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定 價(jià):¥28.00

作 者: 沈金華,顏靖平,劉勝兵 編
出版社: 中南大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 暫缺


ISBN: 9787548711834 出版時(shí)間: 2014-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開(kāi)本: 16開(kāi) 頁(yè)數(shù): 208 字?jǐn)?shù):  






Unit 1 Family
Text A What Is a Family?
Text B Mother's Hands
Text C Englishman's Home
Text D American Family
Text E Father's Eyes
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 2 Campus Life
Text A The Classroom Teaching Pattern
Text B Harvard President's Farewell Address
Text C China Highlights Morality in Class
Text D Reflections of a First-Year Teacher
Text E A Bad Principal Taught Me a Good Lesson
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 3 Sports and Health
Text A Texting Drivers More Dangerous Than Drunks
Text B NBA: Palace for Basketball Players
Text C How to Appreciate a Soccer Game on TV
Text D The Phelps Future: Isn't It Iconic?
Text E Myths of Women's Weight Training and Bodybuilding
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 4 Transportation and Traveling
Text A Great Construction Works ( 1891-1903 )
Text B China to Have World's Fastest Train by 2012
Text C Want to Survive a Plane Crash? Sit in the Back
Text D Congestion Fee Not the Solution
Text E To Haiti with My Son
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 5 Awards
Text A The 1993 lg Nobel Prize Winners
Text B Celebrating Nobel
Text C The Crammy Awards
Text D Study Indicates Oscar Awards Favor Drama Actresses
Text E The Chicago Athenaeum
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 6 Environmental Protection
Text A Water from ( Waste) Water-the Depcndable Water Resources
Text B Biofuels
Text C Melamine Milk Crisis
Text D Scientists Mull Future After Carbon Satellite Crash
Text E Driving Home the Green Car Message
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 7 Communication Technology
Text B Personal Communications Technology for Emergencics
Text C What Is Mass Media?
Text D Car Phones: Help or Hurt?
Text E Film Technique and Effects
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 8 Space Exploration
Text A Early Astronaut Selection and Training
Text B Why Do We Explore Space?
Text C Former Astronauts Say Space Exploration Must Continue
Text D NASA Pays Close Attention to Columbia "Heat Tiles"
Text E Moon Rover Designer Looks to Mars
Topic-related Words and Expressions
Unit 9 Education and Language
Unit 10 Cultural Differences
Unit 11 Nlatural Resources
Unit 12 Personality


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