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定 價:¥29.00

作 者: 袁曉玲,周俊強 主編
出版社: 武漢大學出版社
標 簽: 大學英語 大學專業(yè)英語教材 外語

ISBN: 9787307113695 出版時間: 2013-08-01 包裝:
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  袁曉玲等主編的《實用會計英語》—書共分十四章,詳細介紹了常見會計理論與實務各個環(huán)節(jié)的核心 內(nèi)容,并配有極為實用的大量實務 操作案例。從基礎的會計試算表到較為復雜的財務報表,最具實用性的各種表格—網(wǎng)打盡。本書能幫助讀 者在英語環(huán)境中全 面了解和掌握最核心的會計專業(yè)知識。 《實用會計英語(專業(yè)外語系列教材)》可作為高等財經(jīng)院校專業(yè)課教材。其簡明的內(nèi)容和設計非常適 合會計從業(yè)者或相關從業(yè)人員掌握基礎的會計理論和實踐,同時也有利于提高使用者的專業(yè)英語水平。




Chapter 1 Overview of Accounting
1.1 Accounting History
1.2 Accounting Definition and Function
1.3 Accounting Standards
1.4 Categorization of Accounting
1.5 Accounting Postulations
1.6 Accounting Principles
Chapter 2 Accounting Recognition and Measurement
2.1 Accounting Elements and Equations
2.2 Accounting Subjects and Account
2.3 Double Entry System
Chapter 3 Accounting Process
3.1 Accounting Cycle
3.2 The Joumal
3.3 The Ledger Chapter 1  Overview of Accounting   1.1 Accounting History   1.2 Accounting Definition and Function   1.3 Accounting Standards   1.4 Categorization of Accounting   1.5 Accounting Postulations   1.6 Accounting Principles Chapter 2  Accounting Recognition and Measurement   2.1 Accounting Elements and Equations   2.2 Accounting Subjects and Account   2.3 Double Entry System Chapter 3  Accounting Process   3.1 Accounting Cycle   3.2 The Joumal   3.3 The Ledger   3.4 Adjusting Entries   3.5Trial Balance Chapter 4  Current Assets   4.1  Assets   4.2 Current Assets   4.3  Cash Chapter 5  Accounts Receivable   5.1  Receivables   5.2  ACCOtLnts Receivable Chapter 6  Inventoryt   6.1 Inventory and Its Classification   6.2 Determine Inventory Quantities   6.3 Basic Issues in Inventory Valuation Chapter 7  Non-current Assets   7.1 Fixed Assets   7.2 Depreciation of Fixed Assets-t   7.3 Intangible Assets   7.4 Long-term Investment Chapter 8  Liabilities and Equity   8.1 Concept of Liabilitiestt   8.2 Current Liabilities   8.3 Long-term Liabilities   8.4 Owner's Equity   8.5 The Nature of Owner's Equity   8.6 Sources of Owner's Equity Chapter 9  Revenue and Expenses   9.1  Revenue   9.2 Expensest   9.3 Gains and Lossest Chapter 10  Financia1.Statements   10.1 overview of Finaneia1.Statements   10.2 The Balalice Sheet   10.3 The Income Statement   10.4 11le Statement of Cash F1oWS Chapter 11  Financia1.Statement Analysis   11.1 Objectives of Financia1.Statement Analysis   11.2 Trend Analysis   11.3 Common-size Analysis   11.4 Ratio Analysis Chapter 12  Accounting in the New Epoch   12.1 Internationa1.Accounting   12.2 Computerized Accounting System   12.3 Three Basic Software in Accounting Chapter 13  Accountants,Organizations and Examinations   13.1 Profession of Accounting   13.2 Top Accounting Organizations   13.3 Accounting Examinations   13.4 Ethics and the Accounting Environment Chapter 14  Accounting Language-   14.1 Abbreviation and Acronyms   14.2 British and American Accounting Vocabulary   14.3 Accounting Terms   14.4 Accounting Diagrams   Keys to the Exercises 附錄一《中華人民共和國會計法》 附錄二《中華人民共和國會計法》知識問答 Bibliography


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