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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語英語聽力/口語臨時急需馬上說:課本上學(xué)不到的英語口語



定 價:¥24.80

作 者: 昂秀外語教學(xué)研究組,Cindy Gu,Ashley Scripka 主編
出版社: 中國對外翻譯出版公司
叢編項: 昂秀外語
標(biāo) 簽: 生活口語

ISBN: 9787500133872 出版時間: 2012-05-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 176 字數(shù):  


  《臨時急需馬上說——課本上學(xué)不到的英語口語》為英語愛好者提供了最基礎(chǔ)實用的內(nèi)容,幫助你突破英語學(xué)習(xí)的4大難關(guān): 一、口語表達關(guān): 精選513個日??谡Z表達短句,教你說課本上學(xué)不到的最簡單、最實用的句子! 二、場景對話關(guān): 囊括100多種場景對話,真實生活情景再現(xiàn),在生活中學(xué)習(xí)英語表達,學(xué)以致用! 三、語音語調(diào)關(guān): 本書513個短句和513組對話由專業(yè)美籍老師朗讀錄音。發(fā)音清晰標(biāo)準(zhǔn),語調(diào)地道自然! 四、脫口而出關(guān): 網(wǎng)羅9大常用短句系列,由簡而難,逐步掌握,臨時急需時做到脫口而出??!


  昂秀外語教學(xué)研究組,多年來一直秉承"質(zhì)量為先、服務(wù)讀者"的創(chuàng)作理念,以"做中國最體貼讀者的專業(yè)品牌"為宗旨,切實踐行"外語學(xué)習(xí)指導(dǎo)專家"的角色,向讀者傳達"昂起頭來,就優(yōu)秀"的精神,現(xiàn)已成為行業(yè)的典范,并贏得了數(shù)百萬讀者的高度認同。 Cindy Gu,畢業(yè)于加拿大多倫多大學(xué),現(xiàn)就讀于北京外國語大學(xué)高級翻譯學(xué)院。主要譯著:《情景劇式英語口語會話王》系列(4冊)等。 Ashley Scripka,美籍英語教師,有10余年豐富的口語教學(xué)經(jīng)驗。暢銷英語書《人人學(xué)英語》、《我為英語狂》的編著者之一。


● 啊!● 別!
● 對!● 干!
● 滾!● 看!
● 愛現(xiàn)!● 安靜!
● 白癡!● 保重!
● 抱歉?!?閉嘴!
● 愛多事!● 別多嘴!
● 別管我!● 別胡說!
● 別灰心!● 別磨蹭!
● 半斤八兩!
● 彼此彼此!
● 別搞砸了!
● 包在我身上!
● 別扯我后腿!
● 別傷我心??!
● 甭想這么了事!
● 別把人當(dāng)傻子!
● 別過早下結(jié)論!
● 不到黃河不死心。
● 不討厭也不喜歡。
● 當(dāng)我什么也沒說。
● 不必跟她一般見識。
● 不如意事,十之八九。
● 不是你死,就是我亡。
● 把那句話給我收回去!
● 別惹我,今天心情不好。
● 根本不把我放在眼里。
詞條目錄??!Ah!  1
愛多事!Nosy! 24
愛現(xiàn)!Show-off! 7
安靜!Shush! 7把那句話給我收回去!Take that back! 168
白癡!You idiot! 8
半斤八兩!Six of one, a half dozen of the
other! 57
包在我身上!I got it! 90
保重!Take care! 8
抱歉。My bad. 8
甭想這件事了!Kiss it goodbye! 121
彼此彼此!Same here! 57
閉嘴!Shut up! 9
別!No!  1
別把人當(dāng)傻子!Don’t insult my
intelligence! 121
別扯我后腿!Don’t hold me back! 90
別逞厲害了!Don’t overdo yourself! 92
別多嘴!Don’t be a blabbermouth! 24
別搞砸了!Don’t spoil it! 58
別跟我頂嘴!Don’t talk back! 92
別管我!Don’t mind me! 25
別過早下結(jié)論!Don’t jump to conclusions!
別胡說!Stop joking around! 25
別灰心!Don’t give up! 25
別老土了!Don’t be so old school! 58
別磨蹭!Hurry up! 26
別牛了!Don’t brag! 26
別碰我!Don’t touch me! 27
別惹我,今天心情不好。Don’t piss me off.
