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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術計算機/網(wǎng)絡認證與等級考試Cisco認證CCNP:C.I.T復習重點及模擬試題(英文原版)



定 價:¥29.00

出版社: 北京美迪亞
標 簽: 考試認證 CISCO認證考試

ISBN: 9787505357921 出版時間: 2000-02-01 包裝:
開本: 787*1092 1/16 頁數(shù): 258 字數(shù):  






Table of Contents
Chapter 1 1ntroduction to Troubleshooting
Describe information gathering and communications to get the best use of Cisco service and support services
Describe an efficient problem--solving method When troubleshooting and documenting internetwork problems
Identify and apply generic and Cisco-specific troubleshooting tools on Cisco routers and switches
Analyze problem symptoms and resolve resolution strategies in TCP/IP (including the Microsoft 95 /NT IP stack), Novell
IPX, AppleTalk, Ethernet VLANs, Frame Relay, and ISDN BRI
Perform labs that troubleshoot problems (hardware software, or configuration bugs), then correct thesebugs to restore full network operations
Chapter 2 Support Resources for Troubleshooting
Describe the tyPes and purPoses of tools commonly used for network troubleshooting processes
Describe and use the Cisco information resources (especially those in the CCO CD or Web site) that can assist withtroubleshooting processes
List the preferred methods for escalation of troubleshooting issues to Cisco’s service and support programs
Chapter 3 Using Troubleshooting Methods
Use a problem--solving model to systematically troubleshQOt a given problem and list the value of using a systematic process
Apply a process for documenting the steps taken to isolate potential causes and determine potential solutions
Chapter 4 Identifying Troubleshooting Targets
Demonstrate knowledge of troubleshooting targets for connection-oriented and connectionless protocols
Demonstrate knowledge of common Data--Link layer characteristics and key troubleshooting targets likely to be found in campus LANs
Demonstrate knoWedge of connection sequences and key troubleshooting targets within TCP/IP, Novell IPX, and APpleTalk
Chapter 5 APplylng Clsco Troubleshootlng Tools
Handle troubleshooting tools and minlmize their lmpact on a Cisco router’s switching tyPe and data flow
Identlfy and use the innate Cisco IOS software commands and debug utilities to filter, capture,and dlsplay protocol traffic flows
Obtain protocol troubleshooting information by capturirig and interPreting data with a third--party protocol analyzer
Chapter 6 Dlagnosing and Correcting Campus TCP/1P Problems
Use proven problem--isolation techniques to list the symptoms of common TCP/IP problems
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tickets and solve classroom network TCP/IP problems that simulate real-life internetworking malfunctions
Apply diagnostic tools to solve network problems that include systems running TCP/IP with Wlndows NT/95 clients and servers
Chapter 7 Dlagnosiug and Correcting Novell Networking Problems
Use proven problem--isolatlon techniques to list the symptoms of common Novell IPX problems on router networks
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tlckets and solve classroom netWork Novell IPX problems that simulate real--life internetWorking malfunctions
Chapter 8 Dlagnoslng and Correctlng APpleTalk Problems
Use proven problem--isolatlon techniques to llst the symptoms of common APpleTalk problems on router networks
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tickets and solve classroom network APPteTalk problems that simulate real-llfe intemetworking malfunctions
Chapter 9 Dlagnoslng and Correcting Catalyst Problems
Use proven problem-isolation techniques to list the symptoms of Catalyst 5OOO and VLAN problems on switched Ethemet networks
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tickets and solve classroom network Catalyst 5OOO problems that simulate real--life networking malfunctions
Chapter 1O Troubleshooting VLANS on Routers and Swltches
Apply diagnostic tools to classroom troub1e tickets on switched and routed VLAN configuration problems
Use Cisco IOS router troubleshooting commands with
Catalyst 5OOO switched troubleshooting commands
Chapter 11 Dlagnoslng and Correcting Frame Relay Problems
Use Clsco IOS commands and problem--isolation techniques to identify the symptoms of common WAN
and Frame Relay problems
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tickets and solve classroom network Frame Relay problems that
slmulate real--life WAN malfurictions
Chapter 12 Dlagnosing and Correcting 1SDN BRI Problems
Use Cisco IOS commands and problem--isolation techniques to identify the symptoms of common ISDN BRI problems
Apply diagnostic tools to trouble tickets and solve classroom network ISDN BRI problems that simulate real-life WAN malfunctions
Chapter 13 Protocol Analyzer APplications
Descrlbe the interface and functions of the FTP Software
LANWatch protocol analyzer product
Chapter 14 Executing a Router Core Dump
Descrlbe the neceS8ary steps to execute a (manual) core dump


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