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當前位置: 首頁出版圖書科學技術(shù)計算機/網(wǎng)絡認證與等級考試Sun認證Sun認證考試指南:Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理(英文版)

Sun認證考試指南:Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理(英文版)

Sun認證考試指南:Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理(英文版)

定 價:¥85.00

作 者: (美)Paul A.Watters
出版社: 人民郵電出版社
標 簽: Windows

ISBN: 9787115113689 出版時間: 2003-08-01 包裝: 精裝
開本: 16開 頁數(shù): 764 字數(shù):  


  本書以Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理認證考試為目標,內(nèi)容涵蓋了Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理核心考試的所有考試要點,盡可能詳細地介紹了參加Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理的應試者以及Solaris 9.0高級用戶所應該掌握的所有技能。 本書在介紹考試要點時針對每個考試目標,使用了大量的插圖、表格、試驗、測試等,使讀者在牢固掌握知識點的同時,輕松地獲得豐富的實踐經(jīng)驗。 本書由具有豐富Solaris 9系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理考試經(jīng)驗的專家編寫,是參加Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理的考試人員的必備考試教材。本書也是一本學習使用和管理Solaris 9.0的很好的參考書,還可以作為一些疑難問題的速查手冊。


暫缺《Sun認證考試指南:Solaris 9.0系統(tǒng)管理和網(wǎng)絡管理(英文版)》作者簡介


Part I Solaris 9 Operating Environment, Exam I 1

Chapter 1 Introduction to Solaris 9 3
* What Is UNIX? 6
* The History of UNIX 8
·Origins of UNIX 8
·Features of BSD 10
·Features of System V Release 4 11
* The Solaris Advantage 12
·Hardware Support(SPARC and x86) 14
·Cross-Platform Interoperability 14
* Recent Solaris Innovations 16
·New Client Tools 16
·Server Tools 18
·Security Innovations 20
* What's New in Solaris 9 21
·Resource Manager 21
·Linux Compatibility Tools 22
·iPlanet Directory Server 22
·Volume Manager 22
·Live Upgrade 22
·Smaller Installation Footprint 22
·Virtual Memory Sizing 23
·New Multithreading Library 23
·Internet Key Exchange(IKE) 23
·Open Secure Shell(OpenSSH) 23
·Web-Based Enterprise Management(WBEM) 23
* Sources for Additional Information 24
·Sun Documentation/Sun Sites 24
·Web Sites 25
·Mailing Lists 26
* Solaris Certification Exams 26
* Solaris Exam Preparation Courses 27
·Fundamentals of Solaris 9 Operating Environment for System Administrators(SA-118) 27
·Solaris 9 System Administration I(SA-238) 28
·Solaris 9 System Administration II(SA-288) 29
·Solaris 9 Operating Environment TCP/IP Network Administration(SA-389) 30
* Exam Tips and Tricks 31
* How to Find Out More 33
* Summary 33

Chapter 2 System Concepts 35
* The Kernel 35
* The Shell 38
·Exercise 2-1 40
* The File System 40
* Multiuser vs. Multitasking 40
* Client/Server Networks 41
* Basic Networking Terminology 41
* System Configuration 42
* Processes 44
* Naming Services 44
* Server-Side Java 45
* SPARC Hardware 46
·Supported Platforms 48
·System Components 49
* Intel Hardware 50
·Devices Supported Under Solaris Intel 52
* Summary 53
·Questions 53
·Answers 55

Chapter 3 The OpenBoot PROM 57
* The OpenBoot PROM Monitor 57
* Analyzing System Configuration 59
* Changing the Default Boot Device 60
* Testing System Hardware 61
* Creating and Removing Device Aliases 62
* Troubleshooting Booting Problems 63
* Using eeprom 64
* Halting a Hung System 65
* STOP Commands 65
* Boot Commands 65
* Summary 66
·Questions 66
·Answers 68

Chapter 4 Solaris 9 Installation 69
* Preinstallation Planning 69
·Disk Space Planning 71
·Device Names 72
·SPARC Preinstallation 73
·Intel Preinstallation 73
·Boot Manager 78
* Web Start Wizard Installation 79
·Configuration 81
·Software Selection 85
·Network Installation 86
* Suninstall Installation 87
* JumpStart 88
* Live Upgrade 89
* Summary 90
·Questions 91
·Answers 93

