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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語商務(wù)英語4周說出溜英語



定 價:¥35.00

作 者: (韓)宣珍浩
出版社: 江蘇鳳凰科學(xué)技術(shù)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 口語/生活實用英語 社交/生活口語 外語

ISBN: 9787553726618 出版時間: 2015-05-01 包裝:
開本: 頁數(shù): 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Part 1
·不要總想著提高英語水平 6
·享受對話,自然就能記住英語 8
·對全世界的多種文化帶有好奇心 10
·忘掉“美國”,英語就簡單了 12
·與“世界公民”溝通 14
Part 2
·第1步 觀察對方 18-93
Episode 01 I think we are waiting for the same bus
Episode 02 Could you press that, please?
Episode 03 Looks a little bit messy, right?
Episode 04 Are you staff of the repair shop?
Episode 05 The baby is so cute
Episode 06 Can I have a question?
Episode 07 Isn't she a Hollywood actress?
Episode 08 What's going on?
Episode 09 Are you OK?
Episode 10 Do you need some tissues?
·第2步 找到符合當(dāng)前狀況的問題 94-169
Episode 01 Could I ask something?
Episode 02 Did you draw these?
Episode 03 The sunglasses look good on you
Episode 04 May I sit by you?
Episode 05 Would you mind opening the window?
Episode 06 The rain doesn't seem to stop
Episode 07 You are from another country
Episode 08 You look so bored
Episode 09 It's a beautiful day
·第3步 把對話交給對話 170-243
Episode 01 Did you hear the announcement?
Episode 02 You play really good basketball
Episode 03 You know how to listen to music
Episode 04 Have a seat
Episode 05 My seat is particularly small
Episode 06 I can guess your menu for dinner
Episode 07 You come here often, don't you?
Episode 08 Your bag looks so heavy
Episode 09 What are you reading?
·第4步 發(fā)現(xiàn)共同的興趣點 244-317
Episode 01 The guy is so cute, isn't he?
Episode 02 Eric Clapton is the best musician ever
Episode 03 The coffee tastes really good
Episode 04 It is so loud in here
Episode 05 You look sleepy
Episode 06 Have we met somewhere?
Episode 07 I enjoyed your song
Episode 08 How is the beer here?
Episode 09 Your bicycle looks cool


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