I’m in a bad mood today. 168
別傷我心??!Don’t break my heart! 91
別太囂張!Enough with the arrogance! 58
別淘氣!Behave! 26
別提這件事?。on’t bring it up! 122
別瞎想了!Stop thinking about it! 59
別想開溜!Don’t even think about sneaking
out! 59
別小題大做了!Don’t make a mountain
out of a molehill! 122
別笑死人了!You’re killing me! 91
別再發(fā)牢騷了!Stop nagging! 123
別這么見外嘛!Make yourself at home! 123
別這樣!Don’t! 27
別轉(zhuǎn)移話題!Don’t change the subject! 91
別裝蒜!As if you didn’t know! 27
別自我陶醉了!Don’t be a narcissist! 123
別自找苦吃!Don’t ride for a fall! 92
不必跟她一般見識。No need to be
offended. 157
不必了。No need. 28
不錯!Not bad! 9
不到黃河心不死。Always keep your eyes
on the prize. 144
不干!No dice! 9
不高興就說啊!Why didn’t you say you
were upset!  124
不關(guān)我的事!Wasn’t me! 93
不會吧!Really! 28
不見不散!Be there or be square. 59
不見得。Not necessarily. 29
不開竅。Numskull. 28
不騙你。Seriously. 29
不如意事,十之八九。Life is not a bed of
roses. 157
不識好歹!Unthankful! 60
不是你是誰!Who else! 93
不是你死,就是我亡。It’s either you
or me. 158
不討厭也不喜歡。Meh. 144
不行就是不行。No means no. 124
不要緊。Don’t worry. 29
不要強詞奪理!Be reasonable! 124
不要上當(dāng)!Don’t fall for it! 60
不要自以為是!Don’t be so cocky! 125
不一定吧。Not necessarily. 60
不用你多嘴!It’s none of your business! 93
不用張羅了。You don’t have to worry
about it anymore. 94
不知羞恥!Shameless! 61猜猜看!Guess! 30
才怪!Yeah right! 10
財運亨通啊。May prosperity find its way
to you. 94
慘不忍睹。A terrible sight. 61
差勁!Sucks!  10
長話短說。To make a long story short. 61
沉默是金。Silence is golden. 62
成!Sure! 6
成事不足,敗事有余。Always failing,
never succeeding. 158
成敗與否,全在于你。Success failure,
it all boils down to you. 158
吃一塹,長一智。A fall into the pit, a gain
in your wit. 125
癡心妄想!Wishful thinking! 62
臭美什么。Don’t be so full of yourself. 62
臭味相投。To share the same rotten tastes.
吹牛!Boast! 10
答對了!Bingo! 30
打個折吧!Give me a discount! 63
打起精神來!Buck up! 94
大呆子。Dum-dum. 30
大功告成。Finito. 63
當(dāng)然。Of course. 11
當(dāng)我什么也沒說。Just forget it! 145
得給他點教訓(xùn)。I’ll teach him a lesson. 125
得意忘形。Conceited. 64
動動腦子吧!Use your noodle! 95
對!Yes! 2
多多包涵。Excuse me. 64
多一事不如少一事。The less trouble the
better. 159 放開我!Let me go! 31
分攤吧!Let’s split it! 31
奉子成婚。Shotgun wedding. 64 該你了。Your turn. 32
改天吧!Some other time! 32
干!Cheers!  2
干得好!Good job! 32
干嘛放我鴿子!Why did you stand me up!
干嘛跟他一般見識!Why take him up
on it! 159
搞什么東西嘛!What! 126
隔墻有耳。Walls have ears. 65
給我小心點!Watch it! 95
根本不把我放在眼里。You attach no
importance to me. 169
夠了。Enough. 11
光說不練。All bark and no bite. 65
滾!Out! 2
果然不出我所料。I knew it. 145
果然名不虛傳。Live up to one’s
reputation. 126
過分!Go too far! 11 好得不能再好了!Couldn’t be better!
