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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語生活英語項目管理英語



定 價:¥36.00

作 者: 韓麗紅 主編
出版社: 電子工業(yè)出版社
標 簽: 項目管理/目標管理


ISBN: 9787121146169 出版時間: 2011-10-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數: 288 字數:  


  隨著培養(yǎng)國際化人才的需要,專業(yè)英語變得愈加重要?!陡叩葘W校項目管理系列規(guī)劃教材:項目管理英語》從“用英語系統(tǒng)深化專業(yè)知識”和“從專業(yè)知識角度學習英語”的角度出發(fā),圍繞項目管理的九大知識領域,同時加入項目可行性分析和科技論文寫作的內容,以流暢、規(guī)范、清晰的英語講述項目管理知識 。本書定位準確、架構合理、內容專業(yè)、適用性強,幫助學生在深刻掌握項目管理整體框架和知識的基礎上,學習標準的項目管理英語概念。本書適用于項目管理、工程管理研究生及項目管理工程碩士,也可用于上述專業(yè)的本科學生,還可供項目管理從業(yè)者學習參考。




Chapter 1 Foundation 1
Project 1
Project Management 6
Nine Major knowledge Areas 11
Evolution of Project Management 16
Exercises 19
Chapter 2 Project Schedule Management 26
Project Schedule Planning 27
Project Schedule Control 34
Techniques and Methods for Project Schedule Planning 38
Optimization of Project Schedule Planning 43
Exercises 46
Chapter 3 Project Cost Management 52
Cost Estimate 53
Cost Budgeting 56
Cost Control 60
Breakeven Analysis 67
Exercises 69
Chapter 4 Project Quality Management 75
Fundamental Concepts 75
Quality Plan 78
Quality Assurance 83
Quality Control 85
Total Quality Management (TQM) 91
Exercises 92
Chapter 5 Project Human Resource Management 99
Project Human Resource Planning 100
Project Team Acquiring 104
Project Team Training and Development 107
Project Team Managing 111
Exercises 116
Chapter 6 Project Communication Management 122
Basic Knowledge 123
Stakeholders Identifying 125
Communication Planning 130
Information Distribution 134
Stakeholders’ Expectation Management 135
Performance Reporting 136
Exercises 136
Chapter 7 Project Procurement Management 143
Procurement Planning 144
Solicitation Planning and Solicitation 149
Source Selection 150
Contract Administration 153
Contract Closure 154
Exercises 155
Chapter 8 Project Risk Management 162
Basic Concepts 162
Risk Management Plan 165
Risk Identification 168
Risk Assessment 172
Risk Response 177
Risk Monitor and Control 180
Exercises 182
Chapter 9 Project Feasibility Analysis 188
Financial Viability Analysis 188
Technical Practicability Analysis 195
Environmental Impact Assessment 198
Exercises 204
Chapter 10 Scientific Papers Writing 211
Preparation 211
Text Writing 219
Exercises 223
Glossary 225
References 258


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