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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書人文社科法律國際法現(xiàn)代國際法論綱



定 價:¥18.00

作 者: 李浩
出版社: 四川大學出版社
標 簽: 國際法

ISBN: 9787561437636 出版時間: 2007-08-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 32 頁數(shù): 220 字數(shù):  


  作者著述本書的目的主要有二:其一,以簡潔、清晰但卻不乏說服力的方式為法學院學生提供一本國際法的基礎讀本;其二,以英文這一國際通用語言寫成此書,為國際法雙語教學的有益嘗試提供可供選用的基礎性素材。本書的寫作始終遵循如下指導思想:結構合理、思路清晰、言之有據(jù),論之有理,力避武斷、簡潔明快。 本書的主要適用對象包括:國際法專業(yè)研究生、法學院本科生及外交工作人員。此外,對于一般法律實務者和法學研究者了解國際法的基礎理論和實踐,本書也具有一定的參考價值。


  Li Hao,the author,graduated as a graduate from the Faculty of Politics of Southwestern Normal University in 1982 and as a postgraduate from Southwestern University of Political Sciences&Law in 1985.He was granted LL.M in the area of criminal procedure law.Upon graduation as a postgraduate he lectured on criminal procedure law and evidence at the Faculty of Law of Southwestern University of Political Sciences&Law.In 1989 he was a visiting scholar to the School of Law at Edinburgh University where he was devoted to researches on international law. The author is specialized in the fields of procedure law.law of evidence and international law.He has published a number of academic thesis on evidence,criminal procedure and international law in a variety of law iournals with national reputation such as《政治與法律》、《比較法研究》、《現(xiàn)代法學》、《法商研究》and others.Currently the author is an associate professor of international law at the School of Law of Sichuan University and has been lecturing on intemational law since 1994.


Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1 Definition,Origin,Development and Nature ofInternational Law
1.1 Rules of Law in National and International Community
 1.2 Nomenclature of International Law
 1.3 Definition of International Law
 1.4 Features of International Law
 1.5 Origin and Development of International Law
 1.6 Nature and Binding Force of International Law
 1.7 International Law and Private International Law
 1.8 China and International Law
Section 2 Sources of International Law
 2.1 Meaning of the Term“Source”
 2.2 Sources of International Law
 2.3 Hierarchy of the Effect of the Sources of InternationalLaw
Section 3 Subjects of International Law
 3.1 Definition of the Subjects of International Law
 3.2 Significance of the Determination Of the Subjects of International Law
 3.3 Characters of the Subjects of International Law
 3.4 ScoDe of the Subjects of International Law
Section 4 International Law and Municipal Law
 4.1 Significance of the Determination of the Relationship
 4.2 Doctrines and State Practice Concerning the Relationship
Chapter 2 States under International Law
Chapter 3 Individual under International law
Chapter 4 Territory of States
Chapter 5 Jurisdiction of States under International law
Chapter 6 Diplomatic and Consular Relations
Chapter 8 The Law of the Sea
Chapter 9 The Law of Airapace and Outer Space
Chapter 10 The Law of Treaties
Chapter 11 Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes


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