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瘋狂英語:彩圖初級英語語法Let's See!

瘋狂英語:彩圖初級英語語法Let's See!

定 價:¥58.00

作 者: (美)拉特 主編
出版社: 南京大學(xué)出版社
標 簽: 英語

ISBN: 9787305088605 出版時間: 2011-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 309 字數(shù):  


  《瘋狂英語:彩圖初級英語語法Let's See!》適合初中起點學(xué)習者使用,可供課堂上補充使用,亦可自學(xué)!本套是專為初學(xué)者所設(shè)計的語法書,采用大開本全彩印刷,搭配上百張吸睛彩圖解說,徹底改變你對語法書的刻板印象,給你不一樣的學(xué)習新感受!《瘋狂英語:彩圖初級英語語法Let's See!》的特點:1.基礎(chǔ)語法收錄初級必學(xué)的語法知識,難度適中。絕對符合初學(xué)者的需要。2.一頁語法,一頁練每一單元采用對頁編排。左頁講解語法重點知識,右頁立即做練習,分量固定,學(xué)習進度好安排。能定焦學(xué)習重點,也能立即檢測學(xué)習成效。3.列點說明,好抓重點各單元內(nèi)的語法點。采取條列式說明,清楚易消化。4.彩色圖解上千張的彩色圖片,帶你進入語法的美麗新世界。大量的圖解練習,沒有語法書密密麻麻的文字背誦壓力,學(xué)習語法也可以放松無負擔!5.豐富例句豐富而多元的生活化例句,取材廣泛,運動、休閑、閱讀及飲食都在取材范圍內(nèi),句子簡潔易閱讀,讓學(xué)語法就像說會話一樣輕松愜意。6.表格分析大量采用表格式說明,或歸納重點,或進行比較,或補充資訊,一目了然,有效捕捉重點資訊。7.密集練習占全書一半分量的練習題,就是為了幫助學(xué)習者能借由大量練習,將語法訴諸于實用,在實用中真正領(lǐng)略語法,運用語法于無形,而非背了就忘。習題的編寫以簡單、切中練習目標為主,不以考倒學(xué)習者為出發(fā)點,即使瘋狂練習也不厭倦。


暫缺《瘋狂英語:彩圖初級英語語法Let's See!》作者簡介


Chapter1 Nouns and articles
1 Countable nouns:plural forms of regular nouns (1)
2 Countable nouns:plural forms of regular nouns(2)
3 Countable nouns:irregular nouns and other plural nouns
4 A, an
5 A, an, the
6 Uncountable nouns
7 Counting an uncountable noun
8 Talking in general
9 Proper nouns
10 Expressions with and without"the" (l)
11 Expressions with and without "the" (2)
12 0ther expressions without "the"
13 Possessive: 's
14 Possessive: the…of…
15 Review test of Units l-14
Chapter 2 Pronouns
16 Personal pronouns: subject pronouns
17 Personal pronouns: object pronouns
18 Personal pronouns: possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives
19 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:some, any
20 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:many: much, a lot of, enough
21 Indefinite pronouns and adjectives:little,a little,few, a few
22 Indefinite pronouns:one, ones and some compound pronouns
23 Indefinite pronouns:someone/somebody, anyone/anybody
24 Indefinite pronouns: something/somewhere,anything/anywhere
25 Indefinite pronouns: no one/nobody/nothing/nowhere,everyone/everybody/everything/everywhere
26 This, that, these, those
27 Reflexive pronouns and "each other"
28 Review test of Units 16-27
Chapter 3 Present tense
29 Present tense of the verb "be"
30 There is: there are
31 Have got
32 Present simple tense
33 Present continuous tense
34 Compar'son between the present continuous tense and the present simple tense
35 Verbs not normally used in the continuous tense
36 Review test of Units 29-35
Chapter 4 Past tense
37 Past tense of the verb "be"
38 Past simple tense (1)
39 Past simple tense (2)
40 Past continuous tense
41 Present perfect simple tense (1)
42 Present perfect simple tense (2)
43 Comparison between the present perfect simple tense and the past simple tense
44 Review test of Units 37-43
Chapter 5 Future tense
45 Present continuous tense forthe future
46 "Be going to" for the future
47 Simple future tense "will"
48 Comparison between "will", "be going to" and the present continuous tense
49 Review test of Units 45-48
Chapter 7 Common verbs
Chapter 8 Model verbs.
Chapter 9 Types of sentence.
Chapter 10 Phrasal verbs
Chapter 11 Adjectives and adverbs
Chapter 12 Prepositions
Chapter 13 Conjunctions
Chapter 14 Numbers, time and dates
Progress test


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