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定 價(jià):¥55.00

作 者: 鄧子欽,鄧洪焰,林榕 主編
出版社: 中山大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 雅思IELTS

ISBN: 9787306039903 出版時(shí)間: 2011-11-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 390 字?jǐn)?shù):  






第一部分  圖表作文習(xí)作
 條形圖(Bar Chart)
   1  Different Job Choices
   2  Most Valued Objects in the Home
   3  Air Pollution
   4  A Survey about Children's Purposes of PlayingComputers
   5  Male and Female Workers in Five Employments
   6  The Percentages and Reasons for Being Taken intoPolice Custody
 曲線圖(Line Graph)
   1  Washing Machine Sales from Jan. to Aug. ,2006
   2  The Number of Visitors to the Exhibition Centre,Museum and Art Gallery
   3  Energy Demand and Energy Storage
 圓形圖(Pie Chart)
   1  Family Expenses in a Certain City in Asia
   2  Area and Population of Continents of theWorld
   3  Students' Mter-class Activities vs Allotment ofTime
 流程圖(Flow Chart)
   1  Production Process of Consumer GoodsManufacturing
   2  Distillation
   3  The Water Cycle
   1  Changes in the Ways People in the City Spend TheirHoliday
   2  Changes in People's Diet
   3  Administrative Work after the IELTS Test
   4  Steps and Proceeding for University PaperWriting
   1  The Main Uses of Cattle
   2  The Electricity Generation and Transmission
第二部分  論述文習(xí)作
   1  How to Ensure That Children Get EnoughExercise?
   2  Who Would Be Better to Look after theChildren?
   3  The Best Preparation for Life
   4  Who Should Be Responsible for the Old People?
   5  Should Older Parents Live with Their AdultChildren?
   6  Is It Fair for Stars to Have High Salaries?
   7  What Is the New Research Centre for?
   8  Which Kind of Friend Do You Prefer?
   9  Compare the Advantages of Two Ways of ObtainingThings
   10  Should Parents Plan Their Children's LeisureTime?
   11  What Has the Most Important Influence on YoungAdults?
   12  Working in Your Hometown Or Working in a Differentcity?
   13  Physical Recreation and IntellectualActivities
   14  Making a Girlfriend or a Boyfriend
   15  The First Impression about a Person'sCharacter
   16  Which Kind of Worker Would You Prefer toHire?
   17  What Is Your Opinion about Computers?
   18  Do Physical Exercise Every Day or Study AllDay?
   19  To Study Alone or Study with a Group ofStudents?
   20  To Work with a Group of People or to WorkIndependently?
   21  What Influence is Human Activity to Earth?
   22  Which Place Would You Prefer to Live In?
   23  Which Kind of Job Would You Choose?
   24  One Long Vacation Each Year or Several ShortVacations?
   25  To Take Classes in Many Subjects or to Specializein One?
   26  To Complain in Writing or in Person?
   27  Would You Prefer Items Made by Hand or byMachine?
   1  Is Too Much Education Dangerous?
   2  Should the Government Spend on Artistic andCultural Project or on Further Basic Infrastructure Projects?
   3  What Should Be the Main Goal of Newspapers andRadio Stations?
   4  Should People Be Realistic or Romantic?
   5  Are Modem Technology and TraditionIncompatible?
   6  Is the Traditional Examination an Unfair Indicationof a Student's Ability?
   7  Positive and Negative Effects Brought by Scienceand Technology
   8  Better to Go Abroad to Study or at Home?
   9  Do Grades Encourage Students to Loam?
   10  Are Only Those People Who Earn a Lot of MoneySuccessful?
   11  Can Borrowing Money from a Friend Damage theFriendship?
   12  Is Modem Technology Creating a Single WorldCulture?
   13  Can Advertising Tell you a Lot about aCountry?
   14  Should a New Movie Theater Be Built in YourNeighborhood?
   15  Has Television Destroyed Communication amongFriends and Family?
   16  Does Playing Games Teach Us about Life?
   17  Who Influence a Child's Success at School?
   18  Should Boys and Girls Attend SeparateSchools?
   19  There Is Nothing That Young People Can Teach OldPeople
   20  When Should Children Begin to Loam a ForeignLanguage?
   21  Are Parents the Best Teachers?
   22  Is It the Best Way to Travel in a Group Led by aTour Guide?
   23  Telephones and Emails Have Made Communication LessPersonal
   24  Should People Treat Their Pets as Members of TheirFamily?
   25  Technology Has Made the World a Better Place toLive In
   26  People Are Never Satisfied with What They HaveGot
   1  At What Age Do You Think It Is Suitable for WorkingPeople to Retire?
   2  An Invention That You Think Is Important
   3  Is It Appropriate to Send Young Druggers toPrison?
   4  Must Students Wear School Uniforms?
   5  Is Dependence on Computers a Good Thing?
   6  What Measures Could Be Taken to StopDrug-taking?
   7  How Have Technological Developments ChangedPeople's Lives?
   8  How Will the Society be Affected by the Growth ofTelecommuting?
   9  How to Reduce Private Cars in a Planned Way?
   10  Nuclear Technology's Benefits vs ItsDisadvantages
   11  What Are the Qualities of a Good Neighbor?
   1  Investigation and Research
   2  What Subjects Should Be Taught in Schools?
   3  How Should a Person with an Incurable Ulness SpendHis Last Days?
   4  The Advantages of Having Children Outweigh theDisadvantages?
   5  Which Is Better, Growing Up in a Large Family or ina One-child Family?


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