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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書經(jīng)濟管理管理人力資源管理激勵理論



定 價:¥89.00

作 者: (美)拉奉特 著
出版社: 世界圖書出版公司
標 簽: 其它分類

ISBN: 9787510050503 出版時間: 2013-01-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 421 字數(shù):  


  《激勵理論:委托代理模型》是著名微觀理論經(jīng)濟學家拉奉特以及其學生martimort的合寫的理論著作,其影響力可想而知。經(jīng)濟學和激勵的關系密切,如激勵努力工作、激勵高質量產品、激勵努力學習、激勵投資和激勵儲蓄。盡管adamsmith兩百多年前在他的佃農合同分析中充分肯定了這一點,但只有在近些年這個理論在經(jīng)濟思想中才占據(jù)了核心地位。本書中,jean-jacqueslaffont 和davidmartimort對激勵理論的表述是目前最透徹的和最容易學習的。本理論的核心是對現(xiàn)代管理就如同對經(jīng)濟理論一樣至關重要的簡單問題:是什么讓人們在一個經(jīng)濟和商業(yè)環(huán)境中會有特殊的表現(xiàn)?為了尋找答案,書中給出了特定的環(huán)境下能夠確保對經(jīng)濟機構的良好激勵的方法論工具。讀者對象:數(shù)學、經(jīng)濟相關專業(yè)的本科生、研究生和相關經(jīng)濟領域的從業(yè)人員。




ForewordIntroductionl Incentives in Economic Thought 1.1 Adam Smith and Incentive Contracts in Agriculture 1.2 Chester Barlmrd and Incentives in Management 1.3 Hume, Wicksell, Groves: Tile Free-Rider Problem 1.4 Borda, Bowen, Vickrey: Incentives in Voting 1.5 Leon Walras and the Regulation of Natural Monopolies 1.6 Knight, Arrow, Pauly: Incentives in Iurance 1.7 Sidgwick, Vickrey, Mirrlees: Redistribution and Incentives 1.8 Dupuit, Edgeworth, Pigou: Price Discrimination 1.9 Incentives in Planned Economies 1.10 Leonid Hurwicz and Mechanism Design 1.11 Auctio2 The Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off 2.1 The Basic Model 2.2 The Complete Information Optimal Contract 2.3 Incentive Feasible Menu of Contracts 2.4 Information Rents 2.5 The Optimization Program of the Principal 2.6 The Rent Extraction-Efficiency Trade-Off 2.7 The Theory of the Firm Under Asymmetric Information 2.8 Asymmetric Information and Marginal Cost Pricing 2.9 Tile Revelation Principle 2.10 A More General Utility Function for the Agent 2.11 Ex Ante veus Ex Post Participation Cotraints 2.12 Commitment 2.13 Stochastic Mechanisms, 2.14 Informative Signals to Improve Contracting, 2.15 Contract Theory at Work Appendix3 Incentive and Participation Cotraints with Advee Selection 3.1 More than Two Types 3.2 Multidimeional Asymmetric Information 3.3 Type-Dependent Participation Cotraint and CountervailingIncentiTces 3.4 Random Participation Cotraint 3,5 Limited Liability 3,6 Audit Mechanisms and Costly State Verification 3.7 Redistributive Concer and the Efficiency-Equity Trade-Off Appendices4 Moral Hazard: The Basic Trade-Offs 4.1 Tile Model 4.2 Risk Neutrality and Fit-Best hnplementation 4.3 The Trade-Off Between Limited Liability Rent Extraction andEfficiency 4.4 Tile Trade-Off Between Iurance and Efficiency 4.5 More than Two Levels of Performance 4.6 Informative Signals to Improve Contracting 4.7 Moral Hazard and the Theory of the Finn 4.8 Contract Theory at Work 4.9 Commitment Under Moral Hazard. Appendices5 Incentive and Participation Cotraints with Moral Hazard. 5.1 More than Two Levels of Effort 5.2 The Multitask Incentive Problem 5.3 Noeparability of the Utility Function 5.4 Redistribution and Moral Hazard Appendices6 Nonverifiability 6.1 No Contract at Date 0 and Ex Post Bargaining 6.2 Incentive Compatible Contract 6.3 Nash Implementation 6.4 Subgame-Perfect Implementation 6.5 Risk Aveion 6.6 Concluding Remarks7 Mixed Models 7.1 Advee Selection Followed by Moral Hazard 7.2 Moral Hazard Followed by Advee Selection 7.3 Moral Hazard Followed by Nonverifiability8 Dynamics under Full Commitment 8.1 Repeated Advee Selection b.2 Repeated Moral Hazard 8.3 Cotraints on Trafe: The Role of hnplicit Incentives9 Limits and Exteio 9.1 Informed Principal. 9.2 Limits to Enforcement 9.3 Dynamics and Limited Commitment 9.4 The Hold-Up Problem 9.5 Limits to the Complexity of Contracts 9.6 Limits in the Action Space 9.7 Limits to Rational Behavior 9.8 Endogenous Information StructuresReferencesAuthor IndexSubject Index


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