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看聽學(xué)4 練習(xí)冊(最新版)

看聽學(xué)4 練習(xí)冊(最新版)

定 價:¥20.00

作 者: (英)亞歷山大 編,戴煒棟 改編
出版社: 上海外語教育出版社
標 簽: 其他綜合教程 外語 英語綜合教程


ISBN: 9787544621830 出版時間: 2015-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 字數(shù):  


  *名英語教學(xué)專家L·G·亞歷山大經(jīng)典之作,專 為非英語國家中、小學(xué)生度身定制。自問世以來,風 靡世界,歷久不衰?!犊绰爩W(xué)(練習(xí)冊4*新版)》內(nèi)容貼近學(xué)生生活 ,充滿童趣;語言地道,淺近實用,有助于培養(yǎng)學(xué)生 用英語交流的習(xí)慣。圖文并茂,編排新穎,能夠激發(fā) 學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)興趣。語音純正,有利于學(xué)生跟讀模仿,打 下良好的語音基礎(chǔ)。本書幫助學(xué)生了解英國的風土人情及文化背景。


暫缺《看聽學(xué)4 練習(xí)冊(最新版)》作者簡介


Rev. L. 1 New Maths Rev. L. 3 Gretel Rev. L. 5 Television Day: Pompeii Rev. L. 7 Large is small Rev. L. 9 A ride on a double-decker Rev. L. 11 Television Day: The American War of Independence Rev. L. 13 Getting better! Rev. L. 15 Gretel writes a letter home 17 Television Day" Computers 19 Something to look forward to 21 A meal at a self-service restaurant 23 Television Day: Right or left? 25 Father and The Gorgons 27 Gunpowder, treason and plot 29 Television Day: Life on the seashore 31 I won't be long 33 The Underground 35 Television Day: Blondin 37 Not in front of the children! 39 A merry Christmas and a happy New Year! 41 Television Day: The baobab tree 43 presents 45 The typical English gentleman 47 Television Day: The sea 49 Father tells a joke 51 Mother knows best 53 Television Day: Penicillin 55 La-di-dal 57 A trip to Scotland 59 Television Day: Edward Lear Can you do this test? (1) 61 The cost of living 63 Gretel makes a last-minute booking 65 Television Day" Sir Isaac Newton 67 It's a mystery! 69 Television programmes in Britain 71 Television Day: Moonflight 73 Eh?What? 75 The big stores in London 77 Television Day: Karate 79 Sue bakes a cake 81 A few tips about tips 83 Television Day: A great archaeological discovery 85 Awedding 87 English weather 89 Television Day" Swindle's Ghost 91 The latest craze 93 Getting ready for the Old Crocks' Race 95 Television Day: Stonehenge 97 At the cloakroom 99 Homework 101 Television Day: Lewis Carroll 103 Mrs Gasbag minds her own business 105 Speakers' Corner 107 Television Day: Fire--friend and enemy 109 Busy as usual 111 The Tower of London 113 Television Day: Picasso 115 All good things come to an end 117 Seeing Gretel off 119 Television Day: Learning a language Can you do this test? (2) 附錄Ⅰ:練習(xí)答案 附錄Ⅱ:測驗答案 附錄Ⅲ:補充閱讀


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