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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書教育/教材/教輔外語生活英語求職英語一本通(全新增訂版)



定 價:¥29.90

作 者: 呂文澎 等編著
出版社: 西安交通大學(xué)出版社
標(biāo) 簽: 職場英語

ISBN: 9787560540443 出版時間: 2011-09-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 310 字數(shù):  






第一步 全力備戰(zhàn)
Step One Pre-job-hunting
第一章 密切關(guān)注招聘信息,積極探尋求職良機
Chapter One Collection of Job-hunting Information
第一節(jié) 報刊媒體英語招聘廣告
Section One English Recruitment Information on Mass Media.
1.英語招聘廣告的格式與特點(Format and feature of English recruitmentads)
2.英語招聘廣告中的縮寫詞(Abbreviations used in English recruitment ads)
3.英語招聘廣告范例(Models for English recruitment ads)
4.英語招聘信息來源(Sources of English recruitment information)
第二節(jié) 網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體英語招聘廣告
Section TWO English Recruitment Information on the Internet
1.國內(nèi)主要英文求職站點(Major English recruitment websites in China)
2.國外主要英文求職站點(Major English recruitment websites abroad)
3.網(wǎng)絡(luò)英語招聘廣告范例(Models of English recruitment ads on the Internet)
第三節(jié) 英語求職其他渠道
Section Three Other Information for a Job
1.人才市場(Job markets)
2.學(xué)校就業(yè)辦(Employment office in a college or university)
3.就業(yè)中介機構(gòu)(Employment agencies)
第二章 慎重選擇用人單位。認真了解知己知彼
Chapter Two Consultation of Job Application
第一節(jié) 對用人單位進行書面調(diào)查
Section One Survey of the Employer by Written Materials
第二節(jié) 對用人單位進行網(wǎng)上調(diào)查
Section Two Survey of the Employer on the Internet
第三節(jié) 向用人單位從業(yè)人員進行咨詢
Section Three Consultation with Relevant Employees of the Employer
第三章 英語求職事無巨細。由表及里精心準(zhǔn)備
Chapter Three Elaborate Preparation for Job Application
第一節(jié) 英語求職面試常見問題準(zhǔn)備
Section One Preparation for Frequent Questions in Job Interviews
1.求職面試開局問題(Questions for opening a job interview)
2.有關(guān)求職者工作經(jīng)歷的問題(Questions about the job hunter’S working experience)
3.有關(guān)求職者工作適應(yīng)能力的問題(Questions about the job hunter’S working flexibility
4.求職者對所應(yīng)聘工作的期望(Questions about the job hunter’S expectation)
5.有關(guān)求職者的自我問題(Questions about the job hunter himself/herself introduction)
6.有關(guān)求職者薪水的問題(Questions about the job hunter’S remuneration)
第二節(jié) 英語求職面試裝束禮儀提示
Section TWO Advice on Appearance and Manner in J ob Interviews
1.準(zhǔn)時到達(Being on time)
2.穿著得體(Being properly dressed)
第三節(jié) 現(xiàn)代女性求職面試攻略
Section Three Job—Hunting and Interview Strategies for Modern Women
1.女性求職者的四大優(yōu)勢(Four advantages of female job applicants)
2.女性求職者的四種不良心態(tài)(Four mistaken concepts of female applicants
3.女性求職面試四大裝束之道(Four tips on the dressing of female job interviewees、
4.女性成功求職五大策略(Five strategies of successful female job applicants)
Step Two While—job-hunting
第四章 求職書信欲完美。語言格式要規(guī)范
Chapter Four English Writing of an Appropriate Job-application Letter
第一節(jié) 英文求職信的結(jié)構(gòu)與格式
Section One Structure and Format of English Job—Application Letters
1.英文求職信的結(jié)構(gòu)(Structure of English job—application letters)
2.英文求職信的格式(Format of English job—application letters)
3.英文信封的格式(Format of addressing an English envelope)
4.標(biāo)準(zhǔn)求職信范例(Standard model for an application letter)
第二節(jié) 個人簡歷的寫作、版面設(shè)計及范例
Section Two English Writing,Space Layouts and Models for R6sum4
1.篇首簡介(Brief introduction)
2.求職目標(biāo)(Job objective)
