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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語詞匯/語法/閱讀語言涌現(xiàn)視角下的英語冠詞二語習(xí)得研究



定 價:¥48.00

作 者: 楊梅 著
出版社: 科學(xué)出版社
標 簽: 語法

ISBN: 9787030345257 出版時間: 2012-06-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 32開 頁數(shù): 289 字數(shù):  






Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Goals of research
1.2 Research background
1.3 Key research questions
1.4 Organization of the book
Chapter 2 Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis of English Articles: An Overview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Semantic analysis of English articles
2.2.1 Definiteness and English articles
2.2.2 Specificity and English articles
2.2.3 Semantic complexity of English articles
2.3 Pragmatic analysis of English articles
2.3.1 The context-driven nature of semantic features
2.3.2 P-sets (Hawkins, 1978, 1991)
2.3.3 Relationship between semantic features and contextual factors
2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 L1 and L2 Acquisition of English Articles: A Critical Review
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Tasks facilitating the acquisition of English articles
3.3 L1 developmental studies
3.3.1 Maratsos's (1976) egocentricity account
3.3.2 Wexler's Lack of Maximality Presupposition account
3.3.3 The specific/non-specific effect account
3.4 Studies of L2-English article acquisition
3.4.1 Semantic Wheel and the classification of NP types
3.4.2 L2 article acquisition studies under the Bickertonian framework
3.4.3 Jarvis's (2002) study from a discourse perspective
3.4.4 Fluctuation Hypothesis and Syntactic Misanalysis Account
3.5 Comments on previous research
3.6 Summary
Chapter 4 Interaction and L2-English Article Acquisition: Questions and Hypotheses
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Interaction under the emergentist framework
4.2.1 Emergentism in SLA
4.2.2 Interaction: importance and ignorance
4.2.3 Outlining the interactions to be studied
4.3 Exploring interaction in detail
4.3.l Interaction of different semantic features
4.3.2 Interaction of different contextual factors
4.3.3 Interaction of semantic features with contextual factors
4.4 Research questions and hypotheses
4.5 Summary
Chapter 5 Study 1:Elicited Production
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Predictions
5.3 Methodology
5.3.1 Participants
5.3.2 Materials and procedures
5.3.3 Data coding procedures
5.4 Results
5.4.1 The forced elicitation task
5.4.2 The written interview
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 The role of specificity in L2 article choices
5.5.2 Different effects of contextual factors
5.5.3 Interaction of semantic features with contextual factors
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Study 2: Acceptability Judgment
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Background and predictions
6.2.1 Background
6.2.2 Predictions about uniqueness
6.2.3 Predictions about hearer knowledge
6.2.4 Predictions about specificity
6.3 Methodology
6.3.1 Participants
6.3.2 Task and materials
6.3.3 Procedure
6.4 Results
6.4.1 Computing uniqueness
6.4.2 Uniqueness vs. existence
6.4.3 Hearer knowledge
6.4.4 Specific vs. non-specific
6.5 Discussion
6.5.1 The asymmetry of performance in different contexts
6.5.2 The influence of partitivity
6.5.3 Influence of specificity in article comprehension
6.5.4 Semantic knowledge contributes to context sensitivity
6.6 Summary
Chapter 7 General Discussion and Conclusions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Major findings
7.3 General discussion
7.3.1 Effects of specificity and partitivity on L2 learners' knowledge of definiteness
7.3.2 Factors influencing L2 learners' context-sensitivity
7.3.3 Interaction of semantic features with contextual factors
7.4 Conclusions
7.4.1 The Interaction Account: a summary of the study
7.4.2 Implications of the present study
7.4.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research
7.5 Summary
Appendix A Article-choice Test (Version 1)
Appendix B Article-choice Test (Version 2)
Appendix C The Answer Sheet of Article-choice Test
Appendix D The Consent Form for Study 2
Appendix E Test Items of Study 2
Appendix F L2 Learners' Mean Rating of Items in Study 2
Appendix G Native Speakers' Mean Rating of Items in Study 2


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