好話不說第二遍。Once is enough. 146
好偏心!So biased! 33
好巧!What a coincidence! 12
好說好散。Part friends. 65
好戲還在后頭呢!You ain’t seen nothing
yet! 146
好險!That was close! 12
好心沒好報。To be a fool to oneself. 95
好樣的!Good boy! 33
很樂意。With pleasure. 34
胡扯!Nonsense! 12
胡說八道!My eye! 66
互不相欠了。We are even. 96
滑頭!Sly! 14
壞了。Uh-oh. 14
壞心眼!Vixen! 34
還差得遠呢。Far from it. 96
還差點。Just a bit more. 33
還過得去。Not so bad. 66
還清了。All clear. 35
還是老樣子。Same old. 96
還早呢。Still too early. 34
回頭再說吧。We’ll talk later. 97
混蛋!Bastard! 13
活該!You deserve it! 14
活見鬼了!That’s ridiculous! 66
貨比三家不吃虧。You should always shop
around. 146 加油!You can do it! 15
家家有本難念的經(jīng)。There is a skeleton in
every closet. 159
見錢眼開。To sell one’s soul for money. 67
見外了。Don’t be a stranger. 35
將就你。Have your way. 35
腳踏兩條船。To have it both ways. 97
今非昔比。Times are different now. 67
盡瞎操心!Worry for nothing! 67
近朱者赤。One takes the color of one’s
company. 68
凈出餿主意。You and your lousy ideas. 97
久聞大名。I’ve heard so much about you. 68
救命!Help! 15
就這么說定了。Done deal! 127 開玩笑。Just joking. 36
看!Look!  3
看情況。Depends. 36
看什么看?沒看過啊!What are you
looking atNever seen one160
看我怎么收拾你!Wait till I get my hands 
on you! 147
看緣分吧。Up to fate. 68
看在老天爺?shù)拿嫔稀or goodness’s sake.
靠!Shit! 3
可真是禍不單行??!A true double trouble!
口無遮攔。Big-mouth. 69
酷!Cool! 3
快!Hurry! 4
快刀斬亂麻。Cut the knot. 98
快去快回。Hurry right back. 69 癩蛤蟆想吃天鵝肉。She’s out of your
league. 161
老毛病又犯了。Relapse. 127
老實交代!Come clean! 69
冷靜點!Calm down! 37
臉皮厚!Thick-skinned! 37
亂七八糟!Mess! 70
啰哩八唆!Windbag! 70 
買塊豆腐撞死算了。You’re worse than
useless. 161
買一送一。Buy one get one free. 70
沒辦法。No can do. 37
沒長眼?。re you blind71
沒錯!That’s right! 15
沒見過這么討厭的人。I’ve never seen
anyone that annoying. 169
沒門兒!Out of the question! 38
沒日沒夜。Day and night. 71
沒什么!It’s nothing! 38
沒什么大不了的。No biggie.  147
沒什么可說的。I have nothing to say. 127
沒什么了不起。It’s not the end of the
world. 128
沒事找碴!Don’t nitpick. 72
沒有的事!No such thing! 71
沒轍的家伙!You are helpless! 98
免談!No way! 16
摸一下又不會少塊肉。You won’t die. 169 
哪可能!Impossible! 31
哪有!Heaven forbid! 16
那就不必了。That won’t be necessary. 98
那我看著買吧。I’ll just pick at will. 131
那又怎樣?So what72
腦袋瓜生銹啦?Has your brain rusted128
你背叛我!Betrayer! 72
你不說我怎么知道??!How would I
know! 170
你從哪里冒出來的?。縒here did you
come from170
你到底想怎樣?What do you want128
你等著看好了!You just wait and see! 129
你等著瞧吧!Wait and see! 99
你懂什么!Like you know it! 73
你敢!Don’t you dare! 17
你敢笑話我!You dare make fun of me! 99
你搞錯了吧!There must be a mistake! 99
你給我記??!Remember that! 100
你給我聽著!Listen! 100
你鬼鬼祟祟在那干嘛?What are you
sneaking about170
你好。Hello. 16
你好大的膽子!You’ve got nerves! 129
你還不夠格。You’re not good enough yet.
你還真能說呢!I didn’t know you were
that eloquent! 129
你會后悔的!You’ll regret it! 101
你急什么?What’s your hurry73
你就將就點吧!Just make do with it! 130
你覺得呢?What do you think73
你看不出來嗎?Can’t you see130
你看看你是什么樣子!Look at yourself!
