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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術(shù)計算機/網(wǎng)絡(luò)軟件與程序設(shè)計JAVA及其相關(guān)JAVA程序設(shè)計與問題解決:基礎(chǔ)篇(英文版.第4版)



定 價:¥59.00

作 者: (美)薩維奇 著
出版社: 人民郵電出版社
叢編項: 圖靈原版計算機科學系列
標 簽: Java

ISBN: 9787115152886 出版時間: 2006-12-01 包裝: 膠版紙
開本: 16 頁數(shù): 567 字數(shù):  


  本書是國外高校采用率很高的Java程序設(shè)計經(jīng)典教材。書中以Java基礎(chǔ)知識為主,包括基本類型、字符串、控制流、類和方法的定義、數(shù)組、繼承等,此外,還介紹了一些編程技巧。本書使用了J2SE 5.0的最新特性,并且包含新的可選講的圖形編程內(nèi)容和貫穿全書的GUI材料。本書內(nèi)容高度協(xié)調(diào),包含自測題、編程提示和編程項目以及關(guān)于編程缺陷和容易出錯的程序語言特征的章節(jié)。.本書適合作為高等院校計算機專業(yè)本科生或研究生Java語言程序設(shè)計課程的教材,也適合相關(guān)技術(shù)人員參考。 本書是一部享有盛譽的Java教程,已被全球包括哈佛大學、普度大學、得克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校、密歇根大學、加州大學洛杉磯分校等名校在內(nèi)的200多所高校采用為教材。..書中作者在講授Java程序設(shè)計語言基礎(chǔ)知識的同時,還將問題求解的技能、編程技巧和良好的編程實踐融會其中。流暢易讀的語言,透徹清晰的敘述,精心編排的版式和內(nèi)容,充分體現(xiàn)了作者數(shù)十年計算機語言教學的經(jīng)驗和功力。新版覆蓋了Java 5.0,而且包含了可選講的圖形編程內(nèi)容。書中包含豐富的自測題、編程技巧提示、編程項目和常見編程錯誤,而且內(nèi)容組織方式非常靈活,可以根據(jù)實際教學需要調(diào)整授課內(nèi)容和講授順序,適合各種教學方式,也是極好的自學教程。...


  作者:Walter SavitchWalter Savitch加州大學圣迭戈分校退休教授。1960年于加州大學伯克利分校獲得博士學位,曾擔任加州大學圣迭戈分校計算機科學系教授和認知科學跨學科博士項目主任。他在復(fù)雜性理論和并行計算模型方面做出了重要貢獻,研究領(lǐng)域還包括形式語言理論、計算語言學等。除本書外,他著有一系列編程語言教材,都廣受歡迎,暢銷不衰,被譽為讀者最多的計算機編程語言圖書作者。...


CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers and Java 3
   Objectives 4
   Prerequisites 4
 1.1 Computer Basics 5
   Hardware and Memory 5
   Programs 7
   Programming Languages and Compilers 9
   Java Byte-Code 10
   Class Loader 12
 1.2 Designing Programs 13
   Object-Oriented Programming 13
   Encapsulation 14
   Polymorphism 15
   Inheritance 16
   If You Know Some Other Programming Language 17
   Algorithms 17
   Reusable Components 18
   Testing and Debugging 19
 1.3 A Sip of Java 21
   History of the Java Language 21
   Applets 22
   A First Java Application Program 22
   Compiling a Java Program or Class 27
   Running a Java Program 29
 1.4 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 29
   Objects and Methods 30
   A Sample Graphics Applet 30
   Size and Positions of Figures 33
   Drawing Arcs 36
   Running an Applet 36
   Chapter Summary 39
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 40
   Programming Projects 42
CHAPTER 2 Primitive Types, Strings, and Console I/O 45
   Objectives 46
   Prerequisites 46
 2.1 Primitive Types and Expressions 47
   Variables 47
   Java Identifiers 51
   Primitive Types 52
   Assignment Statements 53
   Specialized Assignment Operators 55
   Simple Screen Output 56
   Simple Input 56
   Number Constants 58
   Assignment Compatibilities 59
   Type Casting 61
   Programming Tip: Initialize Variables 63
   Arithmetic Operators 66
   Parentheses and Precedence Rules 67
   Case Study: Vending Machine Change 69
   Increment and Decrement Operators 74
   More about the Increment and Decrement Operators 75
 2.2 The Class String 76
   String Constants and Variables 76
   Concatenation of Strings 77
   Classes 78
   String Methods 79
   String Processing 83
   Escape Characters 84
   The Unicode Character Set 85
 2.3 Keyboard and Screen I/O 87
   Screen Output 87
   Keyboard Input 90
 2.4 Documentation and Style 98
   Programming Tip: Use Meaningful Names for Variables 99
   Documentation and Comments 99
   Indenting 102
   Named Constants 102
 2.5 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 106
   Programming Example: Style Rules Applied to a Graphics Applet 106
   JOpti onPane 106
   Inputting Other Numeric Types 115
   Programming Example: Change-Making Program with Windowing I/O 117
   Chapter Summary 120
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 120
   Programming Projects 125
CHAPTER 3 F1ow of Contro1 129
   Objectives 130
   Prerequisites 130
 3.1 Branching Statements 130
   The if-eIse Statement 130
   Introduction to Boolean Expressions 134
   Programming Tip: Alphabetical Order 139
   Nested Statements and Compound Statements 142
   Multibranch if-e1se Statements 145
   Programming Example: Assigning Letter Grades 146
   The switch Statement 149
   The Conditional Operator (Optional) 153
 3.2 Java Loop Statements 155
   whi1e Statements 156
   The do-whi1e Statement 160
   Programming Example: Bug Infestation 164
   The for Statement 168
   The Comma in for Statements (Optional) 172
   The break Statement in Loops 175
   The exit Method 177
 3.3 Programming with Loops 179
   The Loop Body 179
   Initializing Statements 181
   Ending a Loop 182
   Programming Example: Nested Loops 183
   Programming Tip: Avoid Declaring Variables in a Loop Body 184
   Loop Bugs 184
   Tracing Variables 188
 3.4 The Type boo] ean 189
   Boolean Expressions and Boolean Variables 190
   Programming Tip: Naming Boolean Variables 191
   Precedence Rules 192
   Input and Output of Boolean Values 195
   Case Study: Using a Boolean Variable to End a Loop 195
 3.5 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 199
   Specifying a Drawing Color 199
   Programming Example: A Multiface Applet 203
   The drawString Method 208
   A JOptionPane Yes/No Window 209
   Chapter Summary 211
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 211
   Programming Projects 217
CHAPTER 4 Defining Classes and Methods 221
   Objectives 222
   Prerequisites 222
 4.1 Class and Method Definitions 222
   Class Files and Separate Compilation 224
   Instance Variables 225
   Using Methods 228
   void Method Definitions 231
   Methods That Return a Value 233
   The this Parameter 238
   Local Variables 240
   Blocks 242
   Parameters of a Primitive Type 243
   Summary of Class and Method Definition Syntax 249
 4.2 Information Hiding and Encapsulation 250
   Information Hiding 250
   Programming Tip: Parameter Names Are Local to the Method 251
   Precondition and Postcondition Comments 251
   The public and private Modifiers 254
   Programming Tip: Instance Variables Should Be prirate 257
   Programming Example: A Purchase Class 261
   Encapsulation 265
   Automatic Documentation with javadoc 268
   UML Class Diagrams 268