Chapter 5 System Run Levels 95
* Startup and Shutdown 95
* Initialization 97
·Run Levels 98
·Control Scripts and Directories 98
·Boot Sequence 100
* System Startup 101
·Shutdown 105
* Writing Control Scripts 108
·Writing Kill Scripts 109
·Displaying eeprom Variables 111
·Shutting Down the System 112
·Changing init States 114
·/etc/inittab 115
* Summary 117
·Questions 117
·Answers 119

Chapter 6 Managing Users 121
* Users 121
·User Characteristics 122
·Adding Users 123
·Modifying User Attributes 124
·Exercise 6-1 125
·Deleting Users 125
·Exercise 6-2 126
* Groups 126
·Group Characteristics 126
·Adding Groups 127
·Managing Groups 127
* Passwords 128
·pwck 130
·grpck 130
·pwconv 130
* Managing Users and Groups with admintool 130
* Summary 134
·Questions 134
·Answers 136

Chapter 7 Security 137
* User and Group Security 138
·Protecting the Superuser Account 138
·The /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow Password Files 140
* Remote Access Tools 140
·Remote Access Risks 141
·Using Remote Access Tools 142
* Monitoring User Activity 145
* Service Security 146
* Security Architecture 147
·Physical Security 149
·Disabling IP Ports 150
* Encryption 151
·Symmetric Key Cryptography 152
* Security Auditing 153
·SAINT 153
·aset 162
·TCP Wrappers 162
* Summary 163
·Questions 164
·Answers 165

Chapter 8 Processes 167
* Process Concepts 167
·Sending Signals 170
·Listing Processes 171
·Using the top Program 174
·Using the truss Program 176
·Automating Jobs 178
* Managing Processes 180
·Using proc tools 181
·Using the lsof Command 184
·The ps command 187
·kill 187
·pgrep 188
·pkill 188
·killall 188
* Summary 188
·Questions 189
·Answers 190

Chapter 9 Introduction to File Systems 191
* File System Structure 191
* Monitoring Disk Usage 192
* Fixing Problems with fsck 195
·The Phases of fsck 196
·fsck Examples 198
* Summary 201
·Questions 201
·Answers 203

Chapter 10 Files, Directories and Scripts 205
* The Shell 206
* File Permissions 208
·Symbolic File Permissions 208
·Octal File Permissions 212
·Setting Default Permissions(umask) 214
·setuid and setgid Permissions 215
·Sticky Bit Permissions 216
·Access Control Lists 217
* Setting Environment Variables 218
* Shell Commands 220
·Source (.) 220
·basename 220
·cat 220
·cd 221
·chgrp 221
·date 222
·grep 222
·head 222
·less 223
·ls 223
·mkdir 223
·more 224
·pwd 224
·rmdir 224
·tail 225
* Summary 226
·Questions 226
·Answers 227

Chapter 11 Booting and Initialization 229
* The Shell 229
* The .profile Script 230
·Exercise 11-1 231
* Writing Startup Scripts 231
·Processing Shell Arguments 231
·Testing File Properties 232
·Looping 234
·Using Shell Variables 235
* Package Management 236
·Getting Information About Packages 237
·Viewing Package Information with pkginfo 238
·Viewing Package Information with admintool 238
·Installing a Solaris Package Using the CLI 241
·Uninstalling a Solaris Package Using the CLI 243
·Installing a Solaris Package with admintool 244
·Uninstalling a Solaris Package Using admintool 249
·Solstice Launcher 250
·Package Commands 251
·install 251
* Summary 252
·Questions 252
·Answers 253

Chapter 12 Disk Configuration and Naming 255
* Physical and Logical Device Names 255
* The format Command 256
* The /etc/path_to_inst File 256
* The dmesg Command 258
* The prtconf Command 260
·mkfile 261
·mkfs 261
·newfs 262
·lofiadm 263
·sync 263
·tunefs 263
* Summary 264
·Questions 264
·Answers 266

Chapter 13 Disk Partitions and Format 267
* Hard Disk Layout 267
* Formatting 269
·Mounting Local File Systems 273
·Unmounting Local File Systems 275
·Configuring /etc/vfstab 275
·mount 276
·umount 277
* Summary 278
·Questions 278
·Answers 280