你可真煩人!You’re so annoying! 101
你來評評理。You be the judge. 101
你老實點!Be good! 74
你臉皮也太厚了吧。You are so
thick-skinned. 161
你沒別的事可做嗎?Don’t you have
something better to do162
你憑什么教訓(xùn)我?Who gave you the right
to lecture me148
你省省吧。Cut it out. 74
你是不是傻呀!Are you stupid130
你說呢?What do you say38
你算老幾!Who do you think you are! 74
你太老實了!You’re too honest! 102
你問我,我問誰。If you don’t know, then
who knows131
你喜歡就好。As long as you like it. 102
你想吵架嗎?You wanna fight102
你想找死??!You have a death wish103
你要想開一點啊。Look on the bright side.
你也要替我想一想啊。Put yourself in my
shoes. 171
你有沒有良心??!Have you no conscience!
你有事瞞著我,對吧?You’ re hiding
something, right162
你在打什么如意算盤?Don’t let your
imagination run wild. 171
你在發(fā)什么呆呀?What are you
daydreaming about149
你在開我玩笑吧?You’ re joking, right
你在玩什么把戲!What are you up to! 149
你怎么這么不懂事!How could you not
know better! 162
你這大嘴巴!You and your long tongue! 103
你這是明知故問。Isn’ t the answer
你這是什么話?How could you say that
你這是什么口氣!Watch your tone! 150
你真是不慌不忙的!Aren’t you taking it
easy! 163
你真行!You’re really something! 39
你裝什么腔?Don’t pretend! 103
你裝什么傻!Don’t play dumb with me! 104
你仔細看看清楚!Take a second look! 147
你做夢!In your dreams! 39
牛!Awesome! 4 拍馬屁。Bootlicker. 39
旁觀者清。Onlookers see most of the
game. 75
便宜無好貨。What’s cheap is not good. 104 奇怪了。Strange. 40
氣死我了!I’m furious! 75
千萬別誤會!Please don’t get me wrong! 104
前途渺茫。The future looks bleak. 75
搶劫??!Thief! 40
瞧你干的好事!Look what you’ve done!
瞧他得意的!Look how pleased he is! 105
親!Sweetie! 6
輕?。ight! 17
請!Please! 4
請多關(guān)照!Nice to meet you! 76
區(qū)區(qū)小事,何足掛齒。Easy thing, don’t
mention it. 163
去開開眼。See the elephant. 76
去你的!Whatever! 40
去死吧!Go to hell! 41 
然后呢?And then41
讓開!Move! 17
人生地不熟。A total stranger. 105
人算不如天算。Man proposes, God
disposes. 132
人無完人。No one is perfect. 76
認輸吧!Admit it. 41
認真點!Pay attention! 42 三思而后行。Measure thrice and cut once. 105
掃興!How disappointing! 18
傻瓜才看呢!Only a fool would! 106
少胡說!Don’t be ridiculous! 42
少來!Cut it out! 18
少數(shù)服從多數(shù)。Majority rules. 132
少說廢話!Talk to the hand! 77
少說風(fēng)涼話!Don’t be so cynical! 106
少裝酷!Stop acting cool! 42
少自以為是!Get over yourself! 106
身無分文。I’m broke. 77
身在福中不知福。You don’t know how
lucky you are. 150
深藏不露。Still waters run deep. 77
什么風(fēng)把你吹來了?What brings you
什么事來著?What was it again107
時間會證明一切。Time will tell. 151
實在受不了了。This is insane. 133
是誰讓你做主了啊?How could you be
so presumptuous164
受不了。Fed up with it. 43
書呆子!Bookworm! 43
耍大牌。Put on airs. 43
誰比誰傻??!Who’s the fool! 107
誰告訴你的?Who told you107
誰會這么蠢!Who’d be so stupid! 108
誰說的?Said who44
順便說一聲。By the way. 108
順理成章。Of course. 78
說曹操,曹操就到。Speak of the devil. 151
說話不算數(shù)。Go back on one’s words. 108
說來話長。Long story. 78
說什么傻話!What are you talking about!
