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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語大學英語四六級新核心綜合學術(shù)英語教程(教師用書)



定 價:¥39.00

作 者: 王冬玲
出版社: 上海交通大學出版社
標 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787313119803 出版時間: 2014-09-01 包裝:
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 142 字數(shù):  


  《新核心綜合學術(shù)英語教 程1》的教師用書。本書依據(jù)教材總主編蔡基剛的學 術(shù)英語教學理念和思路設計,供教師教學和 學生自學使用。全書六個單元的內(nèi)容涉及自然科學和 人文科學的各個方面。每個單元圍繞主題分別由四篇 長短不一的閱讀材 料和兩篇學術(shù)講座組成。本冊教師用書的每個單元包括九個板塊。在設計 上盡可能貫穿學術(shù)英語輸入和輸出的各種技能訓練, 通過大量的信息輸 入和輸出,從而培養(yǎng)和發(fā)展學生的聽、說、讀、寫、 譯等綜合學術(shù)英語能力。




Unit 1  Global Warming
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 2  Urbanization
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 3  E-Business
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 4  Cultural Awareness
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 5  Art
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts
Unit 6  Personality
I. Objectives
II. Suggested Projects
III. Suggested Teaching Plan
1. Time Allotment
2. Suggested Teaching Steps
IV. Text-related Information
1. Background Information
2. Text Analysis
V. Detailed Teaching Notes
VI. Additional Activities
VII. Keys to the Exercises
VIII. Chinese Translations of the Readings
IX. Audio and Video Transcripts


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