Chapter 14 Backups 281
* Understanding Backups 281
·Why Do You Need Backups? 282
·Determining a Backup Strategy 283
* Selecting Backup Media 285
·Tape 286
·Hard Drives 286
·Zip/Jaz Disks 288
·CD-Rs and CD-RWs 288
* Backup and Restore 289
·Using tar 289
·Using cpio 292
·Using dd 293
·Using ufsdump and ufsrestore 293
* Summary 296
·Questions 296
·Answers 298

Chapter 15 Basic Command Syntax 299
* Text Processing Utilities 299
* sed and awk 304
·sed 307
·awk 307
* Installing Patches 308
·Patch Example 311
·patchadd 312
·patchrm 312
* Summary 313
·Questions 313
·Answers 315

Chapter 16 Editor 317
* Visual Editor(vi) 317
* Summary 321
·Questions 321
·Answers 323

Chapter 17 Remote Access 325
* Internet Access 325
·Telnet 325
·Testing Service Connectivity 329
·Using Remote Access Tools 330
·kadmin 333
·kdb5_util 334
* Modem Access 335
·Port Monitors 335
·The Service Access Facility(SAF) 335
·Point-to-Point Protocol(PPP) 336
·Setting Up Port Listeners 337
·Adding a Serial Port 337
·Adding a Modem 338
·Setting Up PPP 339
·Using ttymon 339
·Connecting to an ISP 340
·pmadm 340
·sacadm 341
·tip 341
* Summary 342
·Questions 342
·Answers 344

Part II Exam Objectives 347

Chapter 18 Device Management 349
* Device Files 349
·/dev and /devices Directories 350
·Storage Devices 351
·CD-ROMs and DVD-ROMs 353
·Adding Devices 354
·Checking for Devices 361
* Summary 365
·Questions 366
·Answers 368

Chapter 19 The Solaris 9 Network Environment 369
* Hostnames and Interfaces 369
·Internet daemon 370
·FTP Administration 371
* Network Configuration Files 374
·Configuring Network Interfaces 375
·Modifying Interface Parameters 376
·Configuring inetd 377
* /etc/inetd.conf 378
·/etc/services 379
·An Example FTP Transaction 380
·Troubleshooting FTP 383
·Checking If a Host Is Up 383
·Enabling FTP Access 384
* Using ndd 385
·in.ftpd 386
* Summary 390
·Questions 390
·Answers 392

Chapter 20 System Logging, Accounting, and Tuning 395
* System Logging 395
·Examining Log Files 396
·Logging Disk Usage 397
·The syslog.conf File 400
* Quotas 400
·Implementing Quotas 401
* System Accounting 403
·Collecting Accounting Data 403
·Generating Accounting Reports 404
·Charging Fees Using Accounting 408
* Performance 409
·Collecting Performance Data 409
·Performance Tuning 412
* Summary 414
·Questions 414
·Answers 416

Chapter 21 Disk Management 417
* RAID 417
·Setting Up RAID 420
* Summary 422
·Questions 422
·Answers 424

Chapter 22 Pseudo File Systems and Swap Space 425
* Pseudo File Systems 425
* Virtual Memory 430
* Summary 432
·Questions 432
·Answers 435

Chapter 23 Network File System(NFS) 437
* NFS Architectures 438
·Remote Procedure Calls(RPC) 438
* Configuring an NFS Server 439
·Sharing File Systems 440
·Installing an NFS Client 442
·Checking portmapper Status 442
·Mounting Remote File Systems 443
·Enhancing Security 444
·Performance 445
* Summary 446
·Questions 446
·Answers 448

Chapter 24 Automount 449
* Enabling the Automounter 449
* Automounter Maps 450
·Indirect Maps 450
·Direct Maps 451
·Master Maps 452
* Automount and NIS+ 453
* Starting and Stopping the Automounter 453
* Summary 455
·Questions 455
·Answers 456

Chapter 25 The CacheFS File System 457
* Configuring a CacheFS File System 457
* Summary 459
·Questions 459
·Answers 460

Chapter 26 DNS 461
* Overview of DNS 461
* DNS Client Tools 464
* Configuring a DNS Server 468
·acl 469
·include 469
·options 469
·server 470
·zone 470
* Summary 471
·Questions 471
·Answers 473

