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定 價:¥28.00

作 者: 賴世雄 著
出版社: 外文出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 生活口語

ISBN: 9787119074412 出版時間: 2012-03-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 大32開 頁數(shù): 282 字?jǐn)?shù):  






1. A Budget Crunch 預(yù)算吃緊
2. Make a Cold Call 陌生電訪
3. A Hard Sell 很難賣的東西
4. Go Belly Up 完全失敗∕企業(yè)倒閉
5. Get off the Ground 起步
6. Have a Finger in Every Pie 愛插手∕多管閑事
7. Float Someone a Loan 借給某人一筆錢
8. Knock down the Price 降價
9. Keep the Books 記賬
10. Out-of-Pocket Expenses 實(shí)報(bào)實(shí)銷的開支
11. Make Money Hand over Fist 輕松賺大錢
12. Sell like Hot Cakes 暢銷熱賣
13. Be/Feel out of the Loop 在狀況外
14. Second a Motion 附議
15. Put One's Nose to the Grindstone 埋頭苦干
16. Put Something on Hold 暫緩某事
17. Plug Something 替某事物宣傳、打廣告
18. Be Left Holding the Bag 被迫接下爛攤子
19. Take a Nosedive (價格)暴跌∕(情況)惡化
20. Table a Discussion 擱置討論
21. A Bitter Pill to Swallow 難以接受的事
22. Cash in on Something 從某事物中獲利
23. Dot the i's and Cross the t's 對細(xì)節(jié)一絲不茍
24. Hit the Jackpot 中大獎∕走好運(yùn)
25. A Tough Cookie 強(qiáng)悍的人∕堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的人
26. Put the Cart before the Horse 本末倒置
27. Leave No Stone Unturned 千方百計(jì)
28. The Pot Calling the Kettle Black 五十步笑百步
29. Beat around/about the Bush 拐彎抹角
30. Kick Oneself 自責(zé)
31. Go off the Deep End 大發(fā)雷霆
32. Put One's Foot Down 堅(jiān)定立場
33. Know Which Side One's Bread Is Buttered On 知道什么對自己最有利
34. Keep Something under One's Hat 保密
35. Twist Someone around One's Little Finger 玩弄某人于股掌之間
36. Carry the Weight of the World on One's Shoulders 太過操心
37. Add Insult to Injury 在傷口上撒鹽
38. Make a Splash 引起轟動
39. A Live Wire 精力充沛的人
40. Eat One's Words 收回前言
41. Have Two Left Feet 手腳不靈活
42. Get the Boot 被炒魷魚
43. A Diamond in the Rough 未經(jīng)開發(fā)的桃花源∕璞玉
44. Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth 挑剔禮物
45. Pull Oneself up by One's Own Bootstraps 靠自己振作起來∕自立自強(qiáng)
46. Let Sleeping Dogs Lie 不要沒事惹事∕別自找麻煩
47. Be at Each Other's Throats 吵來吵去∕互杠
48. Have an Axe to Grind with Someone 找某人理論
49. Leave a Bad Taste in Someone's Mouth 給某人留下壞印象
50. Read Someone the Riot Act 嚴(yán)厲斥責(zé)
51. Rob Peter to Pay Paul 拆東墻補(bǔ)西墻
52. Leave Someone in the Dark 將某人蒙在鼓里
53. Let One's Hair Down 讓某人放松下來
54. Like Clockwork 分秒不差地∕規(guī)律地
55. Set Someone's Sights on Something 看中某物
56. Be Set in Stone 不可更改的
57. Smoke like a Chimney 抽煙抽個不停
58. Squeeze Blood out of a Turnip 榨不出錢來
59. Eat Someone Alive 把某人生吞活剝∕徹底擊敗某人
60. Get One's Ducks in a Row 安排妥當(dāng)
61. Test the Water(s) 試探
62. Talk Till Someone Is Blue in the Face 費(fèi)盡唇舌
63. Toe the Line 遵守規(guī)定
64. A Wake-up Call 警訊
65. Be as Exciting as Watching Paint Dry 無聊透頂
66. Over My Dead Body 休想
67. Smell a Rat 起疑心
68. See Eye to Eye 看法一致
69. Shoot off One's Mouth 夸口∕胡言亂語
70. Make a Beeline for Something 直奔某物而去
71. One's Eyes Are Bigger than One's Stomach 眼大肚小∕心有余而力不足
72. One's Own Flesh and Blood 親骨肉
73. Let off Steam 紓解壓力∕發(fā)泄怒氣
74. Eat/Drink One's Weight in Something 狂吃∕喝某物
75. Turn One's Nose Up 嗤之以鼻


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