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環(huán)球英語4 飛躍篇

環(huán)球英語4 飛躍篇

定 價:¥68.00

作 者: (美)高明(Scott,A.Ingram),(美)Paul,Jacobs,(英)Taylor,Williamson, 等
出版社: 外文出版社
叢編項: 英語自學速成教材
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787119088822 出版時間: 2016-01-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 196 字數(shù):  


  《英語自學速成教材:環(huán)球英語(4 飛躍篇)》針對具有中級英語水平的學習者,旨在培養(yǎng)學習者運用準確、流利的英語進行交流的能力?!队⒄Z自學速成教材:環(huán)球英語(4 飛躍篇)》包括20個課文和兩個階段性測試。板塊設置聽力(Listening)體現(xiàn)聽說領先的原則,通過和話題有關的對話、故事或常識介紹等引出學習內(nèi)容,激發(fā)廣大學習者的學習興趣。


暫缺《環(huán)球英語4 飛躍篇》作者簡介


Unit 1 I heard you're hunting for a job
Unit 2 I want to study abroad
Unit 3 Protect wild animals and their habitats
Unit 4 What beautiful household plants!
Unit 5 What're you going to cook?
Unit 6 Let's try some Goubuli Baozi
Unit 7 I'm making a kite
Unit 8 What a magnificent palace!
Unit 9 What gift should l bring?
Unit 10 I know you've just come backfromAntarctica
Unit 11 What's your career plan?
Unit 12 What are you reading?
Unit 13 Are you familiar with American Civil War?
Unit 14 Is everything okay for the Leonid Meteor Shower tonight?
Unit 15 You are so absorbed by cars
Unit 16 It'S our new product
Unit 17 Do you think it's possible t0 get a discount?
Unit 18 What type ofcontracts have you signed?
Unit 19 Would you tell me something about stock?
Unit 20 Take actions to keep our company's status
Test for Units 1-20
Listening Scripts
Answer Key


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