死定了!I’m doomed! 44
死了這條心吧!Fat chance! 133
死腦筋!Stick-in-the-mud! 44
死也不干,休想!I’d rather die! 133
送我我也不要。I don’t want it even if it’s
free. 134
算了。Forget it. 18
算你厲害。You win. 78
算我一個!Me! 79
隨便說說嘛!Just teasing! 109
隨你便!Suit yourself! 45
隨你怎么想吧。Think as you please. 134
隨緣吧。Let fate guide their ways. 45 
他是他,你是你。You are not him. 134
他真是有樣學(xué)樣。He’s such a follower.
太不爭氣了!You disappoint me! 109
太荒唐了!Absurd! 79
太離譜了吧!That’s crazy! 110
太神了!Amazing! 45
太糟了!Hell! 46
貪心不足。Insatiable appetite. 79
天底下哪有這等好事。That’s too good to
be true. 172
天哪!Oh my! 19
天下沒有白吃的午餐。There is no such
thing as a free lunch. 172
天涯何處無芳草。There are plenty of other
fish in the sea. 152
鐵算盤!Good with numbers! 46
聽你的。You are the boss. 46
聽天由命。In God’s hands. 80
聽我的,還是聽你的?Who’s the boss
聽我的準(zhǔn)沒錯。Trust me. 135
聽著。Listen. 19
停!Stop! 5 
完蛋了。Go down. 47
忘恩負義。Ungrateful. 80
為什么非我不可?Why me152
問也是白問。Don’t bother asking. 110
窩里斗。Fight amongst yourselves. 47
我保證!I swear! 47
我不能不管。To turn a blind eye against sb.
我不知道,也不想知道。I don’t know,
and I don’t care. 172
我才不信呢! Yeah right! 111
我的天呀!Oh my God! 80
我給你加油!I’ll cheer for you! 111
我好像在哪見過你。I think we’ve met
before. 164
我豁出去了!I’m ready to risk everything!
我看沒這必要。You don’t have to. 135
我恐怕幫不上你的忙。I’m afraid I can’t
help you. 173
我快被熏死了。I was about to suffocate.
我快崩潰了。I’m about to have a meltdown.
我們扯平了。Let’s call it even. 112
我們還是回避一下吧。Let’s leave. 173
我請客!My treat! 48
我惹你了嗎?Did I offend you112
     I owe you from my previous lifetime.152
我什么地方不如她?Where do I not
compare to her165
我受夠了!I’ve had it! 81
我說東你偏說西。Must you be a devil’s
我聽都聽膩了。I’m tired of hearing about it.
我無可奉告!No comment! 113
我無能為力。There is nothing I can do. 113
我要替你討回公道。I’ll stand up for you.
我已經(jīng)麻木了。I’m already numbed. 136
我有話跟你說。We need to talk. 137
我有什么好處?What’s in it for me137
我招了!I confess! 48
我招你惹你了?What did I ever do to you!
我這樣還不是為你好!I’m doing you a
favor! 173
我真懶得理你。You are the last thing I
need. 135
我真佩服你!I really admire you! 113
我只是鬧著玩的。I’m just playing with
you. 153
我做夢也沒想到。Beyond my wildest
dreams. 153
烏龜配王八。Like attracts like. 114
無聊!Boring! 19
無怨無悔。No regrets. 81
五十步笑百步。The pot called the kettle
black. 138
勿失良機。Now or never. 81 
習(xí)慣成自然。Second nature. 114
習(xí)慣就好。You’ll get used to it. 82
瞎掰!Waffling! 20
瞎嚷嚷。Blabbing. 48
嚇得腿直哆嗦。I was scared to death. 138
先幫我墊一下。Can you spot me138
現(xiàn)在說的不是假話吧?Are you serious
想的美哦!You wish! 82
消息真靈通!Aren’t you up-to-date! 114
小菜一碟!It’s easy as pie! 82
小氣鬼!Stingy! 49
心急吃不了熱豆腐。All good things come
to those who wait. 165
心有靈犀一點通!You read my mind! 154
信不信由你。Believe it or not. 115
行不通。That won’t do. 49
行行好嘛。Please. 83
幸災(zāi)樂禍。Gloat. 83
休想!Don’t even think about it! 20 言歸正傳。Get down to business. 83
眼不見為凈。Ignorance is bliss. 115
要你管!Leave me alone! 49
也就是說。Hence. 84
一般般吧。So-so. 84
一對一。One on one. 50
一分錢一分貨。You pay for what you get.
一個巴掌拍不響。One hand can’t clap.
