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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務英語那些年我們一起追的英美電影:100天成就最地道的英語口語(英漢對照)



定 價:¥33.80

作 者: 王靜
出版社: 大連理工大學出版社
標 簽: 口語/生活實用英語 社交/生活口語 外語


ISBN: 9787561197332 出版時間: 2016-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 0 字數:  






Part One  SOCIAL LIFE 社交生活  1   1. Meeting My Neighbor the First Time 初次見到鄰居............2
2. Meeting My Neighbor Again 再次見到鄰居........................7
3. Telephone Conversations 電話交談.................................. 13
4. Talking About the Weather 談論天氣................................ 19
5. Invitations 邀請.............................................................. 25
6. Visiting (1) 相互拜訪(1).............................................. 33
7. Visiting (2) 相互拜訪(2).............................................. 41
8. Talking About the Life of the Old People 談論老年生活..... 48 9. Talking About Religion 談論宗教信仰.............................. 56
10. Good News from My Friends 朋友有喜事........................ 64
11.  My Friends Get into Trouble or Misfortune 朋友遇到困難或不幸...................................................... 70
12. My Neighbor is Going to Move 鄰居要搬家了.................. 77
13. Asking for Help 請求幫助............................................... 85
14. Christmas is Coming 圣誕節(jié)快到了................................. 92
15. Spring Festival is Coming 春節(jié)到了............................... 100
16. Meeting the Teachers of the Grandchildren 與孫輩的老師見面........................................................ 108
17. Parents-Teacher Meeting at Grandson’s School 參加孫輩學校的家長會............................................... 116
18. Meeting Grandson’s Classmates 見到孫輩的同學........... 124
19. Grandchildren’s Activities Outside Class 孫輩的課外活動.......................................................... 132             Part Two  FAMILY LIFE 家庭生活  141  20. In the Morning 在早晨.................................................. 142
21. At Noon, in the Afternoon 在中午,在下午................... 149
22. In the Evening, at Night 在晚上..................................... 156
23. At Weekends 在周末.................................................... 164   Part Three  DAILY LIFE 日常生活 173173 24. Shopping 購物............................................................. 174
25. Seeing the Doctor 看病................................................. 183
26. Entertainments 娛樂..................................................... 192
27. Eating out 在外用餐..................................................... 201
28. In the Post Of?ce 在郵局.............................................. 210
29. At the Bank 在銀行...................................................... 218     Part Four  EMERGENCIES 緊急事件 255   30. Losing the Way 迷路.................................................... 226
31. Other Emergencies 其他緊急事件................................. 234
32. Natural and Man-made Disasters 天災人禍.................... 243         Part Five  ENTRY AND EXIT FORMALITIES 出入境手續(xù) 255 255 33. Going Through the Customs 過海關.............................. 256
34. At the Airport, on the Plane 在飛機場,在飛機上.......... 265     附 錄........................................................................................................... 273
索 引........................................................................................................... 293


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