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當(dāng)前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學(xué)技術(shù)計算機(jī)/網(wǎng)絡(luò)軟件與程序設(shè)計JAVA及其相關(guān)Java程序設(shè)計教程(第五版 英文版)

Java程序設(shè)計教程(第五版 英文版)

Java程序設(shè)計教程(第五版 英文版)

定 價:¥75.00

出版社: 電子工業(yè)出版社
叢編項: 國外計算機(jī)科學(xué)教材系列
標(biāo) 簽: 算法語言

ISBN: 9787121027741 出版時間: 2007-08-01 包裝: 平裝
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 752 字?jǐn)?shù):  




暫缺《Java程序設(shè)計教程(第五版 英文版)》作者簡介


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Computer Processing
Software Categories
Digital Computers
Binary Numbers
1.2 Hardware Components
Computer Architecture
Input/Output Devices
Main Memory and Secondary Memory
The Central Processing Unit
1.3 Networks
Network Connections
Local..Area Networks and Wide-Area Networks
The Internet
The W10rid Wide Wleb
Uniform Resource Locators
1.4 The Java Programming Language
A Java Program
Identifiers and Reserved Words
White Space
1.5 Program Development
Programming Language Levels
Editors,Compilers,and Interpreters
Development Environments
Syntax and Semantics
1.6 Object-Oriented Programming
Problem Solving
Object-Oriented Software Principles
Chapter 2 Data and Expressions
2.1 Character Strings
The print and println Methods
String Concatenation
Escape Sequences 。
2.2 Variables and Assignment
The Assignment Statement
2.3 Primitive Data Types
Integers and Floating Points
2.4 Expressions
Arithmetic Operators
Operator Precedence
Increment and Decrement Operators
Assignment Operators
2.5 Data Conversion
Conversion Techniques
2.6 Interactive Programs
The Scanner Class
2.7 Graphics
Coordinate Systems
Representing Color
2.8 Applets
Executing Applets Using the Web
2.9 Drawing Shapes
The Graphics Class
Chapter 3 Using Classes and Objects
3.1 Creating Objects
3.2 The String Class
3.3 Packages
The import Declaration
3.4 The Random Class
3.5 The Math Class
3.6 Formatting Output
The NumberFormat Class
The DecimaIFormat Class
The printf Method
3.7 Enumerated Types
3.8 Wrapper Classes
3.9 Components and Containers
Frames and Panels
3.10 Nested Panels
3.11 Images
Chapter 4 Writing Classes
4.1 Classes and Objects Revisited
4.2 Anatomy of a Class
Instance Data
UML Class Diagrams
4.3 Encapsulation
Visibility Modifiers
Accessors and Mutators
4.4 Anatomy of a Method
The return Statement
Local Data
Bank Account Example
4.5 Constructors Revisited
4.6 Graphical Objects
4.7 Graphical User Interfaces
4.8 Buttons
4.9 Text Fields
Chapter 5 Conditionals and Loops
5.1 Boolean Expressions
Equality and Relational Operators
Logical Operators
5.2 The i f Statement
The if-else Statement
Using Block Statements
The Conditional Operator
Nested if Statements
5.3 Comparing Data
Comparing Floats
Comparing Characters
Comparing Objects
5.4 The switch Statement
5.5 The while Statement
Infinite Loops
Nested Loops
Other Loop Controls
5.6 Iterators
Reading Text Files
5.7 The do Statement
5.8 The for Statement
herators and for Loops
Comparing Loops
5.9 Drawing with Loops and Conditionals
5.10 Determining Event Sources
5.11 Dialog Boxes
5.12 More Button Components
Check Boxes
Radio Buttons
Chapter 6 Object-Oriented Design
6.1 Software Development Activities
6.2 Identifying Classes and Objects
Assigning Responsibilities
6.3 Static Class Members
Static Variables
Static Methods
6.4 Class Relationships
Dependencies Among Objects of the Same Class
The this Reference
6.5 Interfaces
The Comparable Interface
The Iterator Interface
6.6 Enumerated Types Revisited
6.7 Method Design
Method Decomposition
Method Parameters Revisited
6.8 Method Overloading
6.9 Testing
Defect Testing
6.10 GUI Design
6.11 Layout Managers
Flow Layout
Border Layout
Grid Layout
Box Layout
6.12 Borders
6.13 Containment Hierarchies
Chapter 7 Arrays
7.1 Array Elements
7.2 Declaring and Using Arrays
Bounds Checking
Alternate Array Syntax
Initializer Lists
Arrays as Parameters
7.3 Arrays of Objects
7.4 Command-Line Arguments
7.5 Variable Length Parameter Lists
7.6 Two-DimensionaI Arrays
Muhidimensional Arrays
7.7 The ArrayList Class 、
Specifying an ArrayList Element Type
ArrayList Efficiency
7.8 Polygons and Polylines
The Polygon Class
7.9 Mouse Events
7.10 Key Events
Chapter 8 Inheritance
8.1 Creating Subclasses
The protected Modifier
The super Reference
Multiple Inheritance
8.2 Overriding Methods
Shadowing Variables
8.3 Class Hierarc hies
The Obj ect Class
Abstract Classes
Interface Hierarchies
8.4 Visibility
8.5 Designing for Inheritance
Restricting Inheritance
8.6 The Component Class Hierarchy
8.7 Extending Adapter CIasses
8.8 The Timer Class
Chapter 9 Polymorphism
9.1 Late Binding
9.2 Polymorphism via Inheritance
9.3 Polymorphism via interfaces
9.4 Sorting
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Comparing Sorts
9.5 Searching
Linear Search
Binary Search
Comparing Searches
9.6 Designing for Polymorphism
9.7 Event Processing
9.8 File Choosers
9.9 Color Choosers
9.10 Sliders
Chapter 10 Exceptions
10.1 Exception Handling
10.2 Uncaught Exceptions
10.3 The try-catch Statement
The f inally Clause
10.4 Exception Propagation
10.5 The Exception Class Hierarchy
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
10.6 I/O Exceptions
10.7 Tool Tips and Mnemonics
10.8 Combo Boxes
10.9 ScrolI Panes
10.10 Split Panes
Chapter 11 Recursion
11.1 Recursive Thinking
Infinite Recursion
Recursion in Math
11.2 Recursive Programming
Recursion VS.Iteration
Direct VS.Indirect Recursion
11.3 Using Recursion
Traversing a Maze
The Towers of Hanoi
11.4 Recursion in Graphics
Tiled Pictures
Chapter 12 Collections
12.1 Collections and Data Structures
Separating Interface from Implementation
12.2 Dynamic RepresentatiOns
Dynamic btructures
A Dynamically Linked List
Other Dynamic List Representations
12.3 Linear Data Structures
12.4 Non-Linear Data Structures
12.5 The Java Collections API
Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Number Systems
Appendix C The Unicode Character Set
Appendix D Java Operators
Appendix E Java Modifiers
Appendix F Java Coding Guidelines
Appendix G Java Applets
Appendix H Regular Expressions
Appendix I JavaDoc Documentation Generator
Appendix J The PaintBox Project
Appendix K GUI Events
Appendix L Java Syntax
Appendix M The Java Class Library


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