一個頭兩個大。It’s a real pain in the butt.
一舉兩得。Kill two birds with one stone.
一切都是天意。Everything is predestined.
一手交錢,一手交貨。Give me the cash,
and I’ll give you the goods.  166
一言為定!Deal! 85
易如反掌。Piece of cake. 85
英雄所見略同。Great minds think alike.
有!Yup! 5
有本事你做給我看!Then show me what
you’ve got! 166
有點不對勁。Something’s not right. 115
有話好好說!Let’s talk about this! 116
有話直說。Get to the point. 85
有懶女人,沒有丑女人。There are no
ugly women, only lazy ones. 174
有錢好辦事。Money talks. 116
有什么回報嗎?What will I get out of
有完沒完??!Are you through116
有我呢,你怕什么。You’ve got me, don’t
worry. 154
有些人就是學(xué)不乖。Some people just
never learn. 166
又不會死人!It won’t kill you! 117
又不是三歲小孩!I wasn’t born yesterday!
又來了!Again! 50
幼稚!Naive! 20
原來如此。I see. 86
運氣好。Lucky. 50
暈!Gosh! 6 
再接再厲。Keep trying. 86
贊成!I agree! 21
咱們講和吧。Let’s make peace. 117
糟了!I’m screwed! 21
早知如此,何必當(dāng)初。It’s too late now.
怎么搞的?What happened86
怎么會沒事呢?How could everything
be fine140
怎么可以這樣?How could you141
怎么越說越來勁?Why is it the more he
talks, the more exited he gets155
找死!Want to die! 21
這次的事泡湯了。My hope was dashed to
pieces. 156
這都老掉牙了。It’s such an oldie. 141
這還算什么英雄好漢! And you call
yourself a man175
這還用問哪!Duh! 117
這就是我要的!This is what I wanted to
get! 141
這話應(yīng)該我來說才對。That’s my line.
這么快!So fast! 51
這事誰也說不準(zhǔn)。It’s all up in the air. 155
這事早就見怪不怪了。That’s so common.
這是兩碼事。Different kettles of fish.
這算得了啥!It’s nothing! 118
這下可糟了!Oh shit! 118
這也難怪。I’m not surprised. 87
這也太扯了吧。That’s bullshit! 142
這真是人間美味!A true delicacy! 156
真棒!Great! 22
真不知道她怎么想的。I don’t know
what’s gotten into her. 175
真差勁!Sucks! 51
真吵!So noisy! 13
真聰明!Smartie! 54
真的還是假的?For real142
真的是少根筋!You really have a screw
loose! 143
真低級!Low-brow! 52
真惡心!That’s gross! 52
真煩人!What a pain! 54
真劃算!What a deal! 54
真可憐!What a pity! 51
真沒想到!What a surprise! 87
真沒用!Good for nothing! 53
真拿你沒轍!What am I gonna do with
you! 119
真偏心眼。Very partial. 87
真是沒救了!Beyond cure! 119
真是受不了!I can’t stand it! 119
真討厭!Darn it! 53
真體貼!So sweet! 53
真頑固!So stubborn! 52
真有眼光!Good tastes! 88
振作點!Cheer up! 55
鎮(zhèn)靜!Poised! 22
睜一只眼,閉一只眼。Turn a blind eye.
正好。Just enough. 22
正是時候!Just the right time! 88
只好死馬當(dāng)活馬醫(yī)了。Fight a losing
battle. 176
只準(zhǔn)早到,不準(zhǔn)遲到。Don’t be late. 167
中看不中用。All that glitters is not gold.
住口!Shut up! 23
裝糊涂!Act innocent! 55
裝可愛!Act cute! 55
自便!As one pleases! 23
自私鬼!You selfish pig! 56
自討沒趣!Ask for trouble! 88
自作自受!One have oneself to thank! 89
總把我的話當(dāng)耳邊風(fēng)。To you, my words
always go in one ear and out the other. 176
總感覺少根筋!Always one sandwich
short of a picnic. 143
走吧!Let’s go! 13
走火入魔。You are obsessed. 89
走路當(dāng)心點!Watch your steps! 120
走一步,算一步。One step at a time. 142
嘴硬!Sharp tongue! 23
做個了結(jié)。Let’s wrap this up. 89


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