 4.3 Objects and Reference 270
   Variables of a Class Type and Objects 270
   Programming Example: A Species Class 279
   Boolean-Valued Methods 282
   Class Parameters 284
   Comparing Class Parameters and Primitive-Type Parameters 287
   4.4 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 291
   The G raphi cs Class 291
   Programming Example: Multiple Faces Redone with a Helping Method 294
   The init Method 298
   Adding Labels to an Applet 298
   Chapter Summary 302
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 303
   Programming Projects 310
CHAPTER 5 More About Objects and Methods 315
   Objectives 316
   Prerequisites 316
 5.1 Programming with Methods 317
   Methods Calling Methods 317
   Programming Tip: Make Helping Methods Private 323
 5.2 Static Methods and Static Variables 326
   Static Methods 326
   Static Variables (Optional) 332
   The Math Class 334
   Integer, Double, and Other Wrapper Classes 337
 5.3 Designing Methods 343
   Case Study: Formatting Output 343
   Top-Down Design 348
   Testing Methods 350
 5.4 Overloading 352
   Overloading Basics 352
   Programming Example: A Pet Class 355
   Programming Example: A Class for Money 363
 5.5 Constructors 369
   Defining Constructors 370
   Programming Tip: You Can Use Other Methods in a Constructor 378
 5.6 Information Hiding Revisited 380
 5.7 Packages 384
   Packages and Importing 384
   Package Names and Directories 385
   Name Clashes 388
 5.8 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 389
   Programming Tip: Code Appearance and Actions Separately 389
   Adding Buttons 390
   Event-Driven Programming 391
   Programming Example: A Complete Button Applet 391
   Programming Buttons 392
   Icons 399
   Changing Visibility 401
   Programming Example: An Example of Changing Visibility 4Ol
   What's Next 405
   Chapter Summary 405
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 406
   Programming projects 412
CHAPTER 6 Arrays 417
   Objectives 418
   Prerequisites 418
 6.1 Array Basics 419
   Creating and Accessing Arrays 419
   Array Details 420
   Programming Tip: Use Singular Array Names 424
   The 1ength Instance Variable 425
   Programming Tip: Use a for Loop to Step Through an Array 427
   Initializing Arrays 429
 6.2 Arrays in Classes and Methods 430
   Case Study: Sales Report 430
   Indexed Variables as Method Arguments 438
   Entire Arrays as Method Arguments 440
   Arguments for the Method mai n 441
   Methods That Return Arrays 446
 6.3 Programming with Arrays and Classes 449
   Programming Example: A Specialized List Class 450
   Partially Filled Arrays 457
   Searching an Array 457
 6.4 Sorting Arrays 460
   Selection Sort 460
   Other Sorting Algorithms 465
 6.5 Multidimensional Arrays 465
   Multidimensional-Array Basics 467
   Multidimensional-Array Parameters and Returned Values 470
   Implementation of Multidimensional Arrays 471
   Ragged Arrays (Optional) 475
   Programming Example: Employee Time Records 476
 6.6 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 482
   Graphics Supplement Part 1: Text Areas and Text Fields 483
   Programming Example: A Question-and-Answer Applet 483
   JTextArea and JTextFi el d Objects 483
   Graphics Supplement Part 2: Drawing Polygons 487
   Drawing Polygons 487
   Chapter Summary 491
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 492
   Programming Projects 497
CHAPTER 7 Inheritance 501
   Objectives 502
   Prerequisites 502
 7.1 Inheritance Basics 502
   Programming Example: A Person Class 503
   Derived Classes 504
   Overriding Method Definitions 507
   Overriding Versus Overloading 508
   The final Modifier 508
   Programming Tip: Assume That Your Coworkers Are Malicious 510
   UML Inheritance Diagrams 510
 7.2 Programming with Inheritance 513
   Constructors in Derived Classes 513
   The this Method (Optional) 514
   Call to an Overridden Method 515
   Programming Example: Multilevel Derived Classes 516
   A Subtle Point About Overloading and Overriding (Optional) 521
   Programming Tip: An Object Can Have More than One Type 522
   Programming Tip: “Is a” and “Has a” Relations 525
   The Class Object 526
   Case Study: Character Graphics 528
   Abstract Classes 538
   Interfaces 542
 7.3 Dynamic Binding and Polymorphism 544
   Dynamic Binding 544
   Type Checking and Dynamic Binding 546
   Dynamic Binding with toString 547
   Polymorphism 548
 7.4 Graphics Supplement (Optional) 551
   The Class JApplet 551
   The Class JFrame 552
   Window Events and Window Listeners 555
   The ActionListener Interface 556
   Programming Example: Happy Face as a JFrame 557
   What To Do Next 558
   Chapter Summary 559
   Answers to Self-Test Questions 559
   Programming Projects 565


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