market,to Market趕集去,趕集去
Day 320 Good Play好游戲
Day 321 There Was a Monkey Climbed Up a Tree一只猴子爬上樹
Unit 5 I Have Got a Robot
Day 322 The G rocer’S Shop雜貨店
Day 323 Flour of England英格蘭的面粉
Day 324 The Magic Hat魔術(shù)帽
Day 325 Mr.See’S Saw西先生的鋸子
Day 326 Boats Sail on the River小小船兒河上游
Day 327 Round the Clock圍著時(shí)鐘轉(zhuǎn)
Day 328 Red River Valley紅河谷
Day 329 Bananas for Lunch午餐吃香蕉
Day 330 This Is the Sun這是太陽
Day 331 An Apple a Day一天一個(gè)蘋果
Day 332 Who Follows Me7誰跟著我
Day 333 Hats and Caps帽子
Day 334 Puddlestream Street泥潭街
Day 335 Home on the Range牧場是我家
Day 336 Down in the Valley在山谷下
Day 337 The Doll of Clay泥娃娃
Day 338 I Have Got a Robot我有一個(gè)機(jī)器人
Day 339 Big Rock Candy Mountain(1)巨石糖果山(1)
Day 340 Big Rock Candy Mountain(2)巨石糖果山(2)
Day 341 The Dump Truck自卸卡車
Day 342 The Sea(1)大海(1)
Day 343 The Sea(2)大海(2)
Day 344 Bread and Milk面包和牛奶
Unit 6 Shining Wish
Day 345 Shining Wish閃亮的夢想
Day 346 I Want to Be我想要
Day 347 If by Life You Were Deceived假如生活背叛了你
Day 348 Would You Like to Swing on a Star你想不想在星星上蕩秋千
Day 349 Mozart’S Lullaby莫扎特?fù)u籃曲
Day 350 My Rainbow Song我的彩虹之歌
Day 351 Angels to Watch Over You天使在守護(hù)著你
Day 352 A Merry Life歡樂人生
Day 353 All Things Bright and Beautiful世事明亮又美好
Day 354 Good Seed Reaps(1)好種結(jié)好果(1)
Day 355 Good Seed Reaps(2)好種結(jié)好果(2)
Day 356 Whatever Will Be Will Be順其自然吧
Day 357 The Arrow and the Song箭與歌
Day 358 Auld Lang Syne友誼地久天長
Day 359 Art Party藝術(shù)派對
Day 360 Rain and Tears雨禾口眼淚
Day 361 Dream and Wish夢與希望
Day 362 The Wonderful Future美好的未來
Day 363 Lavender’S Blue(1)藍(lán)色薰衣草(1)
Day 364 Lavender’S Blue(2)藍(lán)色薰衣草(2)
Day 365 Bring It All Back找回自己


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