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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語大學(xué)英語四六級法律英語精讀教程(上)



定 價:¥68.00

作 者: 張法連
出版社: 北京大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺

ISBN: 9787301272695 出版時間: 2016-08-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 848 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Part OneAngloAmerican Legal Culture

Chapter 1 Historical Development of the Common Law00

Chapter 2 The Doctrine of Stare Decisis and Ratio Decidendi or Holding of
a Case0

Chapter 3 Federal Courts and What They Do0

Chapter 4 The Opinions of the Appellate Courts and Precedents0

Part TwoIntroduction to American Laws

Constitutional Law0

Chapter 1 The Judicial Power0

Chapter 2 Legislative Power0

Chapter 3 Executive Power0

Chapter 4 Individual Guarantees Against Governmental or Private Action0

Chapter 5 Due Process0

Chapter 6 Equal Protection0

Chapter 7 Fundamental Rights0

Chapter 8 The First Amendment0


Chapter 1 Basics of Contracts

Chapter 2 Contract Formation

Chapter 3 Capacity of a Contract

Chapter 4 Vitiating Factors

Chapter 5 Discharge

Chapter 6 Breach of Contract

Chapter 7 Remedies for Breach of Contract

Chapter 1 Intentional Torts

Chapter 2 Defenses to Intentional Torts

Chapter 3 Negligence

Chapter 4 Cause in Fact

Chapter 5 Proximate Cause

Chapter 6 Multiple Tortfeasors

Chapter 7 Damages for Personal Injuries

Chapter 8 Limited Duties: Special Limitations on the Scope of Duty

Chapter 9 Premises Liability: Duties of Owners and Occupiers of Land

Chapter 10 Defenses

Chapter 11 Vicarious Liability

Chapter 12 Products Liability

Chapter 13 Defamation

Chapter 14 Competitive Torts

Property Law
Chapter 1 Acquisition of Property

Chapter 2 Possessory Estates

Chapter 3 Future Interests

Chapter 4 Concurrent Estates

Chapter 5 Landlord and Tenant

Chapter 6 Fixtures

Chapter 7 Rights in the Land of Another—Easements, Profits, Covenants,
and Servitudes

Chapter 8 Conveyancing

Chapter 9 Cooperatives, Condominiums, Zoning and Nuisance

Evidence Law
Chapter 1 General Considerations

Chapter 2 Relevance and Judicial Notice

Chapter 3 Real Evidence

Chapter 4 Documentary Evidence

Chapter 5 Testimonial Evidence

Chapter 6 The Hearsay Rule

Chapter 7 Procedural Considerations

Criminal Law
Chapter 1 Basics of Criminal Law

Chapter 2 How Defendants Mental States Affect Their Responsibility for
a Crime

Chapter 3 Criminal Offenses

Chapter 4 Implications of a Crimes Classification

Criminal Procedure
Chapter 1 Exclusionary Rule

Chapter 2 Fourth Amendment

Chapter 3 Confessions

Chapter 4 PreTrial Procedures

Chapter 5 Trial

Chapter 6 Guilty Pleas and Plea Bargaining

Chapter 7 Constitutional Rights in Relation to Sentence and Punishment

Chapter 8 Constitutional Problems on Appeal and Rights During

Chapter 9 Double Jeopardy

Chapter 10 Forfeiture Actions



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