Chapter 27 Network Information Service(NIS/NIS+) 475
* Basic NIS Concepts 475
·NIS Maps 479
·NIS+ Tables 480
* NIS+ Configuration 483
·Setting Up a Root Domain 483
·Populating Tables 483
·Setting Up Clients 484
·Setting Up Servers 484
* Using NIS+ 485
* NIS+ Commands 488
·nisdefaults 489
·nischmod 489
·nisls 491
·niscat 492
* Summary 493
·Questions 493
·Answers 495

Chapter 28 Role-Based Access Control 497
* sudo 498
* RBAC 500
·Roles 500
* RBAC Operations 504
·user_attr 505
·auth_attr 505
·prof_attr 506
·exec_attr 506
* RBAC Commands 506
·smexec 506
·smmultiuser 508
·smuser 509
·smprofile 510
·smrole 511
* Summary 512
·Questions 512
·Answers 514

Chapter 29 Solaris Management Console 515
* Introduction to SMC 515
* Starting the SMC 516
* Working with the SMC 518
* Summary 527
·Questions 528
·Answers 530

Chapter 30 Advanced Installation and Management 533
* JumpStart 533
·Boot Servers 533
·Installing Servers 534
·Boot Clients 535
·sysidcfg 535
* Resource Manager 536
* Trusted Solaris 539
·Asymmetric Key Cryptography 540
·Public-Key Cryptography 541
* Summary 544
·Questions 544
·Answers 545

Part III Solaris 9 Operating Environment Objectives 547

Chapter 31 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol(LDAP) 549
* LDAP Overview 551
* Installing and Configuring iDS 552
·Supporting LDAP Clients 554
·Creating LDAP Entries 556
·Starting a Client 556
·Using the LDAP-NIS+ Interface 558
* Using iDS 559
* ldapsearch 571
* ldapmodify 572
* Summary 575
·Questions 575
·Answers 576

Chapter 32 OSI/IP Network Models 579
* Network Concepts 579
·Network Topologies 580
·Open System Interconnect(OSI) Networking 583
·TCP/IP Networking 584
* Network Interfaces 591
·Interface Configuration 591
·Network Troubleshooting 593
* Summary 596
·Questions 596
·Answers 599

Chapter 33 Ethernet 601
* Ethernet Fundamentals 601
* Ethernet on Solaris 602
* Ethernet Characteristics 603
* Ethernet Frame 605
* Ethernet Addresses 605
* Summary 607
·Questions 607
·Answers 609

Chapter 34 Internet Layer 611
* Internet Protocol 611
* Summary 614
·Questions 614
·Answers 617

Chapter 35 Routing 619
* Routing Concepts 619
·IP Routing 623
·Overview of Packet Delivery 623
·IP Filtering and Firewalls 625
·The Kernel Routing Table 627
* Router Configuration 627
·Static Routes 629
·Routing Protocols 629
·Viewing the Routing Table(netstat -r) 630
·Manipulating the Routing Table(route) 630
·Dynamic Routing 631
·Configuring the IPFilter Firewall 632
·Configuring the SunScreen Firewall 634
·Viewing Router Status 639
·traceroute 642
* Summary 643
·Questions 643
·Answers 644

Chapter 36 Internet Layer(IPv6) 647
* IPv6 Motivation 647
* Addressing 648
* Routing 650
* Headers 651
* Quality of Service 652
* Security 653
* Summary 653
·Questions 654
·Answers 656

Chapter 37 Transport Layer 657
* TCP and UDP 657
* sendmail 659
·Understanding E-Mail Protocols 660
·Mail Headers 664
·Mail Transport 665
·Running sendmail 668
·Troubleshooting 669
·m4 Configuration 671
·Example SMTP Transaction 674
·Mail Headers 675
·Using the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions(MIME) 676
* Apache Web Server 677
·Global Environment Configuration 678
·Main Server Configuration 679
·Virtual Hosts Configuration 682
·Starting Apache 682
* Summary 684
·Questions 684
·Answers 686

Chapter 38 DHCP 687
* Overview of DHCP 687
* Running DHCP 689
* Configuring a Solaris DHCP Server 690
* Manual DHCP Server Configuration 695
* Configuring a Solaris DHCP Client 696
* Configuring a Windows DHCP Client 696
* Summary 697
·Questions 697
·Answers 700

Chapter 39 Network Time Protocol 701
* Network Time Protocol(NTP) 701
* NTP Server 703
* NTP Client 706
* NTP Security 707
* Summary 707
·Questions 708
·Answers 710

Index 713
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