5.工作經(jīng)歷(Professional experience)
6.個人資料(Personal data)
7.外語技能(Foreign language competence)
8.專長與成就(Specialization and accomplishments)
11.個人簡歷的版面設(shè)計及范例(Space layouts and models of r6sum6)
第三節(jié) 自薦信的寫作及其范例
Section Three English Writing and Models for Self-recommendation Letters
第四節(jié) 應(yīng)聘信的寫作及范例
Section Four English Writing and Models for Letters in Answering to Recruitment Ads
第五節(jié) 統(tǒng)一的英文求職申請表
Section Five English Writing and Unified Models for Job Application
第六節(jié) 推薦信的寫作及其范例
Section Six English Writing and Models for Reference Letters
1.通用型推薦信(Reference letters for general use)
2.專用型推薦信(Reference letters for special use)
第七節(jié) 自傳的寫作及其范例
Section Seven English Writing and Models for Autobiographies
第八節(jié) 查詢函的寫作及范例
Section Eight English Writing and Models for Followup Letter
第五章 網(wǎng)上求職重技巧。便捷公平效率高
Chapter Five Job-hunting Strategies on the Internet
第一節(jié) 網(wǎng)上求職基本方法與技巧
Section Ome Job-Hunting Methods and Skills on the Internet
1.在線申請"(Online job application)
2.在線求職申請表的填寫(Filling in the job application form online)
3.在線求職申請常識及注意事項(Tips for online job application)
第二節(jié) 網(wǎng)上發(fā)布英語求職信息范例
Section Two Models of Issuing Job—hunting Information on the Internet
第六章 遠程面試勿輕視。如臨其境顯魅力
Chapter Six Strategies of Taking a Remote Job—interview
第一節(jié) 網(wǎng)上面試,如臨其境
Section One Interviews on the Internet
1.網(wǎng)上面試的特點(Characteristics of the interview on the Internet)
2.“遠程面試系統(tǒng)”使用說明(Directions for using the“Remote Interview
3.網(wǎng)上面試常見問題(Frequent questions in the interview on the Internet)
第二節(jié) 電話面試,方便快捷
Section Two Telephone Interviews
1.電話面試前的準(zhǔn)備工作與面試策略(Preparations and strategies for telephone interview)
2.電話面試范例(Models of telephone interviews)
第七章 求職面試須自信。笑迎挑戰(zhàn)巧應(yīng)對
Chapter Seven Strategies for Meeting Challenges in a Job Interview
第一節(jié) 英語面試全程解析
Section 0ne Analysis of Job Interview Procedure
1.開場白(Beginning of a job interview)
3.家庭情況(Introduction to your family)
4.文化程度(Description of your education background)
5.工作經(jīng)驗和成就(Introduction to your working experiences and accomplishments)
6.語言表達能力(Introduction to your language proficiency)
7.展示個人魅力(Presentation of your personal enchantment)
8.興趣與愛好(Introduction to your hobbies and interests)
第二節(jié) 英語面試棘手問題應(yīng)對策略
Section Two Strategies of Tough Questions in Job Interview
Step Three Post-job-hunting
第八章 真誠致謝耐心查,成敗得失皆坦然
Chapter Eight Tips for Post-job-interview
第一節(jié) 真誠致謝,耐心查詢
Section One Extending Thanks and Inquiring the Result
1.真誠致謝(Extending thanks)
2.耐心查詢(Inquiring the result)
第二節(jié) 成敗得失,坦然面對
Section TWO A Sincere Smile Thanking for Loss and Gain
第三節(jié) 15種熱門職業(yè)面試場景演練
Section Three Model Conversations for Interviews of 15 Hot Jobs
1.同聲傳譯員(Simultaneous Interpreter)
2.信息技術(shù)人員(IT Professional)
3.互聯(lián)網(wǎng)開發(fā)師(Internet Development Engineer)
4.軟件工程師(Software Engineer)
5.報關(guān)員(Customs Declarer)
6.海關(guān)人員(Customs Officer)
7.保險代理人(亦稱“保險經(jīng)紀(jì)人”,Insurance Agent)
8.注冊會計師(Certified Public Aecountant)
9.銷售企劃人員(Sales Planning Professional)
11.客戶管理師(Customer Relationship Management Master,簡稱CRM)
13.英文編輯(English Editor)
14.酒店前臺經(jīng)理(Front Desk Manager of a Hotel)
15.酒店服務(wù)人員(Hotel Servant)


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